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Re^3: Simple but thought-provoking programming tasks [OT]

by GrandFather (Saint)
on Apr 16, 2007 at 05:38 UTC ( [id://610265]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: Simple but thought-provoking programming tasks [OT]
in thread Simple but thought-provoking programming tasks [OT]

use strict; use warnings; while (<DATA>) { chomp; next unless length; print "$_ is not a number that I can handle\n" unless /^\d+$/; print "$_ = ", toWords("00$_"), "\n"; } sub toWords { my ($leftBit, $groups) = @_; return '' unless $leftBit; $groups ||= 0; my $group = substr $leftBit, -3, 3, ''; return toWords ($leftBit, $groups + 1) unless $group; if ($groups > 4) { print "Argh, I can't deal with numbers that big!\n"; print "The part I can deal with is: "; return ''; } my %digits = ( 0 => '', 1 => 'one ', 2 => 'two ', 3 => 'three ', 4 => 'four ' +, 5 => 'five ', 6 => 'six ', 7 => 'seven ', 8 => 'eight ', 9 => +'nine ' ); my %teens = ( 10 => 'ten ', 11 => 'eleven ', 12 => 'twelve ', 13 => 'thirtee +n ', 14 => 'fourteen ', 15 => 'fifteen ', 16 => 'sixteen ', 17 => 'seventeen ', 18 => 'eighteen ', 19 => 'nineteen ' ); my %tens = ( 2 => 'twenty ', 3 => 'thirty ', 4 => 'fourty ', 5 => 'fifty ', 6 => 'sixty ', 7 => 'seventy ', 8 => 'eighty ', 9 => 'ninety ' ); my $groupStr = ''; # Deal with last two digits my $tensStr = $group % 100; $groupStr = $tens{int ($tensStr / 10)} if $tensStr >= 20; if (int ($tensStr / 10) == 1) { $groupStr .= $teens{int $tensStr}; } else { $groupStr .= $digits{$tensStr % 10} unless $tensStr > 10 and $tensStr % 10 == 0; } my $hundreds = int ($group / 100); if ($hundreds) { my $prefix = "$digits{$hundreds}hundred "; $prefix .= 'and ' if $groupStr; $groupStr = "$prefix$groupStr"; } my $prefix = toWords ($leftBit, $groups + 1); $prefix .= qw(thousand million billion trillion)[$groups] . ' ' if + $prefix; $groupStr = "$prefix$groupStr"; $groupStr = 'zero' unless $groupStr or $groups; return $groupStr; } __DATA__ 0 1 10 11 20 21 99 100 901 98012785623123


0 = zero 1 = one 10 = ten 11 = eleven 20 = twenty 21 = twenty one 99 = ninety nine 100 = one hundred 901 = nine hundred and one 98012785623123 = ninety eight trillion twelve billion seven hundred an +d eighty five million six hundred and twenty three thousand one hundr +ed and twenty three

looks recursive to me, but it would be easy to make it iterative instead (left as an exercise for the reader).

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