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Perl as a second language

by szabgab (Priest)
on Oct 01, 2007 at 20:04 UTC ( [id://641982]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

szabgab has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I am planning to promote Perl and even provide a short training for people who already know and use another language. I am particularly interested in the Java/C/C++/C# crowd.

I don't want to convert them to use Perl instead of their primary language. This is a decision that need to be made on a higher level in the corporate ladder. It might not even be a good idea.

What I would like to achieve is that these people will be able to use Perl for other tasks. Starting from small daily routine work beneficial only to themselves through helping others to automate small thing towards more company wide automation stuff. Maybe automated QA etc.
In short to turn regular employees into secret Perl agents who will spread the benefits of Perl within the organizations.

But how can I convince them to take a look at Perl and to come to this short (half or one day long) training?

What can they do with Perl faster - after one day of learning - than they can do with their primary language after several years of experience?

Why would it be better to write these things in Perl than in their primary language?

I am not using any of those languages so I am not sure what they might need? What would catch their eyes?

  • Using Perl as grep?
  • Global search and replace?
  • Analyzing C/Java code?
  • Showing tons of CPAN modules? But which ones?
  • ???
Please fill in the ???

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Perl as a second language
by roboticus (Chancellor) on Oct 01, 2007 at 22:24 UTC

    I'm primarily a C/C++ programmer, but I whack at Perl now and again.

    In my job, I deal with lots of large files, and do my production work in C/C++ for the speed and memory efficiency. (Yeah, I know that line is overworked, but I'm packing stuff together and still approach memory limits!)

    But what perl is *absolutely beautiful* for is answering the odd questions that come up. With the DBI, Spreadsheet, et. al. modules, I can often find exactly what I'm looking for in a short time, and send it onwards in a presentable fashion.

    What initially 'hooked' me on perl was the DBI package and the regular expressions. What I tell my friends when I'm trying to convince them to give perl a try, I just tell 'em how much time I save by having it at my fingertips.

    Once I help 'em out a few times with a quickie perl script, they start to get interested. Then it's a quick jump to


Re: Perl as a second language
by TGI (Parson) on Oct 01, 2007 at 23:20 UTC

    I do mostly Perl and C programming. Besides pure Perl projects, I find Perl useful for:

    • Processing data sets for use in developing/troubleshooting code.
    • Automating bits of my build process that would be too tricky with only make and the shell.
    • Quick little one-liners to translate crap I'm seeing in the debugger into useful information.
    • Hacking together a quick prototype implementation of an algorithm.

    Make sure you mention Inline::C and Inline::Java.

    Convert::Binary::C is worth its weight in gold when I want to parse a memory dump. I also use it to build up ROM images.

    TGI says moo

Re: Perl as a second language
by blue_cowdawg (Monsignor) on Oct 01, 2007 at 20:09 UTC
        Please fill in the ???

    A lot of that depends on what platform you are writing your code for. I know that in my case I mostly deal with folks that are writing Java, JSP and other of that type of code for the Weblogic platform. I have shown some of the more receptive in that audience the beauty of writing stuff in Perl that doesn't depend on the overhead of the Java JRE to do back end maintenance for their applications. I've also show them how they can use Perl to detect patterns in application log files and send emails when those patterns are detected. Just a few of the items I've taught them.

    Peter L. Berghold -- Unix Professional
    Peter -at- Berghold -dot- Net; AOL IM redcowdawg Yahoo IM: blue_cowdawg
      God points. Could you elaborate a bit on the back end maintenance? What kind of things do you need to do there?
            What kind of things do you need to do there?

        So that I don't give away customer confidential information, let me instead enumerate some of the things I use Perl for to do back-end processing in some JSP/Servlet applications that I've created. Keep in mind there are ways to do this in Java as well, but in some cases I don't want the added overhead of the JVM/JRE.

        • Cleaning out old records in database tabls and emailing the results
        • Conversion of uploaded spreadsheets and/or CSV files to databsae rows
        • Cleaning old temporary files the JSP application leaves behind.
        • Backup of database to offsite system
        That's just a short list of things I have Perl doing behind the scenes.

