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use Ensure -- module to spot undefined stuff

by gone2015 (Deacon)
on Aug 05, 2008 at 18:53 UTC ( [id://702445]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Miscellaneous
Author/Contact Info Chris Hall <>

I got really tired of being tripped up at run time by undefined subroutine references... particularly days after some change had broken a seldom used piece of code !

...this Ensure module picks up that sort of problem.

For more detail, see: Ensure Module.

I'm wondering if people would find this useful ?

package Ensure ;

use 5.006 ; use v5.8.8 ;  # Not tested for anything less

use strict ;
use warnings ;

our $VERSION = '1.01' ;   # POD embedded below END


use Exporter () ;         # Exporter::import used explicitly

our @EXPORT  = qw(import) ;

# Tables of packages and variables known to Ensure 

my %packages  = () ;    # Keys   = packages registered for Ensure INIT
+ check
                        # Values = ref:Stash for registered packages

my %exporters = () ;    # Keys   = packages which we've seen export st
                        # Values = true => package includes IMPLICIT t

my %no_Ensure = () ;    # Keys   = packages with things declared no_En
                        # Values = [name, name, ...]

my $ensure_errors = 0 ; # Count of errors.  Dies at end of Ensure INIT
+ if != 0.

# Manual registration

register(__PACKAGE__) ; # Register ourselves

sub register {          # May be used, eg, to register 'main'
  my ($p) = @_ ;
  $packages{$p} ||= stash($p) ;
} ;

# Two small utilities

sub err {               # Issue warning message and increment $ensure_
  warn '+++ ', @_, "\n" ; return $ensure_errors++ ;
} ;

sub suq {               # Sort given list and ensure all entries are u
  my %l = map { ($_, undef) } @_ ;
  return sort keys %l ;
} ;

# Ensure import
# =============
# This will be invoked:
#   a. when a package does 'use Ensure', which:
#       - registers the package for the Ensure INIT block checks.
#       - imports into the package the Ensure::import function.
#   b. when a package which has done 'use Ensure' is itself used:
#       - the first time this happens, the package's exports are check
#       - in all cases the import list extensions (:ALL :NONE :IMPLICI
+T) are
#         implemented, before jumping to the standard Exporter::import
# Requires: $ep      -- package which is being imported from      ) pa
+ssed to...
#           @imports -- import list, from "use Fred (@import) ;"  ) ..
# Returns:  nothing

sub import {
  my $ep = $_[0] ;

  # If we are running the import on behalf of ourselves, we register i
+mporting package.

  if ($ep eq __PACKAGE__) { register(scalar(caller)) ; } ;

  # If this is the first time we have seen this package export stuff, 
+we run checks
  # across the export declarations.

  my $implicit = exists($exporters{$ep}) ? $exporters{$ep} : check_exp
+orts($ep) ;

  # Now we deal with the import list, if it is not empty

  if (scalar(@_) > 1) {

    if   ($_[1] eq ':ALL') {

      # Importing ':ALL' -- replace ':ALL' by contents of @EXPORT and 

      my $st = $packages{$ep} ;
      splice( @_, 1, 1, suq(@{stash_value($st, '@EXPORT'   ) || []},
                            @{stash_value($st, '@EXPORT_OK') || []}) )
+ ;
    elsif ( ($_[1] eq ':NONE') || (!$implicit && ($_[1] eq ':IMPLICIT'
+)) ) {

      # Importing ':NONE' or ':IMPLICIT' when no IMPLICIT tag exists.
      my $i = 2 ;
      while (defined($_[$i]) && ($_[$i] =~ m/^!/)) { $i++ ; } ;

      splice(@_, 1, $i-1) ;     # Drop :NONE/:IMPLICIT and following '

      # Give up now if nothing left of list

      if (scalar(@_) == 1) { return ; } ; # Give up now if nothing lef
+t of list
    elsif ( $implicit && ($_[1] ne ':IMPLICIT') && ($_[1] !~ m/^!/) ) 

      # Exporting package has 'IMPLICIT' tag and import list a) is not
+ empty,
      #                                                  and b) does n
+ot start ':IMPLICIT'
      #                                                  and c) does n
+ot start '!...'

