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Non-blocking Reads from Pipe Filehandle

by cbudin (Initiate)
on Jun 13, 2007 at 19:21 UTC ( [id://621058]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

cbudin has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi All,

I'm trying to find a way to do a non-blocking read from a pipe filehandle, using ActivePerl 5.8.8 on Windows XP. Or, equivalently, a way to poll the pipe filehandle to see if there is data available to be read.

I've tried using select and IO::Select (select() and can_read() methods), to no avail (both seem to report nothing at all times). I've also tried to use fcntl to add the NON_BLOCKING flag to the filehandle, which gives back an error: "Your vendor has not defined Fcntl macro F_GETFL"

This seems like something that should be easy to do, but I've done a lot of searching and haven't come up with anything. I'm trying to do this as simply as possible, using as much plain vanilla Perl as I can, so I'd like to avoid having to use esoteric modules, threads, and the like, unless it's absolutely necessary.

To clarify, I would like to do something like this:

open(P, "myApp |") || die "Can't create pipe: $!"; while (1) { if (isSomethingReadyToReadOnPipe(P)) { $line = <P>; # do stuff with output line of pipe } else { # do something else } last if eof(P); }

Thanks, in advance.


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Re: Non-blocking Reads from Pipe Filehandle
by BrowserUk (Patriarch) on Jun 14, 2007 at 00:54 UTC
    I'm trying to do this as simply as possible, ... I'd like to avoid having to use ..., threads, ...

    Shame, because that's by far the easiest way to do it. The structure of your main loop is almost exactly as you envisioned it and it just works:

    #! perl -slw use strict; use threads; use Thread::Queue; sub pipeCommand { my $cmd = shift; my $Q = new Thread::Queue; async{ my $pid = open my $pipe, $cmd or die $!; $Q->enqueue( $_ ) while <$pipe>; $Q->enqueue( undef ); }->detach; return $Q; } my $pipe = pipeCommand( 'perl -le"$|++;print localtime().q[: some text] and sleep 1 for 1 +.. 10" |' ) or die; while( 1 ) { if( $pipe->pending ) { my $line = $pipe->dequeue or last; chomp( $line ); ## Do stuff with $line printf "Got: '%s'\n", $line; } else { ## Do something else print 'Tum te tum'; Win32::Sleep 500; } } __END__ C:\test>621058-t Tum te tum Got: 'Thu Jun 14 01:43:13 2007: some text' Tum te tum Got: 'Thu Jun 14 01:43:14 2007: some text' Tum te tum Tum te tum Got: 'Thu Jun 14 01:43:15 2007: some text' Tum te tum Tum te tum Got: 'Thu Jun 14 01:43:16 2007: some text' Tum te tum Tum te tum Got: 'Thu Jun 14 01:43:17 2007: some text' Tum te tum Tum te tum Got: 'Thu Jun 14 01:43:18 2007: some text' Tum te tum Tum te tum Tum te tum Got: 'Thu Jun 14 01:43:19 2007: some text' Tum te tum Got: 'Thu Jun 14 01:43:20 2007: some text' Tum te tum Tum te tum Got: 'Thu Jun 14 01:43:21 2007: some text' Tum te tum Tum te tum Got: 'Thu Jun 14 01:43:22 2007: some text' Tum te tum Tum te tum

    To my knowledge, there is no way to put a win32 anonymous pipe into non-blocking mode. There is an obscure reference that's suggests it might be possible to set the read-end non-blocking using SetNamedPipeHandleState if it has been opened using ReadFile() (See the section on PIPE_NOWAIT and the reference to LAN Manager but I have never made this work, so WaitMultipleObjects() probably isn't going to help.

    I did assist demerphq with reference to IO::Pipe a year or so ago, and succeeded in getting PeekNamedPipe to work with that, which allows you to poll the pipe. (See the bit that says the call will also work with anonymous pipes.)

    I've tried that with a normal pipe handle, but can't make it work (yet!). The call to PeekNamedPipe() isn't giving any errors, but it's not telling me there is data available either. I seem to remember having this problem last time initially, but I can't remember how I fixed it. I no longer have the code, but I'll message demerphq and hope that he still has it.

