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SmiffyCalc (SC)

by smiffy (Pilgrim)
on Sep 16, 2008 at 23:11 UTC ( [id://711826]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Fun Stuff
Author/Contact Info
Description: SmiffyCalc was the result of my not being able to get on with any of the regular command-line calculators that are available. Essentially, it just feeds the user input to eval() and returns the result. To this, I have added variables, the ability to preserve state between sessions (via a tied hash) and some little features that tickle my rather challenged sense of humour.


My regular scientific calculators lack functions that I need, command line calculators like bc I just find confusing. For some time, I was using 'perl -e' as a calculator, but got tired of the fact that I had to keep re-editing the line to do different stuff. SmiffyCalc was the answer to all this; I wrote it to do all the stuff I need and am sharing it in the hope that it might help someone else in a similar situation.

Please note that this was written for Unix-ish systems (I run Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD); modification may be required for non-Unix operation.

How it Works

The Engine

SmiffyCalc uses regular expressions to work out what to do and eval() to actually do it. That's it, in essence.

This code, being quite simple, is easily extensible. If you want a function not covered, just add an extra elsif in the main loop and provide a subroutine to handle it. When I finally migrate all my machines to Perl 10, I'll change that main loop over to a switch. (Hoorah for switch!)


I have this code saved as /usr/local/bin/sc, so typing sc at the command prompt fires it up for me. Note that /usr/local/bin is not in the $PATH for root on my systems, which is good as it prevents accidental invocation. (See below).

Danger, Will Robinson!

The heart of SmiffyCalc is eval(). Care should be taken with input (entering `rm -fR *` would be very silly) and this programme should never, ever, be run as root. Adding something to the code to check that you really are not root might be a good idea if you are at all uncertain.

Bugs & Inconsistencies

As usual, probably, although I have used this programme a fair bit and haven't had anything odd happen yet. Please feel free to /msg me or leave a comment against this node if you find anything weird.

Any inconsistencies may be attributed to the fact that I have added bits here and there over time, often without looking properly at what had gone before. I'll tidy it up when I re-write for Perl 10.

Here be Code!


# This is SmiffyCalc 1.1b - 2008-09-17
# Originally released as:
# Re-released with minor modifications for PerlMonks.
# This calculator is capable of doing anything to your
# system that Perl is so should be used with care and
# NEVER run as root.

use strict;
use Math::Trig;
use DB_File;

# Rude Words(tm) regex - used to determine if the boss
# is swearing at me.  This means that we can vent our
# frustration by closing the app with the command
# '$rude_word off'.
# Words should be separated by a pipe | symbol:
# word1|word2|word3|etc
# A somewhat sanitised version of Smiffy's list is
# presented for public consumption:
my $rudewords='bugger|zark';

# State preservation file location:
my $db=$ENV{HOME} . '/.smiffycalc.db';

# The %v hash needs to be tied to a db file so that 
# we can persist values of variables and parameters.

my (%v,$in,$baddb);

tie(%v,'DB_File',$db) or dberror();

# $v{init} is a flag that we write to the database
# file to confirm that we have preserved previous
# state.
unless ($v{init})
    $v{dp}='8'; # default decimal places

# Welcome message.
print "SmiffyCalc: Perl eval calculator - enter expression\nor help fo
+r more information.\n\n";

# And how was the boss last time?
if ($v{leftas} eq 'pissy')
  print "Hope you're in a better mood than last time, boss.\n\n";
  undef $v{leftas};
elsif ($v{leftas} eq 'cool')
  print "How ya been, boss?\n\n";
  undef $v{leftas};

# Main loop
while (1)
    print "sc ($v{dp}dp): ";
  # Setting variables.
    if ($in=~m/^set\s/i)
  # Polite termination.
  elsif ($in=~m/^quit$|^exit$|^bye$|^goodbye$|^adios$|^auf wiedersehen
+$|^au revoir$/i)
  # Unpolite termination.
  elsif ($in=~m/[$rudewords]\s*off/i)
    print "\nYeah, I love you too.  Quitting \"as requested\".  BASTAR
  # We don't do loops.
    elsif ($in=~m/^last|^next|^for|^while/i)
        print "Loop functions are not supported.\n";
  # Help, I'm lost!
    elsif ($in=~m/^help!*$|^hilfe!*$|^au secours!*$|^halp!*$|^\?+$/i)
  # Show a variable.
    elsif ($in=~m/^show\s/i)
  # Clear a variable.
    elsif ($in=~m/^clear\s/i)

