in reply to Generating accessors and mutators for complex structures inside the object


Having the key Hashref in there may be an indication of a design issue. You may be trying to solve implementation problems stemming from a design problem. Would you care to tell us more about your objects? What other keys are there in your object than Hashref? How about some sample actual data?

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Re^2: Generating accessors for complex structures inside the object
by KSURi (Monk) on Jan 12, 2008 at 14:49 UTC
    Sure, here it is. This is my class constructor which sets primary attributes:
    sub new { my $class = shift || __PACKAGE__; my $self; if ( scalar @_ == 1 ) { ( $self->{RemoteAddr}, $self->{RemotePort} ) = split( ':', shi +ft ); } else { $self = {@_} } foreach (qw(RemoteAddr RemotePort)) { confess $_ . " was not cofigured" unless $self->{$_}; } $self->{FuzzLevel} ||= 1; $self->{Debug} ||= 0; $self->{Path} ||= 'report.html'; $self->{Report} ||= 0; $self->{Ready} = 0; $self->{Socket} = undef; $self->{LastSentFinger} = undef; bless( $self, ref $class || $class ); }
    And these are some additional attributes which will be added later by another sub:
    $self->{FuzzData} = { _Letters => { __data => [ # a lot of data here ], __example => qr/(\w{1})/ }, _Formats => { __data => [ # again data ], __example => qr/(%\w{1})/ }, _Numbers => { __data => [ # and again ], __example => qr/(\d{1)}/ } }; $self->{ProtoData} = { _ActionData => { __ActionCmd => [], __ActionExit => undef, __ActionTemplate => undef }, _LoginData => { __LoginUser => undef, __LoginPass => undef, __LoginSuccess => undef, __LoginTemplate => undef }, _ProtoPresets => { ftp => \&{ $self->_LoadPresetFTP }, http => \&{ $self->_LoadPresetHTTP }, pop3 => \&{ $self->_LoadPresetPOP3 }, smtp => \&{ $self->_LoadPresetSMTP } } };
    So, you can notice that attributes are grouped topically
Re^2: Generating accessors for complex structures inside the object
by KSURi (Monk) on Jan 23, 2008 at 18:55 UTC
    Ok, seems you were right) I've redesigned the object structure and removed all the nested structures. After that it works fine, thank you!