This morning hacker was working on some web code that needed access to information that was both remote and potentially required many seperate HTTP requests (most of which would not actually be used by the end user). My suggestion in the Chatterbox was that he use AJAX to 'late bind' those requests to limit them to only the requests he actually needed for the user.

For various reasons that suggestion didn't solve his problem, but it set me on the road to creating an example of an AJAX based script that when you hover over a link opens a popup display that is filled by an AJAX server request.

This is that example. It is a standalone script using CGI::Minimal and CGI::Ajax that displays a simple templated web page with a couple of links that when you hover your mouse over them open a popup window (that goes away shortly after you move your mouse away from the link).

I'm sure the creative types here will immediately see how it could be easily modified for a variety of other things like 'preview images' for links or 'glossary' links and other things I've never thought of (using other event triggers than 'onMouseOver' and 'onMouseOut' are an obvious place to start).

If there is enough interest, I may work this up into a full tutorial on using AJAX.


Update: Added taint flag to script. Always a good habit.

Update2: Did a little cleanup on the Javascript and added a little more documentation.

#!/usr/bin/perl -wT ##################################### # This script demonstrates a AJAX based popup window use strict; use CGI::Minimal; use CGI::Ajax; # main execution block { # $output is the output of the CGI script, ready for sending # to the web browser my $output = eval { my $cgi = CGI::Minimal->new; # A dispatch table makes it easy to add new branches # to the program functionality without having to # have endless 'if..ifelse..ifelse..else' clauses my %dispatch_table = ( 'show_page' => \&show_page, 'ajax' => \&ajax_request, ); my $default_action = 'show_page'; my $action = $cgi->param('action'); $action = defined($action) ? $action : $default_acti +on; my $action_call = $dispatch_table{$action}; my $script_output = format_output(defined($action_call) ? &$ac +tion_call(cgi => $cgi) : bad_call(cgi => $cgi)); return $script_output; }; # Ordinary 'the program blew up' errors if ($@) { $output = "Status: 500 Server Error\015\012Content-Type: text/ +plain\015\012\015\012Fatal Script Error: $@\n"; # Unusual 'the program just didn't output anything' errors } elsif ((! defined $output) || ($output eq '')) { $output = "Status: 500 Server Error\015\012Content-Type: text/ +plain\015\012\015\012Script Error: No output generated by script.\n"; } print $output; } ################################################ # ajax_request( cgi => $cgi_object ); # # handle ajax requests # # We expect to find a 'content' CGI parameter that specifies # what AJAX request has been made. sub ajax_request { my %args = @_; my ($cgi) = $args{'cgi'}; my $ajax_request = $cgi->param('content'); my $default_request = 'bad_call'; $ajax_request = defined($ajax_request) ? $ajax_request : $de +fault_request; my %ajax_dispatch = ( 'bad_call' => \&bad_ajax_call, 'example1' => \&ajax_example1, 'example2' => \&ajax_example2, ); my $ajax_call = $ajax_dispatch{$ajax_request}; my $script_output = format_output(defined($ajax_call) ? &$ajax_cal +l(cgi => $cgi) : bad_ajax_call(cgi => $cgi)); return $script_output; } ################################################# # ajax_example1( cgi => $cgi ); # # Load up our #1 example AJAX response sub ajax_example1 { my %args = @_; my ($cgi) = $args{'cgi'}; # Not actually used, but here for API co +nsistency. my $response =<<"EOT"; Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 <div style="border-style: solid; background: #ccffcc; margin: 2px 2px; + padding: 5px 5px;">Example 1 Popup data</div> EOT } ################################################# # ajax_example2( cgi => $cgi ); # # Load up our #2 example AJAX response sub ajax_example2 { my %args = @_; my ($cgi) = $args{'cgi'}; # Not actually used, but here for API co +nsistency. my $response =<<"EOT"; Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 <div style="border-style: solid; background: #cccccff; margin: 2px 2px +; padding: 5px 5px;">Example 2 Popup data</div> EOT } ################################################# # bad_ajax_call( cgi => $cgi ) # # Load our 'bad' ajax response sub bad_ajax_call { my %args = @_; my ($cgi) = $args{'cgi'}; # Not actually used, but here for API co +nsistency. my $response =<<"EOT"; Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 BAD AJAX CALL. Didn't find expected CGI parameters. EOT } ################################################# # format_output($output_text) # # Processes the text we are about to send to the browser # to ensure it has a Status: header, a Content-Length: # header as necessary and uses CRLF convention for # headers EOL. # # Adds a 'Status: 200 OK' header (if there isn't a CGI # Status header already), adds a Content-Length header, # and ensures that we are compliant to the internet EOL # convention of \015\012 for the headers # # This gives us both CGI and ModPerl compatibility sub format_output { my ($source_output) = @_; my ($headers, $break, $body) = $source_output =~ m/^(.+?)(\015\012 +\015\012|\012\012|\015\015)(.