        One of the items that I have Perl doing on one web application I maintain is Java is not allowed to send email directly. The capability exists, but there is no equivilant of Email::Valid to check for invalid email addreses. So the Java application queues up the email send request to a database table and a Perl script that awakens from cron checks the validity of the request, formats the email and sends it on its way.

        Peter L. Berghold -- Unix Professional
        Peter -at- Berghold -dot- Net; AOL IM redcowdawg Yahoo IM: blue_cowdawg
Re: Perl as a second language
by artist (Parson) on Oct 01, 2007 at 20:49 UTC
    You can show them relevant modules about the work, that they are doing. May also provide some sample code to do the same. Some sort of language oriented things can work too, but it is not easy to find always, such as Perl Cookbook for .NET programmers.
      Yes, szabgab needs to find out what
      daily routine work beneficial only to themselves through helping others to automate small things
      actually means.

      holli, /regexed monk/

        I need your help to learn what kind of such tasks Java and C* programmers might face.

Re: Perl as a second language
by Aim9b (Monk) on Oct 02, 2007 at 00:52 UTC
    One of the things that got me into perl was it's ability to perform the 'quick and dirty' things that other languages struggle with. We have 200+ sites & perl allows me to scan every update log file and only spend time on those with errors.
Re: Perl as a second language
by Cody Pendant (Prior) on Oct 02, 2007 at 02:33 UTC
    I'll link to a post I wrote a while ago on a similar topic.

    I say you should emphasise CPAN. The strength of CPAN is that a lot of smart people have done a lot of smart thinking already.

    When you get presented with a problem, the solution often seems simple or obvious -- who needs a whole module to parse text into sentences? Find the full stops, you're done!

    But the more you think about it, the more edge cases and provisos and local variations you come across. A CPAN module is, or should be, the result of someone having thought of all the problems already, and leaving you some configurability for the ones they haven't.

    Nobody says perl looks like line-noise any more
    kids today don't know what line-noise IS ...
Re: Perl as a second language
by apl (Monsignor) on Oct 02, 2007 at 12:02 UTC
    Show how Perl facilitates data mining and ad-hoc reporting.

    Focus on system, format, regex and hashes.

    Emphasize use strict and testing error returns.

    One question, though. If you don't know what your target audience does, how do you hope to promote the use of Perl? Perhaps you should be spending time talking to the programmers you hope to convert.
Re: Perl as a second language
by CountZero (Bishop) on Oct 02, 2007 at 16:34 UTC
    But how can I convince them to take a look at Perl and to come to this short (half or one day long) training?

    Anyonbe who attends gets free booze, cookies, ... ?

    No really, I think you have to find out for what they use their primary language for and then you can show them how much easier it is to use Perl for these tasks.

    If Perl is not the better language for what they are doing, then you are fighting a lost battle anyhow.


    A program should be light and agile, its subroutines connected like a string of pearls. The spirit and intent of the program should be retained throughout. There should be neither too little or too much, neither needless loops nor useless variables, neither lack of structure nor overwhelming rigidity." - The Tao of Programming, 4.1 - Geoffrey James

Re: Perl as a second language
by perlfan (Vicar) on Oct 02, 2007 at 16:36 UTC
    First and foremost, I'd point out that Perl is available for nearly /any/ platform that they'll need. On Windows, ActivePerl comes with the Tk module already installed, so it is a great way to create quick little GUI apps that will work on Windows and *nix.

    Another benefit is that one may switch between Windows and *nix while working on the "one perl script to rule them all" - this has its advantages when working with others on a project.

    For different programmer's you'll need to highlight different things. Java programmers may want to see the "write once run anywhere" aspect of Perl.

    You may also want to point out that in reality, 99% of the things that programs do don't require speed, and that difference in effort between writing a little tool in Perl vs Java/etc is huge.
Re: Perl as a second language
by sfink (Deacon) on Oct 03, 2007 at 20:47 UTC
    First, there is hardly anything that you can usefully do with Perl after one day of learning. Perl is a five minutes a day language. Its syntax is different enough from other things that if you don't use it frequently, the memory of how to do things will evaporate from your brain.