      splice(@_, 1, 0, ':IMPLICIT') ;
    } ;
  } ;

  # Now we can proceed to standard import !

  goto &Exporter::import ;      # As if called in the first place
} ;

# check_exports: run checks across exports & establish whether has 'IM
+PLICIT' tag.
# Checks that:
#   a) everything in @EXPORT & @EXPORT_OK is defined, except where dec
+lared 'no Ensure'
#   b) everything in %EXPORT_TAGS must appear in @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK
#   c) everything in any 'IMPLICIT' tag must appear in @EXPORT.
#   d) everything in @EXPORT_FAIL must appear in @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK
# Sets $exporters{$ep} = true iff there is an 'IMPLICIT' tag, false ot
# NB: to be called the first time the package is seen exporting stuff.
# Requires: $ep    -- name of package which is exporting stuff -- defa
+ult is caller !
# Returns:  true => exporting package has an 'IMPLICIT' tag

sub check_exports {
  my ($ep) = @_ ;

  # Get the stash for the exporting package -- must be registered alre
+ady !!

  my $st = $packages{$ep}
                   or die "*** Ensure\:\:check_exports: package $ep no
+t registered" ;

  # a) check contents of @EXPORT & @EXPORT_OK, given any 'no Ensure' d
  #   Names in @EXPORT & @EXPORT_OK are checked thus:
  #     * name   -- requires: glob{CODE}, SCALAR or REF
  #     * $name  -- requires: glob{SCALAR} to have a defined value 
  #     * @name  -- requires: glob{ARRAY}
  #     * %name  -- requires: glob{HASH}
  #     * &name  -- requires: glob{CODE}
  #     * *name  -- requires: the name to exist as glob
  #   Note that the undecorated name works for 5.10.0 and onwards cons
+tant values.
  #   Note that for $name this means that it must have some value othe
+r than 'undef'.
  #   (This is because it is not possible to distinguish no $name decl
+aration at all
  #   from a declaration which leaves the value undefined.)
  #   Names declared 'no Ensure' *must* fail the above.

  my $exp = stash_value($st, '@EXPORT'   ) || [] ;
  my $eok = stash_value($st, '@EXPORT_OK') || [] ;
  my $nen = $no_Ensure{$ep} || [] ;

  # Collect all exports (from EXPORT and EXPORT_OK) & all 'no Ensure' 

  my %all_exports = map { ($_, 1) } @$exp, @$eok ;
  my %undefined   = map { ($_, 1) } @$nen ;
  foreach my $name (sort keys %all_exports) {
    my ($id, $t) = undecorate($name) ;

    my $rv = $st->{$id} ;
    if (defined($rv)) {
      if (!ref($rv)) {
        if    ($t eq 'SCALAR') { $rv = *$rv{$t} ; $rv = $$rv ; }
        elsif ($t ne 'GLOB')   { $rv = *$rv{$t || 'CODE'} ;    } ;
      else {
        if ($t ne '') { $rv = undef ; } ;
      } ;
    } ;

    if (exists($undefined{$name})) {
      if (defined($rv))
        { err "'$name' in '$ep\' is declared 'no Ensure', but is defin
+ed" ; } ;
    else {
      if (!defined($rv))
        { err "'$name' is exported by '$ep', but is not defined" ; } ;
    } ;
  } ;

  # b) check that everything in the %EXPORT_TAGS is in @EXPORT or @EXP

  my $etg = stash_value($st, '%EXPORT_TAGS') ;

  if ($etg) {
    foreach my $name (suq(map { @$_ } values %$etg)) {
      if (!exists($all_exports{$name})) {
        err "'$name' is in '$ep\'s \%EXPORT_TAGS, but not in \@EXPORT 
+or \@EXPORT_OK\n" ;
      } ;
    } ;
  } ;

  # c) check that everything in any %EXPORT_TAGS{IMPLICIT} is in @EXPO

  my $implicit = defined($etg) && exists($$etg{IMPLICIT}) ; # Is there
+ an 'IMPLICIT' tag ?

