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Variable Declaration

by pp (Novice)
on Aug 31, 2007 at 14:36 UTC ( [id://636339]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

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Re: Variable Declaration
by Joost (Canon) on Aug 31, 2007 at 14:50 UTC
      Here is the code:
      use File::Basename; $infile_name = shift(@ARGV); if ( ! -r $infile_name) { print STDERR "1.Cannot read $infile_name\n"; exit 99; }
      a few more lines in between and in the main program I have the following:
      my $ver_name = shift @ARGV; my $mon_dir = dirname($infile_name); # Get directory if (! -z $ver_name) { (our $graph_dir = $mon_dir) =~ s?log/.*$?abinitio/run?; #Build dire +ctory as above if not equal to version.(Replace log/* with abinitio/r +un) } else { (our $graph_dir = $mon_dir)=~ s?log/.*$?$ver_name/abinitio/run?; #Build directory as such if equal to verion(Replace log/* with $ver_na +me/abinitio/run) } my $graph = "$graph_dir" . "/" . "$graphname"; # Concatenate graph directory with graphname if ( ! -r $graph) { print STDERR "2. Cannot read graph=$graph\n" exit 99; }
      By including the if-then-else condition I am getting the following error that it "Cannot read graph=********(pathname)
        A second error you haven't noticed yet: $? is a variable name. Perhaps you wanted \$?, although .*\$? is the same as just .*.
Re: Variable Declaration
by derby (Abbot) on Aug 31, 2007 at 14:51 UTC

    Please use code tags. I think you want (not valid perl):

    my $var2; if <cond1> { $var2 = a; } else { $var2 = y; }


      The following would also work:

      my $var2 = <cond1> ? a : y;

      But be careful. Even slight complexity in its arguments can make it hard to read.

        A third option is
        my $var2 = do { if ( <cond1> ) { a; } else { y; } };

        All three constructs are more-or-less interchangable and which one you use should be decided based on which is most readable in any particular instance.

Re: Variable Declaration
by Roy Johnson (Monsignor) on Aug 31, 2007 at 15:09 UTC
    $var1 is defined in the scope of the if-blocks. It is not available outside them. Your example here is probably better written as
    my $var2 = (cond 1) ? 'a' : 'y';
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Re: Variable Declaration
by Anonymous Monk on Aug 31, 2007 at 15:06 UTC
    The problem was solved by others before I got a crack at it but I couldn't resist explaining. It's not often I see something on here I could solve. You've got a classic beginner problem. This is scoping. Since you declared the variables (using "my") inside the if statement it only exists inside the if statement. So as soon as you leave your if statement you no longer have a value in $var1 so basically you assign nothing to $var2.

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