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by smiffy (Pilgrim)
on Sep 16, 2008 at 02:31 UTC ( [id://711592]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Database Programming
Author/Contact Info

This is about the fourth generation of this programme that I have been using over the last few years to generate SQL and Perl code based on a MySQL database schema. The idea behind this is much repetitive coding can be eliminated - the ouput of this programme can be tweaked/corrected and then cut and pasted into an application.


This code is a re-write of what was originally a web application. I decided that I was happier running it from the command line as I've never really taken to this new-fangled GUI stuff.

Use of the previous incarnations of this code have saved me vast amounts of coding time by producing SQL and Perl building-blocks. Whilst these blocks generally require some modification before use, I still find this a huge time-saver. I still have another day to go on this, but am sharing the code now whilst there is still a possibility that other people can use it and that it hasn't got too big and confusing.

Share and Enjoy!


  • Invoke with a -h option to see available command line parameters.
  • If no command line parameters are given, the programme may be operated through a question and answer session.
  • I am not sharing this as a finished application - it should be considered as a starting point to be customised and expanded to meet your needs.
  • This was written for my own very specific coding environment and practices. Things you should be aware of are:
    • Variables of the form $v->{foo} are CGI variables similar to $cgi->param('foo') of the standard CGI module. (I use my own version for reasons I won't go into here.)
    • The first column in any table is considered to be the primary key.
    • I use columns created and createdby in a consistent way - this code omits them from any update queries.
  • This programme generates stored procedures for MySQL 5.x and subroutines to call them.
  • The dotable() subroutine is probably where you would want to do any customisation - this is where all the actual code gets written based on the table schema pulled from the database using a describe statement.
  • It is not very well documented. There is a certain amount of inline commenting but please bear in mind that I wrote this purely for myself so comments are more aides-memoires rather than full-blown explanations. You have been warned.


Most likely. Finding and fixing these is left as an exercise for the reader ;-) Seriously, I will make corrections here if/as I find them.

Bugs Fixed Since Publication

  • Bugs fixed per report from jwkrahn (see acknowledgments) 2008-09-16
  • In dotable() 'Skip field if it is an auto_increment one' section, the lines $s_insert_i.="$$r[0],"; and $s_update_v.=" IN i_$$r[0] $$r1,\n"; have been added. The insert and update standard procedures were borked without these in tables with an auto_increment column. Fixed 2008-09-20
  • dotable() - section where stored procedure is assembled had a space missing between delimiter and ;. Fixed 2008-09-20.


Kudos to jwkrahn for pointing out some mistakes - now fixed.

The Code!


# - a little programme to create
# select, insert, update queries and stored procedures
# for tables in a MySQL database.
# Non-Unix users should track down the line:
# system('clear') in the subroutine cls() 
# and substitute the appropriate clear screen 
# command for their operating system.
use strict;
use DBI;

my ($perlout,$sqlout);

my %opts;
my %default_opts;
$default_opts{'host'}{'description'}='MySQL connection host';
$default_opts{'port'}{'description'}='MySQL connection port';
$default_opts{'socket'}{'description'}='MySQL connection socket';
$default_opts{'user'}{'description'}='User connecting to the MySQL dat
$default_opts{'password'}{'description'}='Password for user connecting
+ to database';
$default_opts{'database'}{'description'}='MySQL database to work on.';
$default_opts{'outfile'}{'description'}='Output text file.';
$default_opts{'alltables'}{'description'}='Process all tables - non ze
+ro value selects.';
$default_opts{'tabooregex'}{'description'}='Regular expression to matc
+h tables to skip - should be enclosed in single quotes.';

# Set options to defaults.
for my $default_opt (keys %default_opts)

# Process command line options.

# If the command line options for
# password and database are the defaults,
# we'd better ask the user to confirm
# that these are correct.
my $reedit=0;
if ($opts{password}{value} eq $default_opts{password}{value} || 
    $opts{database}{value} eq $default_opts{database}{value})
  print "\nYou appear to have left the password and/or database name\n
  print "as default values.\n\n";
  print "If you did not mean to do this, enter 'e' to review and edit\
  print "the options,'q' to quit or just press return to continue with
  print "these values.\n\n";

  my $resp=getline('Your response');
  $reedit=0 unless $resp;
  if ($resp=~/q/i)
    print "Quitting.\n";

if ($reedit)

# Now let's try making a database connection.
print "Attempting connection with the following DSN:\n";
my $dsn="dbi:mysql:mysql_socket=$opts{socket}{value};database=$opts{da
print "$dsn\nuser=$opts{user}{value} password=$opts{password}{value}\n

my $dbh=DBI->connect($dsn,$opts{user}{value},$opts{password}{value}) o
+r die DBI::errstr;

print "Success!\n\n";

# Get a list of the tables and display it.
my $ar=$dbh->selectall_arrayref("show tables;");
print "Tables for $opts{database}{value}\n\n";

for my $r (@$ar)
  print "$$r[0]\n";

print "\n";

