in reply to Challenge: A malicious election

Here's my feeble entry:

use strict; use warnings; my @valid_candidates = ( 'Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlotte', 'David', 'Eve' ) +; my %tally_for = map { lc($_) => [0] } @valid_candidates; print "Welcome to the Die Bold 691549 Electrified Election Estimator\n +"; print "Your candidates are:\n"; print map { "$_\n" } sort @valid_candidates; print "Enter one name per line, end with EOF.\n"; while ( defined( my $candid_date = <> ) ) { chomp $candid_date; my $candidate; foreach ( @valid_candidates ) { last if lc $candid_date eq ( $candidate = lc $_ ); } if ( exists $tally_for{ $candidate } ) { $tally_for{ $candidate }->[0]++; } else { warn "Write-in for $candid_date\n"; $tally_for{ lc $candid_date }->[0]++; } } my @winner_first = reverse sort { $tally_for{$a}->[0] <=> $tally_for{$b}->[0] +} keys %tally_for; foreach my $who ( @winner_first ) { printf "%10s : %d\n", $who, $tally_for{$who}->[0]; }

What's hard about this is that a correct solution is so simple. Here's one that works:

use strict; use warnings; my @valid_candidates = ( 'Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlotte', 'David', 'Eve' ) +; my %tally_for = map { lc($_) => 0 } @valid_candidates; print "Welcome to the Die Bold 691549 Electrified Voter Motor\n"; print "Your candidates are:\n"; print map { "$_\n" } sort @valid_candidates; print "Enter one name per line, end with EOF.\n"; while ( my $candid_date = lc <> ) { chomp $candid_date; if ( exists $tally_for{ $candid_date } ) { $tally_for{ $candid_date }++; } else { warn "Write-in for $candid_date\n"; $tally_for{ $candid_date }++; } } my @winner_first = reverse sort { $tally_for{$a} <=> $tally_for{$b} } keys %tally_for; foreach my $who ( @winner_first ) { printf "%10s : %d\n", $who, $tally_for{$who}; }

Vote counting and reporting take all of 15 lines with no golfing. Practically any deviation from a simple "stash in a hash" implementation is going to be suspicious. I think the best bet for really sneaking something in is to write a lot of bad code that mostly works. Another strategy might be to exploit a bug in some software that the machine uses (e.g., a MySQL bug) rather than have a bug in the machine itself.

Anyway, it's an interesting "problem" but having skulked about the Monastery for a while, I can't imagine I'd get anything past the monks.

Update: I should spoiler out an explanation. So, here's what my entry does "wrong":