Rudif has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Venerable monks

I was looking for a perl module that would do the following

- write a perl text string to a disk file in encoding specified (none/ansi, utf-8, utf-16le, possibly others)
- read a disk file into a perl string, detecting the encoding and remebering it
- modify the perl string (could be done by an attached callback, as required by the application script)
- write the possibly modified perl string back to disk, using the remembered encoding
- preserve the Windows crlf sequences through the read - modify - write cycle

IOW, I want the simplicity of File::Slurp, with the added intelligence for automatic handling of the unicode encodings.

This would help me when writing scripts for maintenance of large number of text files (c/cpp source files, project files, xml config files, whatever) which may use a variety of encodings.

I found in perl standard modules and in CPAN modules various unicode-related building blocks, but not the synthesis that I am looking for.

Therefore, I wrote a prototype module which implements, partially, what I want.

Questions :

Is there something similar in the wpw (wide perl world), that I missed ?
Can you help me with a couple of problems with my prototype code ?
Any other advice or help on tackling this problem ?

Specific problems in my prototype code :

While my File::AnyEncoding::write_file for UTF-16LE test file correctly converts "\n" into 0D 00 0A 00,
my File::AnyEncoding::read_file for UTF-16LE does not convert this back to "\n" but to "\r\n", why ?
I did try to play with various settings of binmode, but I failed to obtain the desired result.

My File::AnyEncoding::write_file for UTF-8 test converts "\n" into 0A only, while I expect 0D 0A,
why is this and how to fix it ?

Same question with encoding NONE (by which I mean no BOM, utf-8 encoding).

My module File::AnyEncoding and a test file t\AnyEncoding.t are reproduced below.
They should be placed in subdirs

.\File\ .\t\AnyEncoding.t
The module uses File::BOM and the test file uses File::Path and Data::HexDump.
My perl is 5.10 build 1003 from ActiveState, on a WinXP SP2 machine.


