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Challenge: "Words" In A String

by Limbic~Region (Chancellor)
on Sep 18, 2008 at 22:55 UTC ( [id://712392]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Limbic~Region has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I am pretty sure this question has been asked before but my Super Search fu is weak.

The Dictionary:

Use the official '2of12inf.txt' file from here stripped of all non-alpha characters and forced to lowercase.

while (<$dict_fh>) { $_ = lc($_); tr/a-z//cd; # ... }

The Input:

The code should accept a file name as a command line argument. The file will contain a list of strings, one on each line. The string needs to be forced to lowercase with all non-alpha characters removed like the dictionary above.

penisland howareyou

The Output:

For each line of input, the code should output all possible substrings (separated by whitespace) with the following constraints:

  • Substrings should appear in the order they appear in the string
  • In other words, the substrings stripped of whitespace should be the input string
  • Every substring should be either exactly a word from the dictionary or a substring containing no word from the dictionary as a further substring
  • "ehim" is an invalid substring because it contains "eh", "hi" and "him" as substrings.
  • All substrings that do not contain a word from the dictionary should be as long as possible
  • "wz" followed by "gt" is not valid because "wzgt" does not contain any word from the dictionary.
  • The list should be ordered with the fewest number of non-word characters then by fewest number of total substrings



pen island penis land pen is land penis l land pen is l and

For a somewhat similar challenge, see One for the weekend: challenge. Note: The example above was done by hand and could possibly not include all possibilities.

Cheers - L~R

Update: Clarified constraint two thanks to /msg from ikegami
Update: Clarified example thanks to /msg from blokhead and ikegami

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Challenge: "Words" In A String
by ikegami (Patriarch) on Sep 19, 2008 at 05:48 UTC


    A trie is not only smaller, it's faster than a hash in this situation.

    Then I build a tree that differentiates word branches from non-word branches. There are comments, but they're rather cryptic. I included debug output to help understand.