    But even if it can be made to work, it is hardly less complicated:

    #! perl -slw use strict; use Win32API::File qw[ GetOsFHandle ]; use Win32::API::Prototype; ApiLink( 'Kernel32', q[ BOOL PeekNamedPipe( HANDLE hNamedPipe, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nBufferSize, LPDWORD lpBytesRead, DWORD *lpTotalBytesAvail, LPDWORD lpBytesLeftThisMessage ) ] ) or die $^E; my $cmd = 'perl -le"$|++;print localtime().q[: some text] and sleep 1 +for 1..10" |'; my $pid = open my $pipe, $cmd or die $!; warn $pid; my $pHandle = GetOsFHandle( $pipe ); warn $pHandle; while( 1 ) { my $cAvail = 0; if( ( PeekNamedPipe( $pHandle, 0, 0, 0, $cAvail, 0 ) or warn $^E ) + and $cAvail ) { defined( my $line = <$pipe> ) or last; chomp( $line ); ## Do stuff with $line printf "Got: '%s'\n", $line; } else { ## Do something else print 'Tum te tum'; Win32::Sleep 500; } }

    So, a couple of choices. One easy that works now. One less easy that only might work. Your choice.

    Also, maybe the code I wrote for IO::Pipe made it into the 5.9.x releases. Maybe you could use bleed perl an that?

    Examine what is said, not who speaks -- Silence betokens consent -- Love the truth but pardon error.
    "Science is about questioning the status quo. Questioning authority".
    In the absence of evidence, opinion is indistinguishable from prejudice.


      Win32::API->Import( 'mydll', 'BOOL SomeFunction( LPDWORD lpCount )', );

      you'd call the function as follows:

      my $nCount = 5; SomeFunction($nCount);

      Win32::API properly packs nCount into a DWORD and passes a pointer to that packed DWORD to the DLL function.

      But what if lpCount can be NULL? Shouldn't be a problem. Scalars already have a mechanism to identify whether they contain a string or not. Just pass undef, right?


      Wrong! Win32::API does no defined check. It simply does pack('L', undef) and passes a pointer to that.

      That means we need to do our own pointer management. In turn, that means we need to do our own packing and unpacking for pointed data.

      use strict; use warnings; use Win32::API qw( ); use Win32API::File qw( GetOsFHandle INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ); use Time::HiRes qw( sleep ); use constant ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE => 109; sub get_pv { unpack 'L!', pack 'P', $_[0] } BEGIN { # BOOL WINAPI PeekNamedPipe( # __in HANDLE hNamedPipe, # __out_opt LPVOID lpBuffer, # __in DWORD nBufferSize, # __out_opt LPDWORD lpBytesRead, # __out_opt LPDWORD lpTotalBytesAvail, # __out_opt LPDWORD lpBytesLeftThisMessage # ) my $f = Win32::API->new('kernel32', 'PeekNamedPipe', 'LLLLLL', 'L') or die $^E; sub PeekNamedPipe { my $nBytesRead; my $nTotalBytesAvail; my $nBytesLeftThisMessage; $nBytesRead = pack('L!', $_[3]) if defined $_[3]; $nTotalBytesAvail = pack('L!', $_[4]) if defined $_[4]; $nBytesLeftThisMessage = pack('L!', $_[5]) if defined $_[5]; my $rv = $f->Call( $_[0], get_pv($_[1]), $_[2], get_pv($nBytesRead), get_pv($nTotalBytesAvail), get_pv($nBytesLeftThisMessage), ); $_[3] = unpack('L!', $nBytesRead ) if defined $_[3]; $_[4] = unpack('L!', $nTotalBytesAvail ) if defined $_[4]; $_[5] = unpack('L!', $nBytesLeftThisMessage) if defined $_[5]; return $rv; } } my $cmd = 'perl -le"$|++;print localtime().q[: some text] and sleep 1 +for 1..10" |'; my $pid = open my $pipe, $cmd or die $!; ( my $pHandle = GetOsFHandle( $pipe ) ) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE or die $^E; print("Handle: $pHandle\n"); my $buf = ''; for (;;) { my $avail = 0; if ( !PeekNamedPipe( $pHandle, undef, 0, undef, $avail, undef ) ) { last if $^E == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE; die $^E; } print("Avail: $avail"); print(" (+" . length($buf) . ")") if length($buf); print("\n"); if ( $avail ) { sysread($pipe, $buf, $avail, length($buf) ) or die $!; while ( $buf =~ s/^(.*)\n// ) { my $line = $1; ## Do stuff with $line print( "Got: $line\n" ); } } else { print( "Zzzz\n" ); sleep(0.500); } }

      I had to change two things:

