Hello! I just wrote a Poem about being on travel. I hope you like it:
#!/usr/bin/perl # (C) 2008 by Paul C. Buetow ( Travel: time eq localtime; BEGIN { travel } do { pack (our $bag, packs) } and goto $bless, our $way; do { bless [our $long], $way } and goto far_away; far_away: { is => our $destiny } foreach @personality; for $the (@souls) { its => our $path }; do { use Memoize } and @remember and not @forget; do { sub travel { to => stop,off } }; foreach (@location) {}; far_away: { is => our $destiny } foreach @personality; for $the (@souls) { its => our $path }; do { study and s/eek// for @wisdom }; do { require strict; import { of, tied $power } }; local $robber, do kill unless tied $power; no warnings; do { alarm $us }; far_away: { is => our $destiny } foreach @personality; for $the (@souls) { its => our $path }; END { our $path }; do bless [], our $path if $arrived; do tell $the => $pupils and do tell $wisdom and ref $destiny; send $the => $pupils, goto destiny and goto Travel; tell $the; destiny: foreach (@soul) { }; sleep $long for @ever and exit $live; __END__ This is perl, v5.8.8 built for i386-freebsd-64int
Paul C. Bütow UPDATE: New signature URL!