    use strict; use warnings; use constant DEBUG => 1; use constant DICT => "2of4brif.txt"; my $trie; sub load_dict { # # Constructs a trie from the dictionary. # open(my $fh, '<', DICT) or die("Unable to open dictionary \"" . DICT . "\": $!\n"); while (<$fh>) { chomp; my $p = \$trie; for ( split(//, $_), "\0\0" ) { $p = \( $$p->{$_} ); } } } sub words_from { my ($str) = @_; my @letters = split(//, $str); my @lengths; my $p = $trie; my $i = 0; for my $i ( 0 .. $#letters ) { last if !exists( $p->{ $letters[$i] } ); $p = $p->{ $letters[$i] }; push @lengths, $i+1 if exists( $p->{ "\0\0" } ); } return @lengths; } sub find_substrs { my ($str) = @_; my @w_substrs; { # # First, construct the following structure from the input: # # p e n i s l a n d # ------------------- # [p e n] # [p e n i s] # [i s] # [i s l a n d] # [l a n d] # [a n] # [a n d] # ------------------- # 3 2 4 2 # 5 6 3 # for my $i ( 0 .. length( $str )-1 ) { $w_substrs[$i] = [ words_from( substr( $str, $i ) ) ]; } } if (DEBUG) { require Data::Dumper; Data::Dumper->import(qw( Dumper )); no warnings 'once'; local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0; print( 'w_substrs: ', Dumper(\@w_substrs), "\n" ); } my @n_substrs; { # # Then, construct the following structure from the input: # # ------------------- # p e n i s l a n d # ------------------- # [p] <-- Delete (Leads to nothing) # [p e] <-- Delete (Leads to nothing) # [p e n] <-- Delete and proceed (Word) # [e] <-- Delete (Leads to nothing) # [e n] <-- Keep (Leads to "is") # [e n i] <-- Delete (Leads to nothing) # [e n i s] <-- Delete and proceed (Word) # [n] <-- Keep (Leads to "is") # [n i] <-- Delete (Leads to nothing) # [n i s] <-- Delete and proceed (Word) # [s] <-- Keep (Leads to "land") # [s l] <-- Keep (Leads to "an") # [s l a] <-- Delete (Leads to nothing) # [s l a n] <-- Delete and proceed (Word) # [l] <-- Delete (Leads to nothing) # [l a] <-- Delete (Leads to nothing) # [l a n] <-- Delete and proceed (Word) # [a] <-- Delete (Leads to nothing) # [a n] <-- Delete and proceed (Word) # [n] <-- Delete (Leads to nothing) # [n d] <-- Keep (Leads to end) # [d] <-- Keep (Leads to end) # ------------------- # 2 1 1 1 2 1 # 2 # # The actual implementation differs from above. # While the worse case is O(N^2), the usual # case is far more likely to resemble O(N). # my $j = @w_substrs; for my $i ( reverse 0 .. $#w_substrs ) { if ( @{$w_substrs[$i]} && $j-$i >= $w_substrs[$i][0] ) { $n_substrs[$i] = [ ]; } elsif ( $j == @w_substrs ) { $n_substrs[$i] = [ $j-$i ]; } else { $n_substrs[$i] = [ map { $_+($j-$i) } 0, @{ $n_substrs[$j] + } ]; } if ( @{$w_substrs[$i]} ) { $j = $i; } } } if (DEBUG) { require Data::Dumper; Data::Dumper->import(qw( Dumper )); no warnings 'once'; local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0; print( 'n_substrs: ', Dumper(\@n_substrs), "\n" ); } return [ \@w_substrs, \@n_substrs ]; } sub list_substrs { my ($str, $substrs) = @_; my ($w_substrs, $n_substrs) = @$substrs; local *w_helper = sub { my ($i) = @_; my @results; for my $l ( @{ $w_substrs->[$i] } ) { my $substr = substr( $str, $i, $l ); if ($i + $l == @$w_substrs) { push @results, [ $substr ]; } else { push @results, map [ $substr, @$_ ], n_helper( $i + $l ); } } return @results; }; local *n_helper = sub { my ($i) = @_; my @results = w_helper( $i ); for my $l ( @{ $n_substrs->[$i] } ) { my $substr = "[" . substr( $str, $i, $l ) . "]"; if ($i + $l == @$n_substrs) { push @results, [ $substr ]; } else { push @results, map [ $substr, @$_ ], w_helper( $i + $l ); } } return @results; }; return map join( ' ', @{$_->[0]} ), sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] || $a->[2] <=> $b->[2] } map [ $_, scalar(grep /^\[/, @$_), scalar(@$_) ], n_helper(0); } { load_dict(); for my $input (qw( penisland zatxtaz xapenx )) { print( "$input\n" ); print( ( "-" x length($input) ), "\n" ); my $substrs = find_substrs( $input ); for ( list_substrs( $input, $substrs ) ) { print( "$_\n" ); } print( "\n" ); } }
    penisland --------- w_substrs: [[3,5],[],[],[2,6],[],[4],[2,3],[],[]] n_substrs: [[],[2],[1],[],[1,2],[1],[],[2],[1]] pen island penis land pen is land penis [l] and pen is [l] and penis [l] an [d] pen is [l] an [d] zatxtaz ------- w_substrs: [[],[2],[],[],[2],[],[]] n_substrs: [[1],[],[2],[1],[],[2],[1]] [z] at [x] ta [z] xapenx ------ w_substrs: [[],[3],[3],[],[],[]] n_substrs: [[1,2],[1],[],[3],[2],[1]] [x] ape [nx] [xa] pen [x]

      A trie ! Beautiful :-)

      For repeated use it's obvious to consider preprocessing the dictionary into the trie, and reading that each time.

      Of interest is how beautifully this trie will compress, by folding the matching sub-tries. Code to illustrate this given below. On my machine the result is:

      Loading dictionary '2of4brif.txt'... done -- 1.30 Secs Writing trie '2of4brif.trie'... 22599/138676 done -- 1.35 Secs Reading trie '2of4brif.trie'... done -- 0.25 Secs Walking the tries... done -- 1.94 Secs Original trie is: 27.1M, new trie is: 5.4M
      showing the degree of compression (22599/138676), and that reading the trie takes 0.25 Secs where loading the dictionary takes 1.30 Secs. Result :-)

      (The memory footprint is also reduced, but that's not hugely significant.)