      • I got rid of buffered I/O. <$pipe> and read($pipe, ...) don't mix with select and PeekNamedPipe.
      • PeekNamedPipe was noticing the EOF condition first, so I moved the loop exit there.
      Handle: 1980 Avail: 0 Zzzz Avail: 37 Got: Tue Sep 30 19:23:32 2008: some text Avail: 0 Zzzz Avail: 0 Zzzz Avail: 37 Got: Tue Sep 30 19:23:33 2008: some text Avail: 0 Zzzz Avail: 0 Zzzz Avail: 37 Got: Tue Sep 30 19:23:34 2008: some text Avail: 0 Zzzz Avail: 0 Zzzz Avail: 37 Got: Tue Sep 30 19:23:35 2008: some text Avail: 0 Zzzz Avail: 0 Zzzz Avail: 37 Got: Tue Sep 30 19:23:36 2008: some text Avail: 0 Zzzz Avail: 0 Zzzz Avail: 37 Got: Tue Sep 30 19:23:37 2008: some text Avail: 0 Zzzz Avail: 0 Zzzz Avail: 37 Got: Tue Sep 30 19:23:38 2008: some text Avail: 0 Zzzz Avail: 0 Zzzz Avail: 37 Got: Tue Sep 30 19:23:39 2008: some text Avail: 0 Zzzz Avail: 0 Zzzz Avail: 37 Got: Tue Sep 30 19:23:40 2008: some text Avail: 0 Zzzz Avail: 0 Zzzz Avail: 37 Got: Tue Sep 30 19:23:41 2008: some text Avail: 0 Zzzz Avail: 0 Zzzz
        Wrong! Win32::API does no defined check.

        Hm, Maybe you're right, but it doesn't seem to be necessary. With your insight about buffering & EOF and a little wrapping, this seems to work quite nicely:

        #! perl -slw use strict; use Win32API::File qw[ GetOsFHandle ]; use Win32::API::Prototype; ApiLink( 'Kernel32', q[ BOOL PeekNamedPipe( HANDLE hNamedPipe, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nBufferSize, LPDWORD lpBytesRead, DWORD *lpTotalBytesAvail, LPDWORD lpBytesLeftThisMessage ) ] ) or die $^E; sub readlineMaybe { my $fh = shift; my $osfh = GetOsFHandle( $fh ) or die $^E; my( $bufsize, $buffer, $cAvail, $read ) = ( 1024, chr(0)x1024, 0, +0 ); PeekNamedPipe( $osfh, $buffer, $bufsize, $read, $cAvail, 0 ) or $^E == 109 or die $^E; return if $^E == 109; my $eolPos = 1+index $buffer, $/; return '' unless $eolPos; sysread( $fh, $buffer, $eolPos ) or die $!; return $buffer; } my $cmd = 'perl -le"$|++;print localtime().q[: some text] and sleep 1 for 1..1 +0" |'; my $pid = open my $pipe, $cmd or die $!; while( defined( my $line = readlineMaybe( $pipe ) ) ) { Win32::Sleep( 100 ) and next unless $line; chomp $line; chop $line; ## Annoying! print "Got: '$line'"; } __END__ c:\test> Got: 'Wed Oct 1 02:01:21 2008: some text' Got: 'Wed Oct 1 02:01:22 2008: some text' Got: 'Wed Oct 1 02:01:23 2008: some text' Got: 'Wed Oct 1 02:01:24 2008: some text' Got: 'Wed Oct 1 02:01:25 2008: some text' Got: 'Wed Oct 1 02:01:26 2008: some text' Got: 'Wed Oct 1 02:01:27 2008: some text' Got: 'Wed Oct 1 02:01:28 2008: some text' Got: 'Wed Oct 1 02:01:29 2008: some text' Got: 'Wed Oct 1 02:01:30 2008: some text'

        The only annoying thing is the need for that chop in addition to chomp.

        Examine what is said, not who speaks -- Silence betokens consent -- Love the truth but pardon error.
        "Science is about questioning the status quo. Questioning authority".
        In the absence of evidence, opinion is indistinguishable from prejudice.
      Thank you for your insightful and comprehensive reply! I've tried out your test script on my system and it works great, and I think that I will try to incorporate the concepts that it illustrates. I'm not familiar with the threads package, but I will read up on it.

      One question, just for clarification: the $pipe variable declared in the pipeCommand() subroutine is different from the $pipe variable created in the main body of the code, correct?

      You have convinced me that threads is the way to go in this situation.


        Thank you for your insightful and comprehensive reply! .... I'm not familiar with the threads package, but I will read up on it.

        Your welcome.

        Be careful what you read, look carefully at any dates and/or version numbers. threads had a pretty traumatic birth and was for a long time unstable and definitely not for use in production environments. Anything you read relating to threads prior to perl 5.8.4 will probably reflect that.

        Actually, for this kind of do-this-blocking-operation-but-don't-make-me-wait, they worked pretty well even before then. Many of the bugs in 5.8.2 & 5.8.3 seemed to be as much to do with closures as it do with threading--and closures can still cause the occasional problem in non-threaded code--but threadind and shared variable cloning conspired to exaserbate those problems.

