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Number of digits at the end of the string

by isha (Sexton)
on Jan 17, 2008 at 12:35 UTC ( [id://662854]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

isha has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I want a regular expression that checks that a string has only 4 digits at the end & starts with "aaa_", inbetween string can have digits,alphabets and underscore{1,24} .

I tried with
$test = "00000"; if($test =~ /^aaa_[a-z0-9_]{1,24}[0-9]{4,4}$/){
print "Match---\n";
print "No Match... :(\n";

But this says its a match.

Please provide a regexp that says:
Match for "aaa_gjh1_dfgdf_0009","aaa_gjh_0000"
No Match for "aaa_fdsfs_000", "aaa_sdf_jdsh_01111".

i.e. allows ONLY 4 digits at the end of a string
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Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Number of digits at the end of the string
by grinder (Bishop) on Jan 17, 2008 at 13:27 UTC

    If you mean that a string must have four digits at the end, that is, the four digits are preceded by a non-digit, then you can use a positive look-behind assertion to look at the character before that group.

    Since we are dealing with strings, and not lines, you should use string anchors (\A and \z). Working backwards, \d{4} gives us 4 digits. To see if the character before that is a non-digit? (?<=\D) (mnemonic: before equals a non-digit). This looks at the character, but does not consume it.

    Then, alphanum characters and underscore can be represented by \w. As an added bonus (or possibly not, that's your call) it will work correctly on UTF-8 characters that represent alphanumish characters.

    Putting it all together, we get

    sub is_valid { my $test = shift; return $test =~ /\Aaaa_\w{1,24}(?<=\D)\d{4}\z/; }

    I naturally tend to wrap this logic up in a routine , so that in the mainline code I can write

    for my $str (qw(aaa_gjh1_dfgdf_0009 aaa_gjh_0000 aaa_fdsfs_000 aaa_sdf +_jdsh_01111)) { print (is_valid($str) ? "ok $str\n" : "not ok $str\n"); }

    • another intruder with the mooring in the heart of the Perl

Re: Number of digits at the end of the string
by hipowls (Curate) on Jan 17, 2008 at 12:43 UTC

    If there are always at least five characters in the string then

    if an acceptable string could be exactly four digits then
    / (?: # either ^ # start of string | # or \D # a non digit ) \d{4} # exactly four digits $ # end of string /x

    Update: /(?<!\d)\d{4}$/ covers all cases, I tend to forget about look behind because I have to use fairly ancient perls as well as the more modern varients and so code for the lowest denominator.

Re: Number of digits at the end of the string
by apl (Monsignor) on Jan 17, 2008 at 12:46 UTC
    How do you define ONLY 4 digits at the end of a string ? "aaa_sdf_jdsh_01111" would seem to me to end in four digits.

    If you're saying the string must always end in an underscore followed by four digits, try testing against /_\d{4}$/.
      perhaps OP means the last 5 chars of the string must terminate with not more than 4 digits.
      #!C:/perl/bin -w =head I want a regular expression that checks that a string has only 4 digit +s at the end & starts with "aaa_", inbetween string can have digits,a +lphabets and underscore{1,24} . ... Please provide a regexp that says: Match for "aaa_gjh1_dfgdf_0009","aaa_gjh_0000" No Match for "aaa_fdsfs_000", "aaa_sdf_jdsh_01111". i.e. allows ONLY 4 digits at the end of a string =cut my @testitems = qw( aaa_gjh1_dfgdf_0009 aaa_gjh_0000 aaa_gjh1_DFgdf_0009 aaa_gjh_0000 aaa_fdsfs_000 aaa_sdf_jdsh_01111 aaa_gjh1_dfgdf_0009 aaa_gjh1_df<:df_0009 aaa_gjh_0000 aaa_fdsfs_000 ); for my $item(@testitems) { if ( $item =~ m/ ^aaa_ # starts with "aaa_" [_A-Za-z0-9]{1,23} # test next 1,23 chars: underline, alpha or dec +imal_nums (?<=\D) # Positive_Lookbehind, Last char BEFORE last 4 # (potentially, the 24th) # can't be a digit else we may find 5 digit +s at the end \d{4}$ # has ONLY - emphasis mine - four digits at the + end /x ) { print "Matches: $item\n"; } else { print "\tNo match: $item\n"; } } print "done\n"; =head1 OUTPUT: Matches: aaa_gjh1_dfgdf_0009 Matches: aaa_gjh_0000 Matches: aaa_gjh1_DFgdf_0009 Matches: aaa_gjh_0000 No match: aaa_fdsfs_000 No match: aaa_sdf_jdsh_01111 Matches: aaa_gjh1_dfgdf_0009 No match: aaa_gjh1_df<:df_0009 Matches: aaa_gjh_0000 No match: aaa_fdsfs_000 done =cut
        Not only is the above badly formatted, it occured to me to test additional possibilities; so (with apologies), revised, cleaned up, etc. :
        #!C:/perl/bin -w my @testitems = qw( aaa_gjh1_dfgdf_0009 aaa_gjh_0000 aaa_gjh1_DFgdf_0009 aaa_fdsfs_000 aaa_sdf_jdsh_01111 aaa_gjh1_dfgdf_0009 aaa_gjhi0000 aaa_gjh1_df<:df_0009 aaa_gjh_0000 aaa_ABCDEFGHI123456789ZYXW_1111 aaa_ABCDEFGHI123456789ZYXWVUT_1111); # next to last: 23 before the last underlin +e # last element: more than 24 intermediate c +hars for my $item(@testitems) { if ( $item =~ m/ ^aaa_ # starts with "aaa_" [_A-Za-z0-9]{1,23} # test next 1,23 chars: underline, alphas or d +ecimal_nums (?<=\D) # Pos_LookBehind, Last char BEFORE last 4 (may + be the 24th) # can't be a digit else we may find 5 di +gits at the end \d{4}$ # has ONLY - emphasis mine - four digits at th +e end /x ) { print "MATCHES: $item\n"; } else { print "NO match: $item\n"; } } print "done\n"; =head1 OUTPUT: MATCHES: aaa_gjh1_dfgdf_0009 MATCHES: aaa_gjh_0000 MATCHES: aaa_gjh1_DFgdf_0009 # caps are alpha; OP m +ay want only lc NO match: aaa_fdsfs_000 # only 3 digits at end + of string # (contrary to sp +ec) NO match: aaa_sdf_jdsh_01111 # 5 digits at end of s +tring # (contrary to sp +ec) MATCHES: aaa_gjh1_dfgdf_0009 MATCHES: aaa_gjhi0000 # no underscore before + final 4 digits # (ok per spec) NO match: aaa_gjh1_df<:df_0009 # includes symbol and +punct # (contrary to sp +ec) MATCHES: aaa_gjh_0000 MATCHES: aaa_ABCDEFGHI123456789ZYXW_1111 # < 24 chars before fi +nal 4 digits # (ok per spec) NO match: aaa_ABCDEFGHI123456789ZYXWVUT_1111 # > 24 chars before fi +nal 4 digits # (contrary to s +pec) done =cut