  if ($implicit) {
    my %default = map { ($_, 1) } @$exp ; # That which is in @EXPORT
    foreach my $name (suq @{$$etg{IMPLICIT}}) {
      if (!exists($default{$name})) {
        err "'$name' is in '$ep\'s IMPLICIT tag list, but not in \@EXP
+ORT\n" ;
      } ;
    } ;
  } ;

  # d) check that everything in the @EXPORT_FAIL is in @EXPORT or @EXP

  if ( my $ef = stash_value($st, '@EXPORT_FAIL') ) {
    foreach my $name (suq(@$ef)) {
      if (!exists($all_exports{$name})) {
        err "'$name' is in '$ep\'s \@EXPORT_FAIL, but not in \@EXPORT 
+or \@EXPORT_OK\n" ;
      } ;
    } ;
  } ;

  # Done -- record exporting package and whether it has an 'IMPLICIT' 

  return $exporters{$ep} = $implicit ;
} ;

# Ensure unimport
# ===============
# unimport: mechanics for no Ensure qw(....) ; 
#   no Ensure qw(name $name @name %name &name *name)
# The export checks use the full name, complete with decoration.  So i
+f you want to
# export an undefined '@name' (for example) you need to be specific.
# The INIT checks ignore the decoration.  You can say, for example, th
+at you expect
# '$name' to be undefined, the effect is that it is deemed OK if nothi
+ng at all is
# defined for 'name'.
# Requires: $self  = ourselves (__PACKAGE__) !
#           list of possibly decorated names
# Returns:  nothing

sub unimport {
  shift(@_) ;           # Discard self
  push @{$no_Ensure{scalar(caller)} ||= []}, @_ ;
  return 1 ;
} ;

# Post Compile-Time Checks -- the Ensure INIT block
# =================================================
# For all packages that have been registered, we look for any complete
+ly undefined
# simple names -- which we treat as undefined subroutine errors, unles
+s declared
# 'no Ensure'.
# By simple we mean names starting '_' or alphabetic, excluding a smal
+l number of
# well known names.


  # These may appear undefined in the stash or are otherwise not worth
+ checking.

  # a and b appear if sort is used ?
  # MODIFY_xxx_ATTRIBUTES appear and are undefined if a variable is de
+clared ': shared'.

  my %except = map { ($_, 1) } (qw(a b BEGIN UNITCHECK CHECK INIT END
                                   DESTROY AUTOLOAD __ANON__
                                   MODIFY_HASH_ATTRIBUTES)) ;
                                 # ENV INC ARGV ARGVOUT SIG STDIN STDO
+UT STDERR _)) ;

  # Run checks across all registered packages

  foreach my $pkg (sort keys(%packages)) {

    # Collect any 'no Ensure' names

    my %undefined = () ;
    if (exists($no_Ensure{$pkg})) {
      %undefined = map { s/^[\$@%&*]// ; ($_, 1) } @{$no_Ensure{$pkg}}
+ ;
    } ;

    # Check the stash for this package 

    my $stash = $packages{$pkg} ; # Stash for package

    NAME: foreach my $name (sort keys %$stash) {
      if (($name !~ m/^\w/) || ($name =~ m/^\d/)  # Ignore names which
+ are not simple...
                            || $except{$name}     # ...or which are ex
                            || $undefined{$name}) # ...or which are de
+clared 'no Ensure'
        { next NAME ; } ;

      my $rv = $stash->{$name} ;  # Get the stash entry

      # OK if stash entry is ref() -- is 5.10.0 or later 'constant'

      if (ref($rv))                      { next NAME ; } ;

      # OK if glob has a defined {SCALAR} value.

      my $rs = *$rv{SCALAR} ;
      if (defined($rs) && defined($$rs)) { next NAME ; } ;

      # OK if glob has at least one defined type of value.

      foreach my $type (qw(ARRAY HASH CODE IO FORMAT)) {
        if (defined(*$rv{$type}))        { next NAME ; } ;
      } ;

      # Generate error for name with no defined value

      err "$pkg\:\:$name is undefined" ;

    } ;
  } ;

  # Now...  if any errors seen by Ensure, give up !

 if ($ensure_errors) { die "*** $ensure_errors Ensure errors\n" ; } ;
} ;

