use strict; use Test::More tests => 12; sub second_eval_unaffected($) { my ($code) = @_; eval $code; diag $@ if $@; my $string = ''; ok eval(q($string="new eval done";)), "Eval after >>$code<< still works"; is $@, '', "... and raises no error either."; is $string, 'new eval done', "... and sets the variable correctly"; }; second_eval_unaffected 'my $var_without_accent;'; second_eval_unaffected 'my $var_with = "é_accent";'; second_eval_unaffected 'my statement_with_error;'; second_eval_unaffected 'my $var_with_é_accent";'; #### use strict; use Test::More tests => 10; sub gauntlet { my $code1=shift; my $string; my $expected = "new eval done"; my $code2='$string="new eval done";'; ok eval($code2), "Good code evals correctly"; is $@, '', "... and raises no error on its own."; diag "Eval trial code\n"; diag $code1; eval $code1; diag '$@ is ', $@; undef $string; diag "Eval good code ($code2)\n"; ok eval $code2; is $@, '', "No error raised"; is $string, $expected; }; gauntlet('my $var_with_é_accent;'); gauntlet('my $var_without_accent;');