macrobat has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:


Are there any particular invocations or environment variables that I need to get Sort::Maker to work?

I have this (mostly just copied from Perl Best Practices):

#!/usr/bin/perl # - This is just a test use strict; use warnings; use Sort::Maker; make_sorter( name => 'sort_len', code => sub { length }, ST => 1 ); my ( $foo, $bar ) = (qw/very_long short/); my @order = sort_len( $foo, $bar ); print @order;

But when I run it, I get this error:

Undefined subroutine &main::sort_len called at line 10.

I've also changed the make_sort() call to this:

my $sf = make_sorter( name => 'sort_len', code => sub { length }, ST = +> 1 ); die "No sort made\n" if (! $sf);

--but then I get the message "No sort made".

Anyone have any ideas why that should be? The code passes syntax checking, and the module installed without errors.