      use strict; use warnings; use constant DICT => "2of4brif.txt"; use constant TRIE => "2of4brif.trie" ; sub get_cpu { my $t = (times)[0] ; if (@_) { $t = sprintf('%4.2f Secs', $t - $_[0]) ; } ; return $t ; } ; my $took ; print STDERR "Loading dictionary '", DICT, "'" ; $took = get_cpu() ; my $trie = load_dict(DICT) ; print STDERR "... done -- ", get_cpu($took), "\n" ; print STDERR "Writing trie '", TRIE, "'" ; $took = get_cpu() ; my ($now, $was) = write_trie(TRIE, $trie) ; print STDERR "... done -- ", get_cpu($took), "\n" ; print STDERR "Reading trie '", TRIE, "'" ; $took = get_cpu() ; my $check = read_trie(TRIE) ; print STDERR "... done -- ", get_cpu($took), "\n" ; print STDERR "Walking the tries" ; $took = get_cpu() ; walk('', $trie, $check) ; print STDERR "... done -- ", get_cpu($took), "\n" ; use Devel::Size qw(total_size) ; printf STDERR "Original trie is: %3.1fM, new trie is: %3.1fM\n", total_size( $trie)/(1024 * 1024), total_size($check)/(1024 * 1024) ; #=================================================================== +====================== # Loading the Dictionary into the Trie. sub load_dict { my ($d_name) = @_ ; # Constructs a trie from the dictionary. open(my $fh, '<', $d_name) or die("Unable to open dictionary '$d_name': $!\n"); my $trie = undef ; while (<$fh>) { s/\s+$// ; # chomp; my $p = \$trie; for ( split(//, $_), '!' ) { $p = \( $$p->{$_} ) ; } } return $trie ; } #=================================================================== +====================== # Writing the Trie. my %node_map ; my $idx ; my $node_count ; sub write_trie { my ($t_name, $trie) = @_ ; open(my $fh, '>', $t_name) or die("Unable to create trie '$t_name': $!\n"); $node_count = 0 ; $idx = 1 ; # Index 0 reserved for what '!' points at ! %node_map = ('!' => "$idx") ; # Preset end of word node write_node($fh, $trie) ; close $fh ; return ($idx, $node_count) ; } ; sub write_node { my ($fh, $node) = @_ ; $node_count++ ; my @chs = sort keys %$node ; # NB '!' sorts to the front ! my @n = $chs[0] eq '!' ? (shift @chs) : () ; foreach my $ch (@chs) { my $p = write_node($fh, $node->{$ch}) ; push @n, $ch.$p ; } ; my $n = join(' ', @n) ; my $p ; unless (defined($p = $node_map{$n})) { $p = $node_map{$n} = sprintf('%X', ++$idx) ; # Assign new index and record print $fh $n, "\n" ; # Output new node } ; return $p ; } ; #=================================================================== +====================== # Reading the Trie. my @nodes ; sub read_trie { my ($t_name) = @_ ; open(my $fh, '<', $t_name) or die("Unable to open trie '$t_name': $!\n"); @nodes = (undef, {'!' => undef}) ; while (<$fh>) { push @nodes, { map { my ($c, $p) = unpack('AA*', $_) ; ($c, $nodes[hex($p)]) } split } ; # Note hex('') += 0 } ; close $fh ; my $trie = pop @nodes ; @nodes = () ; return $trie ; } ; #=================================================================== +====================== # Walk two tries to check they are identical sub walk { my ($w, $ra, $rb) = @_ ; my @ac = sort keys %$ra ; my @bc = sort keys %$rb ; if (@ac != @bc) { die "node length mismatch \@ '$w': (@ac) vs (@bc +)" ; } ; for my $i (0..$#ac) { if ($ac[$i] ne $bc[$i]) { die "node mismatch \@ '$w': (@ac) vs ( +@bc)" ; } ; } ; foreach my $ch (@ac) { my $ad = $ra->{$ch} ; my $bd = $rb->{$ch} ; if ($ch eq '!') { if (defined($ad)) { die "'!' with defined down ($ad) in 'a' \@ + '$w'" ; } ; if (defined($bd)) { die "'!' with defined down ($bd) in 'b' \@ + '$w'" ; } ; } else { walk($w.$ch, $ad, $bd) ; } ; } ; } ;
      I am not sure when I will get a chance to decipher this but thank you. My unfinished solution is derived from the code I wrote here.

