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Markov generator terminate condition

by Philmac (Novice)
on Apr 20, 2007 at 15:25 UTC ( [id://611183]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Philmac has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

After much searching I was able to locate a character-level Markov text generator: However, this program terminates once it has reached a certain number of characters. My knowledge of Perl is very limited (the concept of hashes escapes me completely), but I think what I need changed is relatively simple. How would this program be modified so that each word generated is printed on its own line (ie. words are separated by \n instead of ' ') and it terminates after generating a certain number of words, rather than characters?

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Markov generator terminate condition
by logie17 (Friar) on Apr 20, 2007 at 16:01 UTC
    Is it possible you can post the actual Perl code? If you wish to have items in a hash print a new line for each key/value something like following will work:
    foreach my $key (keys %hash){ print $hash{$key},"\n"; }
    The \n is an escape character that means "newline".
    s;;5776?12321=10609$d=9409:12100$xx;;s;(\d*);push @_,$1;eg;map{print chr(sqrt($_))."\n"} @_;
      #!/usr/local/bin/perl5 ########################################################## # # # # a third version of travesty to try to speed things up # by Ron Starr # # # Generates a text matching letter frequency of input text. # # # Program does no error checking--you're on your own. # # # Command-line options: # -g <number> The granularity--the number of letters to use to d +etermine # the next letter. Defaults to 3. # -o <number> The number of letters to output. Defaults to 100. # # # Program reads from standard input. # All output is to standard output. # # # Revision History # 05/16/00 First version started. # 05/18/00 ftravesty - attempt to do things w/ # integers # 05/21/00 Version that constructs the table # ########################################################### use Getopt::Std; getopts ("g:o:"); # Set the max letters of output. $MAXLETTERS = ($opt_o)? $opt_o : 100; # Set the granularity $GRAIN = ($opt_g)? $opt_g : 3; if( $GRAIN < 1 ) { die "granularity must be >= 1\n"; } # Set number of letters per line in output $LETTERS_LINE = 70; # # pull in the text, break it into letters, put in letter array # while(<>) { chop; $text = $_ . " "; # # regularize whitespace in order to split text into letters # $text =~ s/^\s+//g; # remove leading blanks $text =~ s/\s+/ /g; # convert any whitespace to blanks $text =~ s/ +/ /g; # eliminate any multiple blanks... push @textletters, split (//, $text); # split text into letters } # # generate the frequency table # # calculate outer loop limits $loopmax = $#textletters - ($GRAIN - 2) - 1; # go through all lists of $GRAIN letters in the text for ($j = 0; $j < $loopmax; $j++) { $key_string = ""; for ($k = $j; $k < $j + $GRAIN; $k++) { # build the key string (GRAIN - 1) letters $key_string .= $textletters[$k]; } $frequency_table{$key_string} .= $textletters[$j + $GRAIN]; } # dump the table for debugging # foreach $key (sort keys %frequency_table) { # print "$key"," = ",$frequency_table{$key},"\n"; # } # # generate the travesty # # set a buffer to nada @buffer=(); # start with a seed of the first $GRAIN letters from the text for ($i = 0; $i < $GRAIN; $i ++) { push @lastletters, $textletters[$i]; push @buffer, $textletters[$i]; } # now, do the actual generation for ($i = 0; $i < $MAXLETTERS; $i++) { # see if the current last letters are in the table # construct the key string from the lastletters $key_string = ""; for ($j = 0; $j < $GRAIN; $j++) { $key_string .= $lastletters[$j]; + } if ( exists $frequency_table{$key_string} ) { # we have possible letters # split the list of letters that follow the key string @possible = split "", $frequency_table{$key_string}; # select the next letter $nextletter = $possible[rand @possible]; # add letter to buffer and dump buffer if ready for output push @buffer, $nextletter; if($#buffer >= $LETTERS_LINE && $buffer[$#buffer] eq " ") { print @buffer,"\n"; @buffer=(); } # adjust the lastletters array for($l = 0; $l < $GRAIN - 1; $l++) { $lastletters[$l] = $lastl +etters[$l+1]; } $lastletters[$GRAIN - 1] = $nextletter; } else { # we drew a blank # re-seed the generation with the first $GRAIN letters from th +e text @lastletters = (); for ($l = 0; $l < $GRAIN; $l++) { push @lastletters, $textletters[$l]; push @buffer, $textletters[$l]; } } } # end $i loop if($#buffer >= 0) { print @buffer, "\n"; @buffer = (); } exit (0);

