in reply to Question of SQL and an array

You are confused about the difference between an array and an arrayref and a "$" and an "@". "@row->[0]" doesn't mean anything, that's not how either arrays or arrayrefs are referenced. You need something like this, but this is only a guess since you don't really tell us what you want to do.
my $m_dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:...); my $a_dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:AnyData(RaiseError=>1):'); $a_dbh->func( 'cars', 'CSV', 'testperl.csv', 'ad_catalog'); my $pats = $m_dbh->selectcol_arrayref(" SELECT PAT FROM patentes "); my $pats_str = join ',',@$pats; my $a_sth = $a_dbh->prepare(" SELECT * FROM cars WHERE PAT IN ($pats_str) "); $a_sth->execute(); while(my $row = $a_sth->fetch){ print "@$row\n"; }