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RE: Primes

by PipTigger (Hermit)
on Apr 06, 2000 at 05:03 UTC ( [id://6998]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Primes

How does this work? I don't understand what it's doing and I seem to break it when I change anything. I like it tho =). TTFN & Shalom.


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RE: RE: Primes
by chromatic (Archbishop) on Apr 06, 2000 at 06:54 UTC
    It's not too bad. What it does it count from 1 to 99. Each time through, it adds another x to the string.

    The tricky part is in the regex. The first time through, $_ is just one x, so the first part of the match works. But the match is reversed, so the number doesn't print.

    On subsequent passes, that part fails. The second half of it grabs a certain number of x's. Then, it looks for the same number of x's, repeated a certain number of times. For example, with two, the first grouping matches, but the second doesn't. Reverse the non-matching flag, and it prints the number. On the third try, same thing.

    On the fourth pass, the first part matches two x's, and so does the second. Reverse that flag, and it won't print. Basically, all this does it use the grouping feature of the regex engine to perform a factorial operation.

      I think primes is really cool! I would like to fully understand how it works and I have 2 questions about the second part of the regex: 1. why isn't (xx+) greedy? I mean why doesn't it match the whole string of x in $_? 2. I thought it was possible substitute \1 with $1: ^(xx+)$1+$, but this regex doesn't work correctly. why? TIA for any explanation. marcos
        1. Why the (xx+) part does not match the entire string.
        Used on its own, it would. The thing is that when it is combined with \1+ in the regex: /(xx+)\1+/, it is now requred to match 2 or more x's followed by 1 or more of the same number of x's again. Which just doesn't work if (xx+) gobbles all the x's to start with! It still is greedy, in that 6x's will match as xxx and xxx rather than xx and 2 lots of xx, but it can't be TOO greedy or the match doesn't work.

        2. Why $1 is not exactly the same as \1
        As with most things in Perl, these two are kinda the same but not identical. $1 is actually what was matched in the LAST pattern match and \1 is a backreference which only works within the CURRENT pattern match. If you use \1 outside of a regexp you are likely to just get a reference to a constant '1'. Gramatical errors aside, see if this code makes anything clearer.
        #!/usr/local/bin/perl ($_ = 'of Perl Wisdom') =~ s/(.*)/Just Another Perl \1, /; print if /(\S+ )+of \1/; ($_ = 'Hacker') =~ s/(.*)/Just Another Perl \1, /; print if /(\S+ )+$1/; print "and Just another Perl ",\1;
        Note that in this case you could use $1 rather than \1 in the first and third lines but not in the second. And that you cannot use \1 instead of $1 in the fourth.

        An interesting? variaton.
        By removing the negation and printing out what matched (this time using $1) you can get the largest factor of a number. (or that many x's anyway) )
        perl -e 'while($l++<99){$_.=x;print $l,$1,$/if/^x$|^(xx+)\1+$/}'
        Or a half a christmas tree. :)
        1) The regex works because of backtracking. Perl's regular expressions *want* to match, and they keep trying until they've exhausted every possibility that will let them match.

        Once you understand that, you'll understand why it "doesn't" match the whole string in $_. I say "doesn't" because you're right, in a sense--the pattern *does* match the entire string. But then it moves on to the next part of the regex (the \1+) and sees that, if the first part matches the entire string, there's nothing left for the \1+ to match. So the regex wouldn't match.

        So the matcher moves back one x in the string, and tries to match again; and it keeps moving backwards (backtracking) through the string until it finds a match. If it doesn't find a match, the match fails, and you have a prime--because there is no pattern such that the pattern repeated a certain number of times matches the string; and since the string is x repeated N number of times, this means that there is no number such that the number times another number equals the original number. That sounded confusing--I suppose that's why symbolic notation was invented. :)

        For more on backtracking, look in perlre.

        2) \1 is used because \1 is used "inside" of a pattern (on the left-hand side of a substitution operator, or inside a matching operator); you use $1 "outside" of a pattern (on the right-hand side of a substitution operator, or outside a matching operator). More in perlre.

RE: RE: Primes
by mcwee (Pilgrim) on Apr 20, 2000 at 23:28 UTC
    Agreed; the only change I could make without breaking it is swapping the "<99" with ">-1"-- although that did get the desired result: my tweaked version spews primes until you hit Ctrl-C.

    (Yeah, it's lame, but it gave me a brief moment of extreme joy in an otherwise very dreary day.)

      I tweaked it like you did, and set it up running on background for 3 days... To my surprise, when I returned today its at 66,683 and running slooooow as hell (takes like a minute or so to print the next iteration).

      I wonder how many loops its jumping through to get to the next answer?
      On a side note: /usr/games/bin/primes got to the same result in like 5 seconds... (just outta curiosity)
RE: RE: Primes
by Anonymous Monk on Apr 12, 2000 at 17:33 UTC
    The obfuscated code version would be.
    my$q;$q=sub{print ++$#_,qq()};$_=qq{$[};$,="\n";1while(s{^($[)}{$1$1}mo&&(@_=m{$[}gom)&&(m{^($[$[+)\1+$}om)?1:&$q);
    this actually prints all prime numbers ( until you ^c it).
      @ARGV = qw|I forgot to login before I posted it.|;

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