#File name: auto.txt #! usr/bin/perl -w $Srvr_mngr = `C:\Siebel\WebClient\Bin\srvrmgr.exe`; $Server_name = "server"; $User_name = "user"; $Password = "password"; $List_of_Values = `C:\Siebel\WebClient\Bin\ListOfValues.ifb`; $Row_id = "Session id"; #### #! /usr/bin/perl if(open(INFILE,"auto.txt")){ #Add the file contents to an array @data = ; %edit = @data } else { print "No such file or directory\n"; } #### %edit = (e101 => 'Srvr_mngr ', e102 => 'Server_name', e103 => 'User_name ', e104 => 'Password').......; #### #para.txt #this file contains the paramters to be used in the #command line. SRVMNGR = "E:\siebel\siebsrvr\bin\srvrmgr " GATEWAY = "gateway server name" ENTERPRISE SERVER = "enterprise server name" SERVER = "server name" USER = "user" PASSWORD = "password" SYSTEM_NAME = "WfProcMgr" #### #File name: "migrate.pl" #This file will fetch the data from "para.txt" and use #them to invoke the command line open(INFD, "para.txt") or die "Error reading the file.....Please try again\n"; @str = ; $i=0; $edit = {}; while($i <= $#str) { $line = $str[$i]; chop($line); @lineContents = split(/=/, $line); $edit->{$lineContents[0]} = $lineContents[1]; # print "one = $lineContents[0], two = $lineContents[1]\n"; $i++; } foreach $i (keys (%$edit)) { print "Key = $i Val = $edit->{$i}\n"; } @str1 = `SRVMNGR – g GATEWAY –e ENTERPRISE SERVER –s USER –p PASSWORD –c”Run Task for comp SYSTEM_NAME processName="UDA Batch Deployment", RowId=”Captured Session Id”`; print @str1; #I doubt if this will invoke the command line