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A follow up to "Question about recursively generated iterators"

by perlfan (Vicar)
on Oct 16, 2007 at 16:46 UTC ( [id://645222]=perlmeditation: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

This is a follow up to my question, Question about recursively generated iterators, to which Limbic~Region and ikegami provide some very helpful answers.

The following is an affirmation of what I've learned regarding the generation of iterators.


The motivating application for learning to do this is related to problem of generating valid strings given a deterministic finite automata (DFA), which is a machine that can be described using pure regular expressions.

Normally these machines are used as string acceptors, but here I wanted to do the opposite, and use them as string generators. I had recursive solutions, but I wanted something that I could use as an actual iterator - i.e., produce the next string and halt the execution until I wanted the next one.

The idea of string generation is not as intimidating as it seems (especially if I am playing with it:) because the DFA can be taken as a directed graph where the states are the nodes, and the transitions between states are the edges. Each transition may have multiple labels (i.e., symbols), but this fortunately does not make what I need to do any more difficult conceptually.

In order to find all paths that go from the start state (node) to an accepting state, one may use a depth first traversal (DFT) of the directed graph. Using this method, a valid string is simply the concatenation of the symbols labeling each edge in the valid path. A path is valid if it is acyclic and goes from the start state to some accepting state. A related method may find just the acyclic paths, but a DFT is also able to detect (and follow to a certain depth) cycles.

I am familiar with implementing this as a recursive routine, and that works fine when all I want is a dump of all strings. It doesn't work so well if I want to create a real iterator that offers some control of the traversal's execution. Some DFAs may also create a lot of strings depending on how "deep" one wants to go, so it is not a good idea to have to generate a ton of strings if all I want is a few.

The Basic Solution

Conceptually, all that I really needed to do was to intercept the recursive calls before they were made, push them onto my own call stack, then manage the call stack in some way.

Using this scheme, an "iteration" consists of pop'ing off the top most anonymous subroutine, executing it, then pushing the set of resulting anonymous subroutines back down the stack. If on a particular call a terminating condition of the recursion is met, there are potentially no subroutines returned.

It should be noted that iterators in general do not need to ensure an exhausted call stack, but a recursive algorithm run indefinitely (like in a while loop) will eventually halt. Because the caller is in control of the execution stack, iterators are often used to control memory efficient infinite data generators.

Recursive Iterator Generator Pseudo-code I

  1. initialize the call stack by making a call to the generator function; this will return 0 or more anonymous subroutines that have yet to be executed
  2. if a terminating condition is encountered, no subroutines will be returned
  3. while the stack is not empty pop a sub from the top of the stack, then execute it; this will return 0 or more subroutines; push these down the stack
  4. repeat this process for all levels until the stack has been exhausted

Recursive Iterator Generator Pseudo-code II

# this function is not recursive; it is called once # and returns with the subroutine calls it /would have/ # made had it be implicitly recursive sub get_sub (param1,...,paramN) # shift params, which are are assumed to data stucts refs initialize @retsubs = () if terminating condition FALSE # create/modify params used in recursive call initialize new _param1 to some value; ... initialize _paramN to some value; loop to get set of next subs for next level of recursion push "sub {return get_sub(_param1,...,paramN);})" onto @retsubs; end loop endif return {substack=>@retsubs,retval1=>'somevalue'}; end get_sub # initialize call stack with first set of subs to call my @callstack = array of subs returned by get_sub(param1,...,paramN); # now execute the call stack until it's been exhausted while(@callstack) { pop next $sub off of @callstack; execute sub ref, $x = $sub->(); push subs returned by get_sub(param1,...,paramN) onto @callstack; end while
In the above pseudo-code, it is important to note that the next level of recursion is never followed immediately. Control is returned back to the caller once all of the next set of subs are generated. The return value is a set of 0 or more newly manufactured subroutines that are ready to be pushed onto the call stack.

These dynamically manufactured subroutines are no different than explicitly declared subroutines except that during their creation, their input parameters were determined. This is why we execute these manufactured subroutines with out any parameters, for example $sub_ref->().

It is perfectly valid to have a manufactured subroutine accept run time parameters, but more often this is unnecessary. It is merely an additional dimension of flexibility one may add to these dynamically generated subroutines.
... return sub { my $arg1 = shift; my $arg2 = shift; ... ;}; ...

What About Getting Actual Return Values?

Recursive functions are rarely useful if they do not return something to the original caller. Fortunately, Perl allows us to return complex data structures, so in this case we would return an anonymous hash where one field contained the anonymous array of generated subroutines, and anything else that needed to be returned could be contained in its own hash field.