    I'm not saying that what you are attempting is impossible; I think you have a great idea as long as you approach it as a teaser that is going to interest them enough to start spending those 5 minutes a day.

    That said, I'll try coming up with some examples. Note that these will mostly be one-liners, because that's mostly what is useful on a day-to-day basis. Unfortunately, they use lots of magic command-line options, so they tend to make Perl seem even more magic and filled with special cases than it actually is.

    • Grabbing out fields from a text file. Here's my standard /proc-based process memory monitor: while true; do perl -lne 'print $1 if /VmSize:\s*(\S.*)/' /proc/(pid)/status; sleep 5; done
    • The print $1 if /.../ idiom is nice because you can select lines as well as the field you care about. Here's something that will print out the GET URLs from an Apache access_log file: perl -lne 'print $1 if /GET (\S+)/' access_log
    • Summing up a bunch of numbers. This will sum up the sizes of all *.txt files in a directory: ls -l *.txt | perl -lane 'print $s += $F[4]' or with a nice output: ls -l *.txt | perl -lane '$s =+ $F[4]; END { print "Total size: $s" }'
    • Note that the above can fail with longer usernames or groups. If that is a potential problem, then these would be more correct: ls -ln *.txt | perl -lane 'print $s += $F[4]' or perl -le 'print $s += (-s $_) foreach @ARGV' *.txt or even perl -le 'print $s += (-s $_) foreach glob("*.txt")'
    • Ok, the previous example really isn't that good, since it can just be done with wc -c *.txt. Then again, maybe it's a good lead-in to a discussion of the usefulness of knowing how to use a hammer well.
    • Here's one I used recently: we have directories containing C++ files. The usage pattern is supposed to be acyclic (if files in directory A include files in directory B, then nothing in B should directly or indirectly include files in A.) The first step was to dump out all of the include relationships: perl -lne 'print "$ARGV -> $1" while m!^#\s*include\s+["<](\w+)/!g' */*.cpp */*.h | sort -u (the includes look like #include "Ac/Insert.cpp"). Step 2 was to boil it down to just the directory usage lines; step 3 was to feed it to dot to display the graph nicely. (Actually, I had an intermediate step where I simplified the relationships to remove indirect links, but that was a much more involved program. We have a lot of packages.)
    • I once wrote up a quick script to cross-verify Java API calls that were documented as deprecated but sometimes not marked as deprecated in the code. Or vice versa. I forget.
    • Do a diff between two (possibly compressed) tarballs. Or rpms. (I have simple utility scripts I wrote for that, one 65 lines, the other 39. I think they'd both be understandable and maybe writable after a day with Perl.)
    • Recursively add a directory tree to CVS.
    • I could probably just look through my ~/bin directory for examples, but I think I'll stop now.
Re: Perl as a second language
by Nova (Novice) on Oct 03, 2007 at 14:27 UTC
    So many excellent and relevant questions, which really do bring enlightenment to perusers, here on Perlmonks , I wish I had joined long ago , but better late than never. Perl and Perl/Tk have been my first language combo for a long time now . I have been very reluctant to learn C or C++ ( I have read and understand the languages in some detail even taken courses, but have not gained a lot of practical experience by writing code in them ), always gravitate back to Perl , maybe in part because it's my impression that the C++ learning curve is much steeper. Perl is multiplatform , can be used on Unix , Linux and Window OS's and Mac's . I found it was easy to buy a book in the beginning , O'Reilly "Perl Tk" , and begin writing powerful code almost immediately. My applications are of a more scientific nature, the most elaborate to manipulate large arrays in every imaginable way , while viewing results in a canvas and reading out the instantaneous data analyses , all based on user input manipulation parameters via great GUI's. Perl allowed me to create a tool based on the mental picture I had of that tool , so I am extremely content with Perl and I believe it will only get better due to the commitment of people like you and others posting here . Nova

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