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Re: Golf: Movie style code cracker.

by zentara (Archbishop)
on Sep 12, 2008 at 19:47 UTC ( [id://710993]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Golf: Movie style code cracker.

I didn't see anything about no Tk. :-) I don't care about golf, I want it to look realistic as in a movie. Jason Bourne uses this because it looks cool! :-)
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Tk; my $dig_num = shift || 7; my $bignum = 10**$dig_num; #print "$bignum\n"; my $rand = int rand $bignum; my @coded = $rand =~ /\d{1}/g; print "@coded\n"; my @slots = ( 1 .. scalar @coded ); my $mw = MainWindow->new; $mw->title("$rand"); $mw->fontCreate( 'big', -family => 'arial', -size => 38 ); my %lab; foreach my $num ( @slots ) { $lab{ $num }{ 'count' } = 0; $lab{ $num }{ 'done' } = 0; $lab{ $num }{ 'label' } = $mw->Label( -bg => 'black', -fg => 'green', -font => 'big', -textvariable => \$lab{ $num }{ 'count' }, )->pack( -side => 'left', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1 ); } $mw->Button( -text => 'Go', -command => \&click )->pack(); MainLoop; sub click { my $watch = shift @coded; my $sel = 1; # print "$watch $sel\n"; my $timer; $timer = $mw->repeat( 10, sub { foreach my $num ( @slots ) { if ( $lab{ $num }{ 'done' } == 1 ) { next } else { $lab{ $num }{ 'count' } = int rand 10; } if ( $lab{ $sel }{ 'count' } == $watch ) { $lab{ $sel }{ 'done' } = 1; $watch = shift @coded; if( ! defined $watch ){$timer->cancel} else{ $sel++; #print "$watch $sel\n"; } } } } ); } __END__

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