This is a little module that makes a page with any piece of text or code, coloring it in using a logo or image. I started programming this because I was too lazy to make it character by character. When it was done, it wasn't that hard to make it work for any image or logo.

Feel free to test or download the EasterRock module. If anyone has any improvements or suggestions, please let me know!

EasterRock page

package EasterRock; use strict; use LWP::Simple; use GD; use HTML::Entities; # How to use this module: # # my $rock = EasterRock->new(); # $rock->setTextSource($textSource); # pass a URL # $rock->setImageSource($imageSource); # pass a URL (jpg or png) # print $rock->getRock('html'); # html, style, div or config # variables that need a default value my $_textSource = ''; my $_imageSource = ''; my $_rockHeight = 60; # variables you could fill youself my $_backgroundColor = ''; my $_characterAspectratio = 1.8; # 2.0 = (line)heigth is twice the +(character)width # variables the program will fill my $_textBuffer = ''; my $_rockWidth = 60; my $_sourceImageObject; my $_patternImageObject; my $_imageAspectratio = 1; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; return bless $self, $class; } sub setTextSource { my $self = shift; $_textSource = shift; } sub setImageSource { my $self = shift; $_imageSource = shift; } sub loadText { my $self = shift; $_textBuffer = shift || get($_textSource); # read a URL using LPW $_textBuffer =~ s/[\n\t\s]//g; # get rid of spaces and stuff.. +. } sub getLine { $_textBuffer =~ m/^(.{$_rockWidth})(.*)$/; $_textBuffer = $2; return $1; } sub loadImage { my $self = shift; if ($_imageSource =~ m/^http.*/i ) { my $image_web = get($_imageSource); $_sourceImageObject = GD::Image->newFromJpegData($image_web) i +f ($_imageSource =~ m/.*jpg$/i ); $_sourceImageObject = GD::Image->newFromGifData($image_web) if + ($_imageSource =~ m/.*gif$/i ); $_sourceImageObject = GD::Image->newFromPngData($image_web) if + ($_imageSource =~ m/.*png$/i ); } else { $_sourceImageObject = GD::Image->newFromJpeg($_imageSource) if + ($_imageSource =~ m/.*jpg$/i ); $_sourceImageObject = GD::Image->newFromGif($_imageSource) if + ($_imageSource =~ m/.*gif$/i ); $_sourceImageObject = GD::Image->newFromPng($_imageSource) if + ($_imageSource =~ m/.*png$/i ); } if (!$_sourceImageObject) { die("loadImage() did not work out... ( +gif could be a problem)\n"); } my ($width,$height) = $_sourceImageObject->getBounds(); $_imageAspectratio = $height / $width; } sub getPixelColor { my $self = shift; my ($x, $y) = @_; my $index = $_patternImageObject->getPixel($x,$y); my ($r,$g,$b) = $_patternImageObject->rgb($index); return "rgb($r,$g,$b)"; } sub adjustRockWidth { # here we use the aspectratio of the characters and # the aspectratio of the image to calculate the character width $_rockWidth = int(($_rockHeight / $_imageAspectratio) * $_characte +rAspectratio); if ($_rockWidth > 4*$_rockHeight) { $_rockHeight = int($_rockHeight / 2 ); $_rockWidth = int(($_rockHeight / $_imageAspectratio) * $_char +acterAspectratio); } } sub resizeImage { # resize The image to match columns and rows $_patternImageObject = new GD::Image($_rockWidth,$_rockHeight); my ($width,$height) = $_sourceImageObject->getBounds(); $_patternImageObject->copyResized($_sourceImageObject,0,0,0,0,$_ro +ckWidth,$_rockHeight,$width,$height); } sub getRockHtml { my $self = shift; my $_style = shift; my $_code = shift; return qq|<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="tex +t/html; charset=utf-8"><title>Easter Rock</title>$_style</head><body +id="thePage">$_code</body></html>|; } sub getRockStyle { my $self = shift; if ($_backgroundColor eq '') { $_backgroundColor = $self->getPixelColor(1,1); } my $output = qq|<style type="text/css" media="screen">body { margi +n: 0; padding: 0; background-color: $_backgroundColor; } #theText { m +argin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; font-family: monospace; font- +size: 10px; line-height: 10px; color: black; } </style>|; return $output; } sub getRock { my $self = shift; my $format = shift || 'html'; # html, style, div or config $self->loadText; $self->loadImage; $self->adjustRockWidth; $self->resizeImage; my $debuglog = ''; $debuglog .= qq|We are going to build for $_rockWidth x $_rockHeig +ht characters. \n|; $debuglog .= qq|The aspectratio of a character is $_characterAspec +tratio. \n|; $debuglog .= qq|The aspectratio of the source image is $_imageAspe +ctratio. \n|; my ($width,$height) = $_patternImageObject->getBounds(); $debuglog .= qq|The pattern image is $width x $height pixels. \n|; + if ($format eq 'config') { return $debuglog; } my $_style = $self->getRockStyle; if ($format eq 'style') { return $_style; } my $_code = ''; for (my $i=0; $i<$_rockHeight; $i++) { my @letters = split(//, $self->getLine); for (my $j=0; $j<$_rockWidth; $j++) { my $color = $self->getPixelColor($j,$i); my $letter = ($_backgroundColor eq $color) ? '&nbsp;' : en +code_entities($letters[$j]); while (($j+1)<$_rockWidth && $self->getPixelColor($j,$i) e +q $color) { $j++; $letter .= ($_backgroundColor eq $color) ? '&nbsp;' : +encode_entities($letters[$j]); } $_code .= qq|<span style="color: $color">$letter</span>|; } $_code .= qq|<br />|; } $_code = qq|<div id="theText">$_code</div>|; if ($format eq 'div') { return $_code; } return $self->getRockHtml($_style, $_code); } 1;