in reply to "Tired of FUD" Followup: Where the Jobs Are

Whenever I see a thread like this, I have to laugh. merlyn's got exactly the right tack to take: be the best and jobs will find you. Even though today's market is rapidly changing, there are so many opportunities available it boggles my mind. The catch is that the jobs available are about problem solving for businesses, not being the most efficient at coding with the ternary operator. That's right, you need to use your brain and your access to information to position yourself and train yourself to speak "business"... not just buzzwords but brass tacks. If your brass tack called Perl can get the job done quickly and out the door with fewer bugs, guess who's got a job!

BTW, ($scraper && $presentation) == $kewl

Don Wilde
"There's more than one level to any answer."
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