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Drawing Shapefiles in Goo::Canvas

by deadpickle (Pilgrim)
on Jun 13, 2008 at 23:13 UTC ( [id://692032]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

deadpickle has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I'm trying to draw a road shapefile over a geotiff using Goo::Canvas and Geo::Shapefile. It seems when I run this part of the script it crashes perl. Specifically, it seems around the drawing of the Polyline. Maybe the monks can help me figure out why?
my $road_group = Goo::Canvas::Group->new($root); my $shapefile = new Geo::ShapeFile("UT_Southeast"); for(1 .. $shapefile->shapes()) { my @shape = (); my $shape = $shapefile->get_shp_record($_); #for(1 .. $shape->num_parts) { foreach my $p(1 .. $shape->num_parts){ if ($shape->y_max <= $top_lat && $shape->y_min >= $bot_lat && +abs($shape->x_max) <= abs($top_long) && abs($shape->x_min) <= abs($bo +t_long)){ my @part = $shape->get_part($p); print $shape->dump; #draw the lines for(@part) { #print $_->X,' ',$_->Y,"\n"; push(@shape,[$_->X,',',$_->Y]); } foreach (@shape){ print @$_,"\n"; } my $num_points = @shape; print "$num_points\n"; my $road = Goo::Canvas::Polyline->new($road_group,FALSE,$n +um_points,@shape); } } }

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Drawing Shapefiles in Goo::Canvas
by starbolin (Hermit) on Jun 14, 2008 at 04:36 UTC

    my @part = $shape->get_part($p); for(@part) { push(@shape,[$_->X,',',$_->Y]);

    get_part() returns a scalar. You are already iterating over the parts of the shape. Call one of area_centroid or vertex_centroid to get a Geo::ShapeFile::Point object that you can retrieve the X and Y from.

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Re: Drawing Shapefiles in Goo::Canvas
by zentara (Archbishop) on Jun 14, 2008 at 17:02 UTC
    I don't really follow your code, but since you say you are having problems with the PolyLine, you may want to look at Goo::Canvas Waypoint marker w zoom/save to svg and pdf.

    First, to update a PolyLine, you must manually set the points option, it is not defined by default. Also, points takes an array_ref , NOT an array. It should go something like this:

    my $num_points = \@shape; # an array_ref print "$num_points\n"; my $road = Goo::Canvas::Polyline->new( $road_group,FALSE,$num_points, .... other options);

    Also note from my example node, that creating a PolyLine with an array_ref is a one shot deal. If you need to update it, your points need to be a Goo::Canvas::Points object, you update the Points object, then set it as the points in the PolyLine.

    I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth CandyGram for Mongo
      I have changed to try and draw a line connecting the waypoints. I still have the same problem with crashing perl:
      my $num_points = (scalar @points)/2; #$num_points = $num_points / 2; print $num_points,"\n"; unless ($num_points == 1){ print " $count\n"; for(1..($num_points-$count)*2){ print "here is a point\n"; shift @points; } foreach (@points){ print $_,"\n"; } my $way_lines = Goo::Canvas::Polyline->new($way_group,TRUE +,$num_points,[\@points]); }
        As far as I can tell, you are still doing it wrong. Unless I'm missing some deep magic you are trying to use, the following is not right
        my $way_lines = Goo::Canvas::Polyline->new($way_group, TRUE, $num_points, [\@points]); #here you have both the $points (assuming its an array_ref of points) # AND you have a nested array_ref in an array_ref ??? # [ \@points] ???? where did you come up with that?
        You can only specify 1 array_ref, like $points = \@points and just use $points.

        Look closely at the example in Goo::Canvas Waypoint marker w zoom/save to svg and pdf and the man page for PolyLine. There are 2 ways to specify points when creating the PolyLine. One is to drop in an anonymous array_ref of x,y pairs. The other is to set the anonymous array_ref to undef, when creating the PolyLine, then after creation, set the points option to an array_ref. Additionally, if you later want to change(update) the points, the points must be a Goo::Canvas::Points object. The Goo::Canvas::Points object is just an object wrapper around the array_ref (look at my waypoint example closely), but the Goo::Canvas wants it that way.

        Remember, the Goo::Canvas is still in development, and the author hasn't tightened up those dangling inconsistencies yet. But you can get it to work, with the steps outlined above.

        I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth CandyGram for Mongo

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