# Stash Access

# stash: get ref:Stash for given package
# Requires: $pkg   -- package name -- no trailing '::'  -- ASSUMED VAL
# Returns:  ref:Stash -- i.e. hash containing symbols for given packag

sub stash {
  my ($pkg) = @_ ;
  no strict qw(refs) ;
  return *{$pkg.'::'}{HASH}   or die "\*\*\* Ensure cannot find packag
+e '$pkg'" ;
} ;

# stash_value: get value of SCALAR, ARRAY or HASH from given package/s
# Requires: $st       -- ref:Stash (as returned by stash())
#           $name     -- decorated name of value
# Returns:  value     -- if SCALAR and scalar is defined
#           ref:Value -- if ARRAY, HASH and value is defined
#           undef     -- name not found or value not defined 

sub stash_value {
  my ($st, $name) = @_ ;

  my ($id, $type) = undecorate($name) ;
  my $rv = $st->{$id} ;
  if (defined($rv)) {
    if (!ref($rv)) {
      $rv = *$rv{$type} ;
      if (defined($rv) && ($type eq 'SCALAR')) { $rv = $$rv ; } ;
    else {
      $rv = undef ;     # ref:SCALAR or ref:REF => 5.10.0 type constan
    } ;
  } ;

  return $rv ;
} ;

# undecorate: remove decoration from name and return explicit type, if
+ any
# Requires: $name     -- possibly decorated name
# Returns:  ($id, $type)  -- $id    = name less any decoration
#                            $type  = if decorated: SCALAR, ARRAY, HAS
#                                        otherwise: ''

my %TYPE = qw($ SCALAR  @ ARRAY  % HASH  & CODE  * GLOB) ;

sub undecorate {
  my ($id) = @_ ;
  my $type = '' ;
  if ($id =~ s/^([\$@%&*])//) { $type = $TYPE{$1} ; } ;
  return ($id, $type) ;
} ;

1 ; # OK -- end of Ensure



=head1 NAME

Ensure - Perl extension to ensure that things, particularly subroutine
+s, are defined before
a program runs -- to avoid being bitten by C<Undefined subroutine &mai
+n::foo ...>
run-time errors.

C<use strict> will find undefined variables, but not undefined subrout
+ines (except for
bareword subroutine references).  You could argue that C<use strict> i
+s incomplete, and
I wouldn't disagree.  But in the meantime...

=head1 VERSION

Version 1.01.


   use Ensure ;

which, in a package, is intended to replace:

   use Exporter qw(import) ;


The objective of the Ensure package is to ensure that things are defin
+ed before a program


=item *

check for undefined subroutines before program runs (as far as possibl

=item *

check exports are defined when package is used.


First, C<use Ensure> creates an C<INIT> block to check that registered
+ packages are
"complete": looks for names which have no part defined -- probably as 
+the result of a
missing subroutine definition or a misspelling of a subroutine name.

All packages which C<use Ensure> are registered for this check.

Second, C<use Ensure> imports the C<Ensure::import> function.  This si
+ts on top of the
C<Exporter::import> function, and has two effects:


=item *

the first time the package is itself used, the package's exports are c
(See below for what is checked).

=item *

every time the package is used the import list extensions (C<:ALL>, C<
+:NONE> &
C<:IMPLICIT>) are implemented, before jumping to the standard C<Export
(See below for what these extensions do.)


Packages that C<use Ensure> do not need to import the C<Exporter::impo
+rt> (and must not).

NB: it would be perverse to C<use Ensure ()>, because that inhibits al
+l of the above.

C<no Ensure> may be used to declare things which are not expected to b
+e defined when
the INIT block checks and the export checks are run.

=head2 The C<INIT> block check

The check scans the registered packages' symbol tables, looking for na
+mes which have no
part defined.  This will find most undefined subroutines.

However, a reference to an undefined subroutine, eg C<fred()>, can be 
+masked by any other
package (C<our>) variable of the same name -- but not by private (C<my
+>) variables.

This means that:

   sub freda { .... } ;
   sub bill {
     fred(...) ;
   } ;

will be generally be picked up, trapping (a) a missing definition for 
or (b) a spelling mistake in C<sub freda>, or (c) a spelling mistake i
+n C<fred(...)>.