# Find out if we want all tables processed if
# neither alltables or tabooregex have been set.
my $potabs=0;
unless ($opts{alltables}{value} || defined $opts{tabooregex}{value})
  while ($potabs!~/^y$|^n$|^q$/i)
    $potabs=getline('Process all tables? y/n/q');

# Bail out if that's what the user wants.
  if ($potabs=~/q/i)
    print "\nQuitting.\n";

# Put the tables into a hash - this will 
# make them a bit more manageable.
# Here we will also apply the taboo regex.
my %tables;
for my $r (@$ar)
  unless ($$r[0]=~/$opts{tabooregex}{value}/)

# Let the user select tables, if required.
if ($potabs=~/n/i)
  my $doneselecting=0;

  while ($doneselecting==0)

    print "Tables Selected";
    print "\n---------------\n\n";
    for my $thistable (sort keys %tables)
      my $currentoptval=($tables{$thistable}{selected}?'selected':'-')
      print "$thistable\t\t\t$currentoptval\n";

    print "\n";

    my $accept=0;
    while ($accept!~/^y$|^n$|^q$/i)
      $accept=getline("Accept selection (y=yes, n=re-edit, q=quit)? y/

    # Handle responses.
    if ($accept=~/q/i)
      print "\nQuitting.\n";
    elsif ($accept=~/y/i)
elsif ($opts{alltables}{value})
  print "\n\nProcessing all tables...\n\n";
elsif (defined $opts{tabooregex}{value})
  print "\n\nProcessing tables not matching the taboo regex: /$opts{ta
  print "\nDon't know how I got here, quitting. :-(\n";

# At last!  The bit that does all the work...

open (OUT,">$opts{outfile}{value}") || die ($!);
print OUT<<EOT;
# Perl bits

# SQL bits

print "\n\nOutput written to $opts{outfile}{value}\n\n";

# Disconnect and terminate gracefully.

# That's all folks!

##### Subroutines and nothing else from hereon. #####

# Process the actual table.
sub dotable
  my $table=shift;
  my $ar=$dbh->selectall_arrayref("describe $table;");

  # Set up variables to hold all the bits.  Ones
  # beginning $p are for Perl subroutines, ones
  # beginning $s are for MySQL stored procedures.
  # Stored procedure suffixes are: none - main body
  # of SP, _v - input variables, _s - the actual
  # query body.
  my ($p_insert,$s_insert,$s_insert_v,$s_insert_s,$s_insert_i,

  # Assume that first column is primary key.
  my $pkey=$$ar[0][0];
  my $pkeytype=$$ar[0][1];
  $pkeytype=~s/\(.+\)// if $pkeytype=~/^int|^tinyint/;

  # Start generating code!
# Insert row into $table.
sub ins_$table
{\n  ";

  if ($$ar[0][5]=~/auto_increment/)
    $p_insert.="\$v->{$pkey}=\$dbh->selectrow_array(\"call insert_$tab
    $p_insert.="my \$row_count=\$dbh->selectrow_array(\"call insert_$t

# Update row in $table.
sub up_$table
  my \$row_count=\$dbh->selectrow_array(\"call update_$table(";

# Retrieve values from $table.
sub popvars_$table

  Insert SP for $table
drop procedure if exists insert_$table;
delimiter //
create procedure insert_$table (

  Update SP for $table
drop procedure if exists update_$table;
delimiter //
create procedure update_$table (

  Popvars (select) SP for $table
drop procedure if exists popvars_$table;
delimiter //
create procedure popvars_$table (IN i_$pkey $pkeytype)

##############  End of headers, start of columns loop ##############

  my $has_auto_increment=0;
  my $rowcount=0;
  for my $r (@$ar)

    # Trim int column types to just 'int' (remove formatting.)
    $$r[1]=~s/\(.+\)// if $$r[1]=~/^int|^tinyint/;

    # Skip field if it is an auto_increment one.
    if ($$r[5]=~/auto_increment/)
      $s_update_v.="  IN i_$$r[0] $$r[1],\n";

      # Ignore created, createdby on updates.
      $p_update.="'\$v->{$$r[0]}'," unless $$r[0]=~/^created$|^created

      $s_insert_v.="  IN i_$$r[0] $$r[1],\n";

      # Once again, we're not going to do anything with our 
      # created, createdby fields on an update.
      $s_update_s.="$$r[0]=i_$$r[0]," unless $$r[0]=~/^created$|^creat


    unless ($$r[0] eq $pkey)
      $s_popvars_v.="  DECLARE o_$$r[0] $$r[1];\n";
    $s_update_v.="  IN i_$$r[0] $$r[1],\n" unless $$r[0]=~/^created$|^

    if ($rowcount>1)