*)$/s; unless (defined $break) { $headers = "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8"; $body = "Script Error: Unable to identify HTTP headers and +body of output? Something is wrong....:\n$source_output"; } my @header_lines = split(/[\015\012]+/,$headers); unless (grep(/^Status: /i, @header_lines)) { unshift(@header_lines, 'Status: 200 OK'); } my $content_length = length($body); push(@header_lines, "Content-Length: $content_length"); my $output = join("\015\012",@header_lines,'',$body); return $output; } ################################################# # show_page( cgi=> $cgi [, results => $results] [, errors => $errors ] +) # # cgi - the CGI object (CGI, CGI::Minimal or other broker with a ' +param' method) # results - a text fragment to be inserted for the [% results %] macro + (optional) # errors - a text fragment to be inserted for the [% errors %] macro +(optional) # # Shows the base HTML page (along with any errors or other messages) sub show_page { my %args = @_; my ($cgi, $results, $errors) = @args{'cgi','results','errors'}; $results = defined($results) ? $results : ''; $errors = defined($errors) ? $errors : ''; my $pajax= CGI::Ajax->new( 'load_ajax_popup_content' => script_url +()); my $ajax_js = $pajax->show_javascript(); my $substitutions = { 'errors' => $errors, 'results' => $results, 'ajax_js' => $ajax_js, 'popups_js' => popups_js(), 'ajax_popup' => ajax_popup(), 'script_name' => script_name(), }; my $output = macro_sub( 'text' => basic_page(), 'subs' => $substit +utions); return $output; } ################################################# # macro_sub(text => $text, subs => { 'key' => value, ... }) # # text - the text template # subs - an anon hash of key/values for substitution # # performs macro substitution on passed text # it looks for strings matching [% macro_name %] # and replaces them with the corresponding hash values from # the anon hash sub macro_sub { my %args = @_; my ($text, $subs) = @args{'text','subs'}; my @sub_keys = sort keys %$subs; my $sub_re = '\[\%\s*' . '(' . join('|', @sub_keys) . ')\s*\%\]' +; $text =~ s/$sub_re/defined($subs->{$1}) ? $subs->{$1} : $1/egs; return $text; } ################################################# # The code used to show and hide the hovering popup # # This javascript chunk performs the actual showing and # hiding of the popup. The AJAX portion # is handled by the Javascript generated # by CGI::Ajax sub popups_js { my $script_name = script_name(); my $js_text =<<"EOT"; <script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript"> //<![CDATA[ /** Functions for supporting a popup text box */ // Tracks whether the popup is live var textPopupInUse = 0; // This is the ID of the block we are going to use for the popup var ajaxTargetId = 'ajax_popup_placeholder_field'; /** showTextPopup( text_id, event, color, element_width ) text_id - the ID of the block we are going to put in the p +opup event - the Javascript event (onmousein in this case) color - the color to be assigned to the enclosing div element_width - the width for the enclosing div */ function showTextPopup( text_id, event, color, element_width ){ var x, y; if( event.x ){ // IE x = event.x + document.body.scrollLeft; y = event.y + document.body.scrollTop; } else { // Mozilla x = event.pageX; y = event.pageY; } var textPopup = document.getElementById( text_id ); var d_style =; d_style.left = x + 5; = y + 10; d_style.width = element_width; d_style.wordWrap = "normal"; if (color != '') { d_style.background = color; } d_style.visibility = "visible"; textPopupInUse = 1; } /** closeTextPopup( delay ) delay - number of milliseconds to wait before closing the popup after the close event is requested */ function closeTextPopup(ajaxTargetId, delay ){ textPopupInUse = 0; setTimeout( 'realCloseTextPopup(ajaxTargetId)', delay ); } /** realCloseTextPopup(textPopupId) textPopupId - The ID of the popup block Really closes the popup */ function realCloseTextPopup(textPopupId){ if( textPopupInUse == 1 ) return; document.getElementById( textPopupId ).style.visibility = "hidden" +; } /** show_ajax_popup( event, ajaxParms, backgroundColor, boxWidth) event - the event object ajaxParms - CGI parameters for the AJAX call (['key1__val +ue1','key2__value2', etc]) backgroundColor - A background color for the popup block boxWidth - the width of the popup block */ function show_ajax_popup (event, ajaxParms, backgroundColor, boxWidth +) { load_ajax_popup_content(ajaxParms, ajaxTargetId, 'GET'); showTextPopup(ajaxTargetId, event, backgroundColor, boxWidth); } /** hide_ajax_popup(delay) delay - number of milliseconds to wait before actually closing + the popup block */ function hide_ajax_popup (delay) { closeTextPopup(ajaxTargetId, delay); } //]]> </script> EOT return $js_text; } ################################################# # We got a request we don't know how to handle. sub bad_call { my %args = @_; my ($cgi) = $args{'cgi'}; my $errors =<<"EOT"; <p>Something isn't right, the script was called with an 'action' it d +oes not understand.</p> EOT return show_page(cgi => $cgi, results => '', errors => $errors); } ################################################ # The HTML fragment used for the popups sub ajax_popup { my $ajax_popup_text =<<"EOT"; <div id="ajax_popup_placeholder_field" style='cursor: hand; visibility: hidden; position: absolute; z-index +: 100; text-align: left;'></div> EOT return $ajax_popup_text; } ################################################ # The page template # sub basic_page { my $template =<<"EOT"; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 <html> <head> <title>Ajaxy example</title> [% ajax_js %] [% popups_js %] </head> <body> <h1>Example Page</h1> [% errors %] [% results %] <ul> <li> <a href="" target="_top" onMouseOver="javascript:show_ajax_popup(event, ['action +__ajax','content__example1'],'#ffcccc','40%');" onMouseOut="javascript:hide_ajax_popup(3000);">Example +1</a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_top" onMouseOver="javascript:show_ajax_popup(event, ['action +__ajax','content__example2'],'#ffcccc','40%');" onMouseOut="javascript:hide_ajax_popup(3000);">Example +2</a> </li> </ul> [% ajax_popup %] </body> </html> EOT } ################################################ # the html ready script name sub script_name { return CGI::Minimal->htmlize($ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}); } ################################################## # The complete script URL sub script_url { my $script_name = script_name(); my $script_host = CGI::Minimal->htmlize($ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}); my $script_url = "http://$script_host$script_name"; return $script_name; }