However the presence of (for example):

   our @fred ;

will mask the use of the undefined subroutine C<fred()>, so the error 
+is not trapped.

The effect of:

   our $fred ;

is more complicated, because in the special case of C<SCALAR> variable
+s, it is not
possible to tell the difference between a variable that has not been d
+efined at all, and
a variable that has been defined but whose value is C<undef>.  So, if 
+the value of
C<$fred> is C<undef> when the C<INIT> block is run, it will B<not> mas
+k the presence of
an undefined subroutine C<fred>, but it will if it has any other value

I<[This could be improved if I knew how to spot subroutine names that 
been used, but not defined.]>

The check ignores names that do not start with an alphabetic character
+ or C<'_'>.  It also
ignores a number of names which appear in package symbol tables and ar
+e often undefined:

    a  b

=head3 C<main> package C<SCALAR> variables

Any package (C<our>) C<SCALAR> variables in C<main> need to be declare
+d C<no Ensure>
(unless assigned a value in a C<BEGIN> block).

I<[This could be improved if I knew how to spot scalars that have been
+ declared
but are yet to be assigned a value.]>

=head2 The export checks

The export checks examine the exporting package's C<@EXPORT>, C<@EXPOR
C<%EXPORT_TAGS> and C<@EXPORT_FAIL> to ensure that:


=item *

everything in C<@EXPORT> and C<@EXPORT_OK> is defined by the time the 
+package is
first used -- or declared C<no Ensure>.

I<This check for definition might have been left to the Ensure> C<INIT
+> I<block.
However, it seems that> C<Exporter::import> I<manages to define things
+, even
if there is no mention of them in the package itself -- so it is essen
to check before the first use of> C<Exporter::import>I<.>

=item *

everything in C<%EXPORT_TAGS> and in C<@EXPORT_FAIL> must appear in ei

=item *

if there is a C<IMPLICIT> tag in C<%EXPORT_TAGS>, everything in that t
+ag must
appear in C<@EXPORT> (ie C<IMPLICIT> must be a subset of C<DEFAULT>).


=head2 The import list extensions

The import list extensions are:


=item 1.

C<:NONE> pseudo tag

This is expected to be the B<only> item in the import list.  In any ca
+se it should
be the B<first> item.

The purpose of the C<:NONE> tag is to allow for nothing to be imported
+, while still
invoking the C<Ensure::import> function to implement the export checks

When the import list is processed, if the first tag is C<:NONE> it is 
+removed, along
with any following '!' items (which are redundant, and would otherwise
+ pull in the
C<:DEFAULT> set).

If the result is an empty list, then C<Exporter::import> will not be i
+nvoked !

It is slightly clearer than C<!:DEFAULT>, though essentially equivalen

NB: C<!:NONE> has no meaning and will generate an error (unless an act
+ual C<NONE>
tag exists in C<%EXPORT_TAGS>).  Similarly C<:NONE> as second or subse
+quent item.

=item 2.

C<:ALL> pseudo tag

If the B<first> item in the import list is C<:ALL>, it will be replace
+d by the
entirity of C<@EXPORT> and C<@EXPORT_OK>.

NB: C<!:ALL> has no meaning and will generate an error (unless an actu
+al C<ALL>
tag exists in C<%EXPORT_TAGS>).  Similarly C<:ALL> as second or subseq
+uent item.

=item 3.

C<IMPLICIT> tag -- specifies a minimum, required set of imports/export

When a package is used the items named in @C<EXPORTS> (aka the C<:DEFA
+ULT> exports) are
automatically exported, except for:


=item 1.

C<use Foo () ;       >  -- imports nothing.  C<Foo-<gt>import> is not 
+called at all.

=item 2.

C<use Foo qw(a ...) ;>  -- explicitly imports only the named items.


If the exporting package has some subset of the C<:DEFAULT> exports wh
+ich it wants to
export even in case (2), then it can add an C<IMPLICIT> tag to C<%EXPO
containing that subset of C<@EXPORTS>.

