in reply to Biggest clue you don't want the job you're offered

After much thought, it does seem that i really wouldn't want a job with vroom.

This is in no way associated with vroom himself, but more the fact that if the company has someone as good as vroom (who we know is good, because of this fine specimen) and they settle for someone as poor at perl as i am, they must be desperate.

Which means they could be a web-startup (read: going down in flames in 6 months or less nowadays).

Or it could be a non-web business that undertook such a large project with such a bad manager (hiring people to help after the project's begun can be a really bad idea :) that the business is sure to go down. If not the business, at least the department i got hired in. So some people will be downsized (like me), and that would make it a temp job which really isn't that worthwhile to me right now...

nuf evah,