      Another idea I had but passed on was a two pass approach. The first pass would mark where each word in the dictionary overlapped the target word. The second pass would use a heuristic approach to a variation of the bin packing problem. I abandoned it because it seemed unnecessary given the expected length of input strings would usually be less than 30 characters and contain 2 to 3 words from the dictionary.

      Cheers - L~R

Re: Challenge: "Words" In A String
by ikegami (Patriarch) on Sep 19, 2008 at 03:01 UTC
    I have a mostly working solution. I found three great test cases:
    penisland --------- pen island penis land pen is land penis l and pen is l and penis l an d pen is l an d zatxtaz ------- z at x ta z xapenx ------ xa pen x x ape nx

    I get all but "xa pen x" at the moment — it prints "x a pen x" — and I haven't attempted sorting yet.

Re: Challenge: "Words" In A String
by pjotrik (Friar) on Sep 19, 2008 at 00:19 UTC
    Very rough draft (pseudocode)
    sub wordify($string) { my $results = []; $min_end = length($string) for $pos (0 .. $min_end) { for $len (1 .. length($string)) { $word = substr($string, $pos, $len) if exists($dictionary{$word}) { $min_end = $pos+$len if $pos+$len < $min_end $prefix = substr($string, 0, $pos) . " " . $word # nee +ds special treatment for $pos = 0 $endings = wordify(substr($string, $pos+1)) push(@$results, map("$prefix $_", @$endings)) } } } return [$string] unless @$results return $results }
    Hope I don't get it all wrong, it's quite late here in Europe. I'd definitely use dynamic programming to save the partial results.
      All right, here goes the code. I've kept it simple, using trie instead of hash as ikegami does would surely improve performance.
      #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; my %dictionary; open(my $dict_file, '<', '2of12inf.txt') or die ("Can't open dictionar +y: $!"); while (<$dict_file>) { $_ = lc($_); tr/a-z//dc; $dictionary{$_} = 1; } my @partials; while (<DATA>) { $_ = lc($_); tr/a-z//dc; @partials = (); $partials[0] = ['']; my $results = wordify($_); print "$_:\n"; print "$_\n" for @$results; } sub wordify { my ($string) = @_; my $results = []; my $min_end = length($string); for (my $pos = 0; $pos < $min_end; $pos++) { for my $len (1 .. length($string) - $pos) { my $word = substr($string, $pos, $len); if (exists $dictionary{$word}) { $min_end = $pos+$len if $pos+$len < $m +in_end; my $prefix = ''; $prefix = '[' . substr($string, 0, $po +s) . '] ' unless $pos == 0; $prefix .= $word; my $rest = substr($string, $pos + $len +); wordify($rest) unless (defined $partia +ls[length($rest)]); my $endings = $partials[length($rest)] +; push(@$results, map("$prefix $_", @$en +dings)); } } } $results = ["[$string]"] unless @$results; $partials[length($string)] = $results; return $results; } __DATA__ penisland zatxtaz xapenx
      Giving the result (brackets denote the non-word fragments)
      penisland: pen is la [nd] pen is land pen is [l] an [d] pen is [l] and pen island penis la [nd] penis land penis [l] an [d] penis [l] and [p] en is la [nd] [p] en is land [p] en is [l] an [d] [p] en is [l] and [p] en island zatxtaz: [z] at [xtaz] xapenx: [x] ape [nx] [xa] pen [x] [xap] en [x]
      and for the 2of4brif dictionary
      penisland: pen is land pen is [l] an [d] pen is [l] and pen island penis land penis [l] an [d] penis [l] and zatxtaz: [z] at [x] ta [z] xapenx: [x] ape [nx] [xa] pen [x]
        I like the way you distinguish between word substrings and non-word substrings. Unfortunately, the order isn't correct. Given the way you return the results and print them, adding an order wouldn't be difficult. I haven't tested this against any large sample data with potential cases but it looks good from eyeballing it :-)

        Cheers - L~R

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