#!/usr/bin/perl =pod SYNOPSIS use File::AnyEncoding; # unicode file writer - reader my $fun1 = new File::AnyEncoding('utf-16le'); my $text1 = "Hello world"; my $filepath1 = "AnyEncoding-test1.txt"; $fun1->write_file($filepath1, $text1); # writes file with specified +encoding my $fun2 = new File::AnyEncoding(); my $text2 = $fun2->read_file($filepath1); # remembers the encoding fo +und in $filepath1 $text2 =~s/world/unicode/; # modify file contents my $filepath2 = "AnyEncoding-test2.txt"; $fun2->write_file($filepath2, $text2); # writes file with encoding fo +und in $filepath1 AUTHOR Rudif c/o Perlmonks =cut package File::AnyEncoding; use strict; use File::BOM qw( :all ); our %supported_encoding = map { $_ => 1 } ( 'NONE', 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16LE +' ); sub new { my $class = shift; my $enc = shift // 'utf8'; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; $self->set_encoding($enc); return $self; } sub set_encoding { my $self = shift; my $enc = shift; unless ( defined $enc && defined $supported_encoding{ $enc } ) { $enc = 'NONE'; #warn "defaulting to $enc"; } $self->{encoding} = $enc; } sub get_encoding { my $self = shift; $self->{encoding}; } sub write_file { my $self = shift; my $filepath = shift; my $text = join '', @_; my $enc = $self->{encoding}; my $FH; if ( $enc eq 'NONE' ) { open $FH, ">", $filepath; #open $FH, ">:raw:encoding(UTF-8):crlf:utf8", $filepath; } else { open $FH, ">:raw:encoding($enc):crlf:utf8", $filepath; print $FH "\x{FEFF}"; } print $FH $text; close $FH; } sub read_file { my $self = shift; my $filepath = shift; open my $FH, '<:bytes', "$filepath"; my ( $enc, $spillage ) = get_encoding_from_filehandle($FH); $enc = $self->set_encoding($enc); if ( $enc eq 'NONE' ) { #binmode $FH, ":encoding(UTF-8)"; close $FH; open $FH, '<', "$filepath"; } else { binmode $FH, ":encoding($enc)"; } my @lines = <$FH>; close $FH; wantarray ? @lines : join '', @lines; } 1;
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; $|++; use lib('..'); use Data::HexDump; use File::Path; my $data = '.\data'; rmtree $data; # remove old data if any mkdir $data; use Test::More tests => 28; use File::AnyEncoding; # under test use_ok('File::AnyEncoding'); # test utf-16le encoding { # create object and write test file with specified encoding my $encoding = 'UTF-16LE'; my $fan1 = File::AnyEncoding->new($encoding); isa_ok( $fan1, 'File::AnyEncoding', '$fan1' ); is( $fan1->get_encoding(), 'UTF-16LE', "specified encoding" ); my $text1 = "Hello world \x{263A}\n\n"; my $file1 = "$data\\$encoding.txt"; $fan1->write_file( $file1, $text1 ); my $expected1 = <<HERE; 00000000 FF FE 48 00 65 00 6C 00 - 6C 00 6F 00 20 00 77 00 ..H.e.l.l +.o. .w. 00000010 6F 00 72 00 6C 00 64 00 - 20 00 3A 26 0D 00 0A 00 o.r.l.d. +.:&.... 00000020 0D 00 0A 00 .... HERE is( my_hexdump($file1), $expected1, "write_file $file1" ); # reset encoding - should be detected in read_file $fan1->set_encoding('NONE'); is( $fan1->get_encoding(), 'NONE', "default encoding" ); # read test file and remember encoding my $text2 = $fan1->read_file($file1); is( $fan1->get_encoding(), 'UTF-16LE', "detected encoding" ); my $expected2 = 'Hello world \x{263a}\x{d}\x{a}\x{d}\x{a}'; is( my_reasciify($text2), $expected2, "read_file $file1" ); my @lines2 = $fan1->read_file($file1); is( scalar @lines2, 2, "read_file $file1" ); my $join2 = join( '', @lines2 ); is( my_reasciify($join2), $expected2, "read_file $file1" ); # modify text and write second file using the remebered encoding $text2 =~ s/world/WORLD/; $text2 =~ s/\x{263A}/\x{20AC}/; ( my $file2 = $file1 ) =~ s/.txt/-2.txt/; $fan1->write_file( $file2, $text2 ); # writes file with remembe +red encoding my $expected3 = <<HERE; 00000000 FF FE 48 00 65 00 6C 00 - 6C 00 6F 00 20 00 57 00 ..H.e.l.l +.o. .W. 00000010 4F 00 52 00 4C 00 44 00 - 20 00 AC 20 0D 00 0D 00 O.R.L.D. +.. .... 00000020 0A 00 0D 00 0D 00 0A 00 ........ HERE is( my_hexdump($file2), $expected3, "write_file $file1" ); } # test utf-8 encoding { # create object and write test file with specified encoding my $encoding = 'UTF-8'; my $fan1 = File::AnyEncoding->new($encoding); isa_ok( $fan1, 'File::AnyEncoding', '$fan1' ); is( $fan1->get_encoding(), 'UTF-8', "specified encoding" ); my $text1 = "Hello world \x{263A}\n\n"; my $file1 = "$data\\$encoding.txt"; $fan1->write_file( $file1, $text1 ); my $expected1 = <<HERE; 00000000 EF BB BF 48 65 6C 6C 6F - 20 77 6F 72 6C 64 20 E2 ...Hello +world . 00000010 98 BA 0A 0A .... HERE is( my_hexdump($file1), $expected1, "write_file $file1" ); # reset encoding - should be detected in read_file $fan1->set_encoding('NONE'); is( $fan1->get_encoding(), 'NONE', "default encoding" ); # read test file and remember encoding my $text2 = $fan1->read_file($file1); is( $fan1->get_encoding(), 'UTF-8', "detected encoding" ); my $expected2 = 'Hello world \x{263a}\x{a}\x{a}'; is( my_reasciify($text2), $expected2, "read_file $file1" ); my @lines2 = $fan1->read_file($file1); is( scalar @lines2, 2, "read_file $file1" ); my $join2 = join( '', @lines2 ); is( my_reasciify($join2), $expected2, "read_file $file1" ); # modify text and write second file using the remebered encoding $text2 =~ s/world/WORLD/; $text2 =~ s/\x{263A}/\x{20AC}/; ( my $file2 = $file1 ) =~ s/.txt/-2.txt/; $fan1->write_file( $file2, $text2 ); # writes file with remembe +red encoding my $expected3 = <<HERE; 00000000 EF BB BF 48 65 6C 6C 6F - 20 57 4F 52 4C 44 20 E2 ...Hello +WORLD . 00000010 82 AC 0A 0A .... HERE is( my_hexdump($file2), $expected3, "write_file $file1" ); } # test no encoding { # create object and write test file with specified encoding my $encoding = 'NONE'; my $fan1 = File::AnyEncoding->new($encoding); isa_ok( $fan1, 'File::AnyEncoding', '$fan1' ); is( $fan1->get_encoding(), 'NONE', "specified encoding" ); my $text1 = "Hello world \x{263A}\n\n"; my $file1 = "$data\\$encoding.txt"; $fan1->write_file( $file1, $text1 ); my $expected1 = <<HERE; 00000000 48 65 6C 6C 6F 20 77 6F - 72 6C 64 20 E2 98 BA 0A Hello wor +ld .... 00000010 0A . HERE is( my_hexdump($file1), $expected1, "write_file $file1" ); # reset encoding - should be detected in read_file $fan1->set_encoding('UTF-8'); is( $fan1->get_encoding(), 'UTF-8', "default encoding" ); # read test file and remember encoding my $text2 = $fan1->read_file($file1); is( $fan1->get_encoding(), 'NONE', "detected encoding" ); my $expected2 = 'Hello world \x{e2}\x{98}\x{ba}\x{a}\x{a}'; is( my_reasciify($text2), $expected2, "read_file $file1" ); my @lines2 = $fan1->read_file($file1); is( scalar @lines2, 2, "read_file $file1" ); my $join2 = join( '', @lines2 ); is( my_reasciify($join2), $expected2, "read_file $file1" ); # modify text and write second file using the remebered encoding $text2 =~ s/world/WORLD/; $text2 =~ s/\x{263A}/\x{20AC}/; ( my $file2 = $file1 ) =~ s/.txt/-2.txt/; $fan1->write_file( $file2, $text2 ); # writes file with remembe +red encoding my $expected3 = <<HERE; 00000000 48 65 6C 6C 6F 20 57 4F - 52 4C 44 20 E2 98 BA 0A Hello WOR +LD .... 00000010 0A . HERE is( my_hexdump($file2), $expected3, "write_file $file1" ); } exit 0; # returns hexdump of the $file sub my_hexdump { my $file = shift; my $f = new Data::HexDump; unless ( -f $file ) { warn "no such file $file"; return '---'; } $f->file($file); my $str = ''; while ( local $_ = $f->dump ) { $str .= $_; } $str =~ s/.*00000000/00000000/s; return $str; } # returns sprintf of characters in $string, # replacing those not printable as ascii by their hex code point numer +ic value # similar to sub in File::BOM sub my_reasciify { my $string = shift; $string = join "", map { my $ord = ord($_); # ($ord > 127 || ($ord < 32 && $ord != 10)) ( $ord > 127 || $ord < 32 ) ? sprintf '\x{%x}', $ord : $_ } split //, $string; } __END__