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Error while using Catalyst to insert record to Oracle

by marscld (Beadle)
on Aug 14, 2008 at 07:52 UTC ( [id://704301]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

marscld has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

While using Catalyst to insert a book record, error occurs. After searching info from google, no solution is found. Would you pls offer some advice ? Here is the controller's code.
sub url_create : Local { # In addition to self & context, get the title, rating, & # author_id args from the URL. Note that Catalyst automatical +ly # puts extra information after the "/<controller_name>/<action +_name/" # into @_ my ($self, $c, $title, $rating, $author_id) = @_; # Call create() on the book model object. Pass the table # columns/field values we want to set as hash values my $book = $c->model('DB::Books')->create({ title => $title, rating => $rating }); # Add a record to the join table for this book, mapping to # appropriate author $book->add_to_book_authors({author_id => $author_id}); # Note: Above is a shortcut for this: # $book->create_related('book_authors', {author_id => $author_ +id}); # Assign the Book object to the stash for display in the view $c->stash->{book} = $book; # This is a hack to disable XSUB processing in Data::Dumper # (it's used in the view). This is a work-around for a bug in # the interaction of some versions or Perl, Data::Dumper & DBI +C. # You won't need this if you aren't using Data::Dumper (or if # you are running DBIC 0.06001 or greater), but adding it does +n't # hurt anything either. $Data::Dumper::Useperl = 1; # Set the TT template to use $c->stash->{template} = 'books/create_done.tt2'; }
However, after accessing URL "http://localhost:3000/books/url_create/TCPIP_Illustrated_Vol-2/5/4", error shows up as :
INSERT INTO books (rating, title) VALUES (?, ?): '5', 'TCPIP_Illustrat +ed_Vol-2' SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM books me: SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM books me: [info] *** Request 1 (0.038/s) [5225] [Thu Aug 14 15:29:27 2008] *** [debug] "GET" request for "books/url_create/TCPIP_Illustrated_Vol-2/5/ +4" from "" [debug] Path is "books/url_create" [debug] Arguments are "TCPIP_Illustrated_Vol-2/5/4" [error] DBI Exception: DBD::Oracle::st execute failed: ORA-01400: cann +ot insert NULL into ("SDB2"."BOOKS"."ID") (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) + [for Statement "INSERT INTO books (rating, title) VALUES (?, ?)" wit +h ParamValues: :p1='5', :p2='TCPIP_Illustrated_Vol-2'] at /usr/local/ +lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/DBIx/Class/ line 954

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Re: Error while using Catalyst to insert record to Oracle
by psini (Deacon) on Aug 14, 2008 at 10:07 UTC

    It looks like your BOOKS table has an ID column declared NOT NULL. How was the table created?

    Rule One: "Do not act incautiously when confronting a little bald wrinkly smiling man."

      The problem seems that primary key ID of BOOKS is not being calculated correctly. And it is supposed to be a incremental process to fetch max ID and increase by 1. However, not finding a clue on tutorial. Though Catalyst tutorial uses SQLite as database, I just try to use Oracle instead.

        Oracle uses sequences and triggers, not just a null or zero like some other DB engines. See link for a short discussion. Details can be found in your local Oracle docs but this is at least mentioned in the module description.

        I started with MySQL (which allows what you tried) and have had to deal with many issues with other DB's. Some people may recommend a higher-level DB interface but I've never used them personally.

      It is created by running a command, which is a little bit different from tutorial.
      script/ model DB DBIC::Schema MyApp::Schema create=stat +ic dbi:Oracle:OTEST sdb2 sdb
Re: Error while using Catalyst to insert record to Oracle
by phaylon (Curate) on Aug 19, 2008 at 11:40 UTC
    I have no real experience (anymore) with Oracle, but just FYI and for the future: Catalyst is model-agnostic. It doesn't insert anything into any database by itself. You are using DBIx-Class and connecting it to Catalyst via Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema which is its own distribution.

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