Roger has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Dear monks, I have a question on Catalyst but I couldn't go onto the #Catalyst irc channel due to firewall permissions. Please enlighten me as I have pulled my hair for sometime trying to solve a simple problem.

I have three tables: user_contact, loan_details and loan_accepted. user_contact.userid(PK)->loan_details.userid(FK), and loan_details.itemid(PK)->loan_accepted.itemid(FK). I would like to perform a simple search across the tables, with the following SQL:
select a.loanid, d.itemid, u.userid, a.enddttime, u.companyid,d.interestt +ype from tbl_user_contact u, tbl_loan_accepted a, tbl_loan_details d where u.userid = d.userid and d.itemid = a.itemid and d.amount > 100000 ;
My Catalyst models are 'TblUserContact', 'TblLoanAccepted' and 'TblLoanDetails'.

Please advise on how to write the above joined query in Catalyst's DBIx::Class extension, with $c->Model('TblUserConact'), etc. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.