  # Do as previous, assuming there was a previous.
    if ($in=~m/ditto/i)
        if ($v{lasta})
            print "There was no previous argument.\n";

    # Substitute in the last result, if required.
    if ($in=~m/result/i)
        if ($v{lastr})
            print "There was no previous argument.\n";

    # Substitute and defined variables.
    for my $thisvar (keys %v)

    # Print out what we think we are going to evaluate.
    print "Eval: $in\n";

    # Do the eval and print the result.
    my $fmtstr='%0.' . $v{dp} . 'f';
    my $res=sprintf($fmtstr,$v{lastr});
    print "$res\n";
# End of loop.

# Dyslexics of the world untie!
untie %v unless $baddb;



# Hey, where's my preferences file?
sub dberror
    print "WARNING: Unable to open preferences file $db - cannot prese
    print "state after this programme has been closed.\n\n";

# Help text - probably needs some work.
sub dohelp
SmiffyCalc Help

Functions allowed are standard Perl math functions
and those defined in Math::Trig.

Commands in alphabetical order
* clear - undefine a variable.
* ditto - used in an expression will cause
  'ditto' to be substituted with the last used expression.
* help - displays this text.
* quit - ends the programme.
* result - used in an expression will cause
  'result' to be substituted with the result of the
  last expression.
* set - set a parameter.  Usage is: set {parameter}={value}
  Supported parameters are:
  dp - decimal places to which result is rounded (uses sprintf).
  User-definable variables (see below).
* show - show the value of a variable.

Variables can contain values or functions.  Their names may be
alphanumeric and contain the underscore (_) character.  Variable
names are case-sensitive.

When calling a variable in an expression, it should be preceded
by the dollar (\$) sign.  EG: 2*\$x

Variable names may not use the following reserved words: init,
lasta, lastr.  It is recommended that function names such
as sin, cos, tan, etc., are not used as variable names to 
avoid confusion or unpredictable behaviour.


# Set variables and parameters
sub doset

    my $setst=$in;

    unless ($setst=~/=/)
        print "Usage: set {parameter}={value}\n";

    my ($n,$val)=split(/=/,$setst);

    $val=$v{lasta} if $val=~m/ditto/i;

    if ($n=~m/^dp$/i)
        if ($val=~m/^\d+$/)
            print "$val decimal places set.\n";
            print "Number of decimal places must be a positive integer
    elsif ($n=~m/^init$|^lasta$|^lastr$/i)
        print "$n is a reserved word and may not be used.\n";
    elsif ($n=~m/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/)
        print "Variable \$$n set to $val\n";
        print "$n is not a valid parameter and may not be used as a va
+riable name.\n";

# Unset a variable
sub doclear
    my $setst=$in;
    unless ($setst=~/^\$/)
        print "Usage: clear \$variable\n";


    if (defined $v{$setst})
        delete $v{$setst};
        print "Variable \$$setst cleared.\n";
        print "Variable \$$setst is not defined.\n";

# Show the value of a variable
sub doshow
    my $setst=$in;

    if ($setst=~/all/i)
        print "Showing all variables/parameters:\n";
        for my $thisvar (keys %v)
            print "$thisvar = $v{$thisvar}\n"; 

    unless ($setst=~/^\$/)
        print "Usage: show \$variable\n";


    if (defined $v{$setst})
        print "Variable \$$setst = $v{$setst}\n";
        print "Variable \$$setst is not defined.\n\n";
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Re: SmiffyCalc (SC)
by Lawliet (Curate) on Sep 17, 2008 at 18:38 UTC
    "When I finally migrate all my machines to Perl 10"

    Talk about planning far ahead o.o

    I'm so adjective, I verb nouns!

    chomp; # nom nom nom

      You know what I mean ;-)

      The generations move that slowly that I tend only to think of the bit after the decimal point - probably leaving myself open to the Perl version of the 'Milleniumiumium Bug' though.

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