This requires an extra step after each call from the top of the stack is made, but it is a small price to pay for the convenience. For example, below we return an anonymous hash reference with an array of subroutine references as one of its members:
my @subrefs = (); # loop, push sub refs onto @subrefs push (@subrefs,sub { ... }); # end loop ... return { subref => @subrefs, val1 => 1, val2 => 'abc' }; ...
and now we make the call and extract the proper values from the returned hash ref.
# make call my $caller = get_sub(...); # extract subrefs from the returned hash ref my @subrefs = @{$caller->{subrefs}}; # push returned subs onto call stack push(@callstack,@subrefs);

An Example Interface to My Implementation

This is not the implementation, but the interface to the iterator implemenation. I show this first to illustrate what I was originally envisioning. This code provides valid string generation via my hobby module, Perl FLaT, using both the acyclic path and deep dft methods.

Example usage:
#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use FLAT::DFA; use FLAT::NFA; use FLAT::PFA; use FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps; my $PRE = "abc&(def)*"; my $dfa = FLAT::Regex::WithExtraOps->new($PRE)->as_pfa->as_nfa->as_dfa +->as_min_dfa->trim_sinks; my $next = $dfa->new_acyclic_string_generator; print "PRE: $PRE\n"; print "Acyclic:\n"; while (my $string = $next->()) { print " $string\n"; } $next = $dfa->new_deepdft_string_generator(); print "Deep DFT (default):\n"; for (1..10) { while (my $string = $next->()) { print " $string\n"; last; } } $next = $dfa->new_deepdft_string_generator(5); print "Deep DFT (5):\n"; for (1..10) { while (my $string = $next->()) { print " $string\n"; last; } }
PRE: abc&(def)* Acyclic: deabfc deabcf dabcef dabefc dabecf daebfc daebcf abc adbcef adbefc adbecf adebfc adebcf Deep DFT (default): deabfdcef deabfc deabcf deafbdcef deafbdecf deafbc deafdbcef deafdbefc deafdbecf dabcef Deep DFT (5): defdefdefdefdeabfdcef defdefdefdefdeabfdcefdef defdefdefdefdeabfdcefdefdef defdefdefdefdeabfdcefdefdefdef defdefdefdefdeabfdcefdefdefdefdef defdefdefdefdeabfdefdcef defdefdefdefdeabfdefdcefdef defdefdefdefdeabfdefdcefdefdef defdefdefdefdeabfdefdcefdefdefdef defdefdefdefdeabfdefdcefdefdefdefdef

The Actual Implementation

For the full context of this code snippet, see the full file.
sub get_acyclic_sub { my $self = shift; my ($start,$nodelist_ref,$dflabel_ref,$string_ref,$accepting_ref,$la +stDFLabel) = @_; my @ret = (); foreach my $adjacent (keys(%{$nodelist_ref->{$start}})) { $lastDFLabel++; if (!exists($dflabel_ref->{$adjacent})) { $dflabel_ref->{$adjacent} = $lastDFLabel; foreach my $symbol (@{$nodelist_ref->{$start}{$adjacent}}) { push(@{$string_ref},$symbol); my $string_clone = dclone($string_ref); my $dflabel_clone = dclone($dflabel_ref); push(@ret,sub { return $self->get_acyclic_sub($adjacent,$nodel +ist_ref,$dflabel_clone,$string_clone,$accepting_ref,$lastDFLabel); }) +; pop @{$string_ref}; } } } return {substack=>[@ret], lastDFLabel=>$lastDFLabel, string => ($self->array_is_subset([$start],[@{$accepting_ref +}]) ? join('',@{$string_ref}) : undef)}; } sub init_acyclic_iterator { my $self = shift; my %dflabel = (); my @string = (); my $lastDFLabel = 0; my %nodelist = $self->as_node_list(); my @accepting = $self->get_accepting(); # initialize my @substack = (); my $r = $self->get_acyclic_sub($self->get_starting(),\%nodelist,\%df +label,\@string,\@accepting,$lastDFLabel); push(@substack,@{$r->{substack}}); return sub { while (1) { if (!@substack) { return undef; } my $s = pop @substack; my $r = $s->(); push(@substack,@{$r->{substack}}); if ($r->{string}) { return $r->{string}; } } } } sub new_acyclic_string_generator { my $self = shift; return $self->init_acyclic_iterator(); }

Many Thanks To...


I welcome feedback of all kinds, so please feel free - especially if you notice an problem anywhere :).

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