#!c:/Perl/bin/perl my @mac_addrs = ("0015FAA3F03A", "0015FAA3F03B", "0015FAA3F03C"); # CONVERT THE MAC ADDRESS ########################################################## sub convert () { my @array = @_; print "Inside convert: @array\n"; my @hold; my $j = 0; my $length = scalar(@array); #Number of records in the input array print "Length of inner array: $length\n"; for ($j; $j<$length; $j++) { #This loop is setup so that its iterations equal the number of elements in the input array print "Value of j is: $j\n"; $element = lc($array[$j]); #Convert uppercase MAC to lowercase print "Inside element: $element\n"; my $i = 0; @hold = (); #Reset the temporary hold array used to create the $out variable while ($i