  # Remove that final comma.

  $p_popvars.=")=\$dbh->selectrow_array(\"call popvars_$table('\$v->{$


  INSERT INTO $table


  if ($has_auto_increment)
    $s_insert.="  SELECT last_insert_id();\n";
    $s_insert.="  SELECT row_count();\n";

delimiter ;


  UPDATE $table SET
  WHERE $pkey=i_$pkey;

  SELECT row_count();
delimiter ;




  SELECT $s_popvars_s
  INTO $s_popvars_i
  FROM $table
  WHERE $pkey=i_$pkey;
  SELECT $s_popvars_i;
delimiter ;



# Main table processing loop.
sub crunch_tables
  for my $thistable (sort keys %tables)
    unless ($tables{$thistable}{selected})
      print "Skipping table $thistable.\n";
    print "Processing table $thistable...";
    # Call the subroutine that actually does the work.
    dotable($thistable) if $thistable;

    print " done.\n";
  print "\n\nAll done!\n\n";

# Table selector.
sub table_selector
  print "Select Tables";
  print "\n-------------\n\n";
  for my $thistable(sort keys %tables)
    my $selected=0;
    while ($selected!~/^y$|^n$|^q$/i)
      my $currentoptval=($tables{$thistable}{selected}?'y':'n');
      $selected=getline("Select $thistable? y/n/q",$currentoptval);

    # Handle resonses.
    if ($selected=~/q/i)
      print "\nQuitting.\n";
    elsif ($selected=~/y/i)

# Manual edit of options.
sub edit_opts
  print "\nReview/Edit Options";
  print "\n-------------------\n\n";

  for my $opt (sort keys %opts)

  print "\n";

# Read in command line options, check against 
# list of permissible ones (hard-code here.)
sub get_cl_opts
  for my $cl_part (@ARGV)
    # Display help option.
    crash_n_burn() if $cl_part=~/^-h$|^--help$|^-help$/i; 

    # Check syntax.
    if ($cl_part!~/^--/ || $cl_part!~/=/)
      print "Bad syntax: $cl_part\n\n";

    # Strip the -- from the option.

    # Split option into a name/value pair.
    my ($n,$v)=split(/=/,$cl_part);

    # Check for illegal options.
    unless (defined $default_opts{$n})
      print "Illegal option: $n";

    # If we've got this far, we should have
    # a valid name/value pair - we'll put it
    # into our options hash, replacing the 
    # default value.

# Error/help stuff
sub crash_n_burn
Usage: $0 [options]

Options with Default Values


  for my $opt (sort keys %default_opts)
    print "--$opt=$default_opts{$opt}{value}\n\t$default_opts{$opt}{de

  print "--help, -h - show this help text.\n";

  print "\n\n";


# Get a line from STDIN.
sub getline
  print $_[0];
  print " [$_[1]]" if $_[1];
  print ": ";
  my $line=<STDIN>;
  $line=$_[1] unless $line;

# Clear screen.
sub cls
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: sql-o-matic
by jwkrahn (Abbot) on Sep 16, 2008 at 06:15 UTC
    my $dbh=DBI->connect($dsn,$opts{user}{value},$opts{password}{value}) | +| die($!);

    The  || operator has higher precedence than the  = operator so you should either enclose the assignment in parentheses or use the lower precedence  or operator.

    According to the DBI manual:

    If the connect fails (see below), it returns "undef" and sets both $DBI::err and $DBI::errstr. (It does not explicitly set $!.) You should generally test the return status of "connect" and "print $DBI::errstr" if it has failed.

    So that line should be:

    my $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $opts{ user }{ value }, $opts{ password +}{ value } ) or die $DBI::errstr;
    crash_n_burn() if $cl_part=~/^-h$|^--help$|^-h$/i;

    If the first  ^-h$ pattern doesn't match what makes you think that the second one will?

    $s_insert=<<EOT; /* Insert SP for $table */ drop procedure if exists insert_$table; delimiter // create procedure insert_table ( EOT

    Shouldn't that be:

    $s_insert=<<EOT; /* Insert SP for $table */ drop procedure if exists insert_$table; delimiter // create procedure insert_$table ( EOT
      my $dbh=DBI->connect($dsn,$opts{user}{value},$opts{password}{value +}) || die($!);
      The || operator has higher precedence than the = operator so you should either enclose the assignment in parentheses or use the lower precedence or operator.

      Wrong. As die($!) never returns, it doesn't matter which way you write it.

        Sorry but, even if your phrase holds a truth value, you are wrong in many levels.
        1. die can be overriden in one way or another, and start returning something!
        2. my $c = 'shat'; eval { $c = DBI->connect(xxx) || die } keeps the old value in $c (instead of putting undef there, like or would do), and this may not be what the user wants...
        3. it would be nice if people grew accostumed not to mix = and || inadvertently.
        So, my $c = DBI->connect(xxx) or die is the right idiom for good reasons.
        []s, HTH, Massa (κς,πμ,πλ)

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