        The following is a version of the code above reworked to be a little more Perlish and to allow generation by minimum word count and minimum sentence count. Examine the while loop to see how this works. Note too the commented out line following the comment "Translate spaces to newlines" - guess what happens if you uncomment that!

        use strict; use warnings; # based on original code written by Ron Starr in May 2000 my $MAXLETTERS = 1000; my $GRAIN = 3; my $LETTERS_LINE = 70; my @textletters; while(<DATA>) { # pull in the text, break it into letters, put in letter array chomp; my $text = $_ . " "; # regularize whitespace in order to split text into letters $text =~ s/^\s+//g; # remove leading blanks $text =~ s/\s+/ /g; # convert any whitespace to blanks $text =~ s/ +/ /g; # eliminate any multiple blanks... push @textletters, split (//, $text); # split text into letters } # generate the frequency table my $loopmax = $#textletters - ($GRAIN - 2) - 1; # calculate outer loop + limits my %frequency_table; for my $j (0 .. $loopmax - 1) { # go through all lists of $GRAIN letters in the text my $key_string = ""; # build the key string (GRAIN - 1) letters $key_string .= $textletters[$_] for $j .. $j + $GRAIN - 1; $frequency_table{$key_string} .= $textletters[$j + $GRAIN]; } # generate the travesty my @lastletters; my $wordCount = 0; my $sentenceCount = 0; # start with a seed of the first $GRAIN letters from the text push @lastletters, @textletters[0 .. $GRAIN - 1]; my $line = join '', @textletters[0 .. $GRAIN - 1]; # now, do the actual generation while ($wordCount < 20 or $sentenceCount < 2) { # see if the current last letters are in the table my $key_string = ""; # construct the key string from the lastlette +rs $key_string .= join '', @lastletters[0 .. $GRAIN - 1]; if ( exists $frequency_table{$key_string} ) { # we have possible letters # split the list of letters that follow the key string my @possible = split "", $frequency_table{$key_string}; # select the next letter my $nextletter = $possible[rand @possible]; # adjust the lastletters array @lastletters[0 .. $GRAIN - 2] = @lastletters[1 .. $GRAIN - 1]; $lastletters[$GRAIN - 1] = $nextletter; ++$wordCount if $nextletter eq ' '; # Translate spaces to newlines #$nextletter = "\n" if $nextletter = ' '; # add letter to buffer and dump buffer if ready for output $line .= $nextletter; ++$sentenceCount if $line =~ /\.[\n ]$/; if(length ($line) > $LETTERS_LINE && $line =~ /[ .]$/) { print "$line\n"; $line = ''; } } else { # we drew a blank # re-seed the generation with the first $GRAIN letters from th +e text @lastletters = @textletters[0 .. $GRAIN - 1]; $line = join '', @textletters[0 .. $GRAIN - 1]; } } print "$line\n" if length $line; __DATA__ After much searching I was able to locate a character-level Markov tex +t generator: Howeve +r, this program terminates once it has reached a certain number of characters. + My knowledge of Perl is very limited (the concept of hashes escapes me co +mpletely), but I think what I need changed is relatively simple. How would this p +rogram be modified so that each word generated is printed on its own line (ie. w +ords are separated by \n instead of ' ') and it terminates after generating a c +ertain number of words, rather than characters?

        Prints some variant on:

        After generated is relatively), but I need (the com/~rstarr/poormfa/tr +avesty2. html Howevery line (ie. How words able to located a characterminates m +e com/~rstarr/poormfa/travesty2.html How word generating a charate a cer +tain number that I need once its on its on instead of Perl is program be mo +dified on its own line (ie.

        DWIM is Perl's answer to Gödel

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