If the importing package requires the absolute minimum of imports it c
+an do:

   use Foo qw(:IMPLICIT) ;

Note that C<:IMPLICIT> can appear as the B<first> tag even if the pack
+age has no
C<IMPLICIT> tag, and will behave as if there was an empty C<IMPLICIT> 

Note that C<:NONE> will import nothing, not even C<:IMPLICIT> stuff.

NB: C<!:IMPLICIT> has no meaning and will generate an error (unless an
+ actual
C<IMPLICIT> tag exists in C<%EXPORT_TAGS>).  Similarly C<:IMPLICIT> as
+ second or
subsequent item.

Any package that uses C<IMPLICIT> should advertise the fact B<clearly>


=head2 no Ensure

Names may be declared as C<no Ensure>, thus:

   no Ensure qw(a $a @a %a &a *a ...)

A package may contain a number of C<no Ensure> declarations, each addi
+ng to its list of
C<no Ensure> names. 

For the C<INIT> check the decoration is ignored.  Any name declared in
+ C<no Ensure> is not
checked when the relevant package is checked.

For the export check the decoration is significant.  It is not an erro
+r to export
something which is undefined if that something is declared C<no Ensure
+>.  On the other
hand, it is an error to export something which is defined but is also 
C<no Ensure>.

=head1 EXPORT

Exports C<import>.  Suggest replacing C<use Exporter qw(import) ;> by 
+C<use Ensure ;>. 


C<Ensure::register(>I<package>C<)> may be used to register a given I<p
+ackage> for the
C<Ensure INIT> check.


Generates various C<warn> messages when it finds:


=item *

C<'>I<name>C<' in '>I<package>C<' is declared 'no Ensure', but is defi

=item *

C<'>I<name>C<' is exported by '>I<package>C<' but is not defined>

=item *

C<'>I<name>C<' is in '>I<package>C<'s %EXPORT_TAGS, but not in @EXPORT
+ or @EXPORT_OK>

=item *

C<'>I<name>C<' is in '>I<package>C<'s IMPLICIT tag list, but not in @E

=item *

C<'>I<name>C<' is in '>I<package>C<'s @EXPORT_FAIL, but not in @EXPORT
+ or @EXPORT_OK>

=item *

C<'>I<package>C<::>I<name>C<' is undefined> 


If any such warnings are issued, the C<Ensure INIT> will C<die> once a
+ll registered
packages have been checked:


=item *

I<n>C< Ensure errors>



The C<Ensure::import> function uses the C<Exporter::import> function.


None known, but tested only on Perl v5.8.8 and v5.10.0.


None known.

=head1 AUTHOR

Chris Hall <>


Copyright (C) 2008 by Highwayman Associates Ltd.  All rights reserved

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: use Ensure -- module to spot undefined stuff
by Fletch (Bishop) on Aug 05, 2008 at 20:42 UTC

    Erm, could you explain what this does that strict doesn't?

    The cake is a lie.
    The cake is a lie.
    The cake is a lie.

      strict will throw out undefined/misspelt variables, but subroutines are left to be found at run-time (except for barewords).

      I agree that strict should do this, but it doesn't.

        Ah, so the question becomes what does this do that B::Lint doesn't do (other than being fatal rather than printing a warning, that is)?

        $ perl -MO=Lint -wce 'foo( );' Nonexistant subroutine 'foo' called at -e line 1 -e syntax OK

        The cake is a lie.
        The cake is a lie.
        The cake is a lie.

Re: use Ensure -- module to spot undefined stuff
by jettero (Monsignor) on Aug 06, 2008 at 10:48 UTC

    Perhaps I'm going it alone, but ... Please post the sources here. I dislike "source code" nodes with no sources. (Ooops, wrong reply button.) UPDATE: Indeed. I'd even accept a link to the cpan sources, but the way it's presented above, I expect link-rot to take it down after a year or two.


      I agree. Plus, why not uploading it to CPAN?

        I didn't think 750 lines of module (with POD) would be welcomed as part of a posting.... so I posted a URL.

        Uploading to CPAN requires a little more effort.

        I've done a first pass of the documentation, which I hope is enough for the module to be usable.

        If it is thought to be useful, then I'll do the rest of the work necessary for a CPAN upload. (If it's not useful then URL decay will do it's work -- natural-selection-wise.)

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