d_i_r_t_y has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

a simple question for those with a keener mind or eye than i...

why don't any of my browsers receive a cookie from the following?

...."business logic".... my $cookie = get_session_cookie(); print $cgi->header( #-Refresh => "3; $PAGE_AFTER_LOGON", -type => 'text/html', -cookie => $cookie ); .... remainder of page .... sub get_session_cookie { return unless $SessionID; my $cookie = $cgi->cookie( -name => 'session_id', -value => $SessionID, -path => '/', -expires => '+4h', -domain => '.some.domain', ); warn "created session cookie: $cookie"; return $cookie; }
the session cookie when printed in the logs looks like:
session_id=461a3a75dd; domain=.some.domain; path=/; expires=Mon, 12-Mar-2001 06:42:29 GMT

any ideas? my browsers ( netscape 4.7, linux; konqueror from kde2.1) are both set up to report and accept cookies...

this is getting really frustrating...

thanks, d_i_r_t_y