#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Getopt::Std; use Mgr; use Global1; my %OPT; my $ok = getopts("D", \%OPT); my $BASE = "."; daemonize(); start(); sub start { eval { $SIG{HUP} = \&catchHup; $SIG{CHLD} = "IGNORE"; $SIG{INT} = \&catchInt; $SIG{USR1} = \&catchUsr1; if ($MANAGER) { undef $MANAGER; } $MANAGER = new Mgr; $MANAGER->monitor(); }; if ($@) { Global1::error ("Got fatal error:\n$@\n"); catchInt(); } } sub daemonize { require POSIX; open STDOUT, '>/dev/null' or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!"; open STDERR, '>/dev/null' or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!"; defined(my $pid = fork) or die "Can't fork: $!"; exit if $pid; POSIX::setsid() or Global1::error ( "Could not setsid\n$!\n" ); `echo $$ > tun_mgr.pid`; } sub catchHup { Global1::error ( "\n\t!!!Got HUP!!!\n" ); $MANAGER->killAll(); Global1::error ( "\n\tRestarting application\n" ); &start(); } sub catchInt { $MANAGER->killAll(); `rm -rf tun_mgr.pid`; Global1::error ( "Parent process $$ exiting\n" ); exit; } #### package Mgr; use strict; use Global1; sub new { my $this = {}; $this->{children} = {}; bless $this; return $this; } sub killAll { my $this = shift; $SIG{CHLD} = "IGNORE"; foreach (keys %{$this->{children}}) { my $cpid = $this->{children}->{$_}->{pid}; if (kill INT => $cpid) { Global1::error ("Killed child $cpid\n"); } delete $this->{children}->{$_}; } } my $usr1 = 0; my $usr2 = 0; sub monitor { my $this = shift; my $num = 0; my $pid; my $ppid = $$; while ($num < 2) { unless ($pid = fork()) { # Child $SIG{USR1} = \&doPing; $SIG{INT} = \&gotINT; $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE'; $SIG{USR2} = 'IGNORE'; CHILD_START: while (! $usr1) { Global1::error ( "Child $$ sleeping for 10 seconds\n" ); sleep(10); } $usr1 = 0; eval { `echo 1 > $$`; my $numkill = kill 'USR2' => $ppid; Global1::error ( "\t$$ Sent SigUSR2 to parent process \n" ); goto CHILD_START; }; sub doPing { $usr1 = 1; } sub gotINT { Global1::error ( "$$ got INT signal - exiting\n" ); exit; } } # Parent Code $this->{children}->{$num}->{pid} = $pid; Global1::error ( "Spawned pinger process $pid child ID # $num\n" ); $num++; } foreach my $ch (keys %{$this->{children}}) { my $numkill = kill 'USR1' => $this->{children}->{$ch}->{pid}; Global1::error ( "Parent $$ sent SigUSR1 to process ".$this->{children}->{$ch}->{pid}." \n" ); } $SIG{USR2} = \&catchUsr2; $SIG{HUP} = \&main::catchHup; $SIG{CHLD} = "IGNORE"; $SIG{INT} = \&main::catchInt; if ($DEBUG) { my $msg = ""; foreach (keys %SIG) { $msg .= "$_ => $SIG{$_}\n"; } Global1::error ( "Parent's SIG hash:\n$msg\n" ); } HANGOUT: while (! $usr2) { sleep 1; } $usr2 = 0; my $done = 0; $num = 0; foreach $num (keys %{$this->{children}}) { my $fc = $this->{children}->{$num}->{pid}; if (-e $fc) { Global1::error ( "Parent process $$ recieved USR2 signal from child $fc\n" ); unlink $fc; kill "USR1" => $fc; last; } } goto HANGOUT; sub catchUsr2 { $usr2 = 1; } } 1; #### package Global1; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw ( $MANAGER $DEBUG ); $MANAGER = ""; $DEBUG = 1; sub error { my $mes = shift; my $date = scalar (localtime (time)); open (LOG, ">>logfile") or die "Could not open logfile for write:\n$!\n"; print LOG "$date\t $mes\n"; close LOG; } 1;