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Re: Squatting::On::Catalyst and Truly Modular Web Apps

by MidLifeXis (Monsignor)
on Aug 11, 2008 at 17:10 UTC ( [id://703699]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Squatting::On::Catalyst and Truly Modular Web Apps

I agree with the marketing / branding side presented by the AM above, although I probably would not use the given example :)

Impression, correct or not, can taint many decisions. "Squatting" has the impression of illegitimacy, lack of blessing, or possibly even stealing. "Camping" implies at least permission, if not promotion. In today's BSA skittish world, staying away from the potential (actual or not) of illegitimacy can't hurt.

The merits of the module appear to be very good, but I would hate to see it dismissed before looking at the merits because of the name.


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