        But see grinder's elegant (and earlier) node, below!

Re: Number of digits at the end of the string
by memnoch (Scribe) on Jan 17, 2008 at 13:13 UTC

    If I understand your requirements correctly, the following should work. (It works with your example strings as you have provided.)

    use strict; my @strings = qw(aaa_gjh1_dfgdf_0009 aaa_gjh_0000 aaa_fdsfs_000 aaa_sd +f_jdsh_01111); foreach my $test (@strings) { if($test =~ /^aaa_[a-z0-9_]{1,23}[a-z_][0-9]{4,4}$/){ print "Match---\n"; } else{ print "No Match... :(\n"; } }
Re: Number of digits at the end of the string
by toolic (Bishop) on Jan 17, 2008 at 14:26 UTC
    I'm confused. When I run the code that you posted, it prints (contrary to your claim):
    No Match... :(

    Perhaps you updated your original post?

      grinder's solution works for me (grinder++). Here's my test against your strings..
      #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my @strings = qw/aaa_gjh1_dfgdf_0009 aaa_gjh_0000 00000 aaa_fdsfs_000 +aaa_sdf_jdsh_01111/; print is_valid($_) ? '' : "no ", "match: $_\n" for @strings; sub is_valid { my $test = shift; return $test =~ /\Aaaa_\w{1,24}(?<=\D)\d{4}\z/; }
        Thanks for the solution but this still says Match for aaa_fgjkghd11_hfksdh11__0000 ( two underscores)
Re: Number of digits at the end of the string
by poolpi (Hermit) on Jan 18, 2008 at 11:35 UTC
    #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my @string = ( 'aaa_fgjkghd11__hfksdh11__0000', 'aaa_fgjkghd11_hfksdh11__0000', 'aaa_fgjkghd11hfksdh11__0000', 'aaa_fgjkghd11__hfksdh11_0000', 'aaa_fgjkghd11__hfksdh110000', 'aaa_fgjk__ghd11_hfksdh1_10000', 'aaa_fgjk__ghd11_hfksdh1_0000', 'aa_fgjk__ghd11_hfksdh1_a000', 'aaa_fgjk_ghd_11_hfksdh1_0000' ); for (@string) { print /\A a{3} [_] (?: [a-z0-9] | [^_][_] ){1,24} [^_][_] \d{4} \z /xms ? ' ' : 'no '; print "match : $_\n"; }

    no match : aaa_fgjkghd11__hfksdh11__0000 no match : aaa_fgjkghd11_hfksdh11__0000 no match : aaa_fgjkghd11hfksdh11__0000 no match : aaa_fgjkghd11__hfksdh11_0000 no match : aaa_fgjkghd11__hfksdh110000 no match : aaa_fgjk__ghd11_hfksdh1_10000 no match : aaa_fgjk__ghd11_hfksdh1_0000 no match : aa_fgjk__ghd11_hfksdh1_a000 match : aaa_fgjk_ghd_11_hfksdh1_0000



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