        In my opinion, they have been stable enough for use since 5.8.4. Of course, no one is guarenteeing them totally bug free, but then bugs occasionally turn up in the regex engine, and Math::Big* packages, and perlIO and almost any other area of perl you care to name. Few people would suggest that the 1000's of pieces of code using those facilities should be taken out of production, pending guarentees about the bug-free nature.

        the $pipe variable declared in the pipeCommand() subroutine is different from the $pipe variable created in the main body of the code,

        Physically, yes.

        Different scopes (the mys), different types--one is a filehandle, the other actually a blessed reference to a Thread::Queue object--and they actually exist in different threads.

        Conceptually, maybe not.

        At the inner level, the filehandle $pipe, is the source of input from the anonymous pipe. Ie. the output from the command.

        At the outer level, the queue object $pipe, is the source of input from the anonymous pipe. Ie. the output from the command.

        Under the scrutiny of your peer review would I change one of them? Yes, probably. The inner would probably be changed to $pipeFH.

        But then, the odds are that you prefer lower_with_underscore indentifiers to CamelCase, so you'll probably change all the names anyway.

        You might also feel that the name of the subroutine should reflect the nature of what's inside it more. Maybe something like pipe_asych_command_via_shared_queue().

        Or maybe, you feel that the mechanisms don't matter at the outer level and should be encapsulated. Hence a better names might be

        my $cmdOutput = openCommandAsInput( ) ... if( $cmdOutput->pending ) { my $line = $cmdPutput->dequeue() or last; ...

        Then again, the existing method names tend to reflect the queue-ish nature of the ITC mechanism, and at the level of use, they could be a distraction. Hence, for your application it might be better to wrap the whole thing into an object and alias the method names with more familiar concepts

        my $cmd_fh = open_pipe_command( $cmd ); ... if( $cmd_fh->can_read ) { my $line = $cmd_fh->readline or last; ...

        Examine what is said, not who speaks -- Silence betokens consent -- Love the truth but pardon error.
        "Science is about questioning the status quo. Questioning authority".
        In the absence of evidence, opinion is indistinguishable from prejudice.
Re: Non-blocking Reads from Pipe Filehandle
by Zaxo (Archbishop) on Jun 13, 2007 at 19:26 UTC

    I can't say for sure, but it's possible you're Suffering from Buffering. Try setting the write end of the pipe to autoflush. If it is selected, just set $| = 1; .

    After Compline,

Re: Non-blocking Reads from Pipe Filehandle
by ysth (Canon) on Jun 13, 2007 at 20:08 UTC
    There was some discussion of Win32, pipes, and select on p5p a while ago (in the context of borging CPANPLUS and its prerequisites) that may prove discouraging to you. One sub-thread was IPC::Run on win32 failures. I'm not sure how you go about using WaitForMultipleObjects from perl, if that's a possible solution.

      Probably use one or more sub from Win32::IPC:

      use Win32::IPC qw( wait_any wait_all WaitForMultipleObjects INFINITE );

      - tye        

        Yes, I saw that, but didn't see an interface that allowed you to specify a handle. I found the doc a little confusing, both for Win32::IPC and its subclasses.
Re: Non-blocking Reads from Pipe Filehandle
by ikegami (Patriarch) on Jun 13, 2007 at 20:42 UTC

    I've tried using select and IO::Select (select() and can_read() methods), to no avail

    Those only work on sockets in Windows.

Re: Non-blocking Reads from Pipe Filehandle
by salva (Canon) on Oct 01, 2008 at 08:38 UTC
    Win32::Socketpair creates pipes that go over TCP and so, can be used inside a select loop.

    Unfortunately, some windows applications do not work when their stdin and stdout are connected to a socket (for instance, OpenSSH doesn't like it)!

    Also, I believe that perl 5.10 already has a working socketpair function that does the same under the hood: using a TCP socket.

      Cool! ++

      One thought. I have encountered an (occasional) situation where using ioctl($client, 0x8004667e, 1); fails.

      More reliable seems to be:

      my $true = 1; ioctl($client, 0x8004667e, \$true);

      The problem seems to be that under some, unspecified (and through my best efforts, untracable), circumstances, the 'system' (I haven't figured out what part of the system), attempts to write to the third parameter. And if that is a constant (or a reference to a constant, I used ioctl($client, 0x8004667e, \1); successfully for a while), then it cannot write to it and so it traps.

      See ioctlsocket Function(windows) and notice that the third parameter is defined as being __inout. Whether passing a reference to a rw SV* gets correctly translated, I'm not sure, but it doesn't seem to harm.

      Maybe that would 'fix' the problem with OpenSSH?

      Examine what is said, not who speaks -- Silence betokens consent -- Love the truth but pardon error.
      "Science is about questioning the status quo. Questioning authority".
      In the absence of evidence, opinion is indistinguishable from prejudice.

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