package ForumDB; use strict; use warnings; use base qw/ DBIx::Class /; __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/ CDBICompat Core PK::Auto DB /); my $DB = "./forum_db.sqlite"; # or more likely to work... $DB = "/tmp/forum_db.sqlite"; my @DSN = ("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$DB", '', '', { AutoCommit => 1, RaiseError => 1 }); __PACKAGE__->connection(@DSN); __PACKAGE__->set_sql(_table_pragma => 'PRAGMA table_info(__TABLE__)'); __PACKAGE__->set_sql(_create_me => 'CREATE TABLE __TABLE__ (%s)'); __PACKAGE__->storage->dbh->do("PRAGMA synchronous = OFF"); __PACKAGE__->set_table("forum"); __PACKAGE__->columns(All => qw/ id parent title body time /); __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key("id"); __PACKAGE__->belongs_to('parent' => __PACKAGE__); __PACKAGE__->has_many('replies' => __PACKAGE__, 'parent', undef, { order_by => 'time' } ); sub set_table { my ($class, $table) = @_; $class->table($table); $class->_create_table; } sub _create_table { my $class = shift; my @vals = $class->sql__table_pragma->select_row; $class->sql__create_me($class->create_sql)->execute unless @vals; } sub create_sql { # table name of "forum" return q{ id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, parent INTEGER REFERENCES __TABLE__('id'), title VARCHAR(40), body TEXT, time INTEGER } } sub parents { my ( $self, @parents ) = @_; my $parent = $self->parent; return @parents unless $parent; push @parents, $parent; die "Endless lineage loop suspected!" if @parents > 100; $parent->parents(@parents); } 1; #### use strict; use warnings; no warnings 'uninitialized'; use CGI qw( :standard ); # use CGI::Carp "fatalsToBrowser"; <-- If you need it use ForumDB; use Template; my $rs = ForumDB->search(); eval { $rs->delete_all() if param('DELETE ALL!'); }; # this delete acts a bit funny sometimes if ( param('add') ) { my $post = $rs->create({ title => ucfirst("title " x rand(15)), time => time(), body => ucfirst("asdf " x rand(100)) }); $post->update(); } elsif ( my $id = param('reply_id') ) { my $parent = $rs->find($id); die unless $parent; my $post = $rs->create({ title => ucfirst("title " x rand(15)), parent => $parent, time => time(), body => ucfirst("asdf " x rand(100)) }); $post->update(); } print redirect( url(), 302 ) if param(); print CGI::header(); my $tt2 = Template->new({ RECURSION => 1, # This is necessary! TRIM => 1, }); $tt2->process(\*DATA, { posts => [ $rs->search() ], cgi => CGI->new(), }) or die $tt2->error(); exit 0; =head1 Threaded forum style posts using a single table- Using L, L, and L. =head2 Included =over 4 =item * Script: forum.cgi Template based demo script. =item * Module: Instantiates the DB with SQLite. Provides the DBIx::Class goodies. =back This is a proof of concept. It works though and should show an obvious path for how to put together a more serious version. =head2 Requires Itself (the and forum.cgi), SQLite, L, L, L