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Re: Perl/Tk scrolling question...

by zentara (Archbishop)
on Apr 13, 2007 at 11:43 UTC ( [id://609892]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Perl/Tk scrolling question...

If I understand your desire correctly, you want linked scrollbars. Here is a canvas example, you can probably make it work on other widgets. I use it in my tvguide program.
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Tk; my $mw = new MainWindow(); $mw->geometry("600x400+200+200"); #for xscroll, must be packed before midframe to be visible my $botframe = $mw->Frame(-bg=>'grey45') ->pack(-fill=>'x',-side=>'bottom'); my $midframe = $mw->Frame(-bg=>'grey45')->pack(); my $midframel = $midframe->Frame(-bg=>'grey45') ->pack(-side=>'left',-expand=>1,-fill=>'y'); my $midframer = $midframe->Frame(-bg=>'grey45') ->pack(-side=>'right'); my $num_channels = 40; my $canvasp; my $canvast = $midframer->Canvas( -bg =>'pale goldenrod', -width=>2400, -height=>25, #need to set scrollregion with a bit extra to ensure #endpoint accuracy. See xscrollit sub -scrollregion=>[-10,0,7450,25], -xscrollincrement => 1, )->pack(-side=>'top'); #for canvasp and yscroll my $midframer1 = $midframer->Frame(-bg=>'grey45') ->pack(-side=>'top'); my $yscroll = $midframer1->Scrollbar( -orient => 'vertical', -command => \&yscrollit, -troughcolor =>'grey45', -activebackground =>'lightseagreen', -background => 'lightseagreen', )->pack(-side=>'right',-fill=>'y'); my $canvasxsd = $botframe->Canvas( #dummy filler -bg =>'grey45', -width=>75, -height=>25, -borderwidth=>0, ) ->pack(-side=>'left'); my $xscroll = $botframe->Scrollbar( -orient => 'horizontal', -command => \&xscrollit , -troughcolor =>'grey45', -activebackground =>'lightseagreen', -background => 'lightseagreen', )->pack(-side=>'right', -fill=>'x',-expand =>1); print "$xscroll\n"; $canvasp = $midframer1->Canvas( -bg =>'lightsteelblue', -width=>2400, -height=> 50 * $num_channels, -scrollregion=>[-10,0,7450,(33 * $num_channels)], -xscrollincrement => 1, -yscrollincrement => 1, -xscrollcommand => [ 'set', $xscroll ], -yscrollcommand => [ 'set', $yscroll ], ) ->pack(-side=>'left');#,-fill=>'both'); my $canvasd = $midframel->Canvas( #top of left frame dummy filler -bg =>'grey45', -width=>75, -height=>25, -borderwidth =>0, )->pack(-side=>'top'); my $canvass = $midframel->Canvas( #left frame canvas -bg =>'lightseagreen', -width=>75, -height=> 50 * $num_channels, -scrollregion=>[0,0,75,(33 * $num_channels)], -yscrollincrement => 1, ) ->pack(-side=>'top'); #fill in some sample data to see scrolling action for( 1 .. 33 * $num_channels){ $canvass->createText(38, 10 + $_ * 33, -text => "C $_" , ); } #set up top frame canvas... a timeline for(0..7200){ if( $_ % 300 == 0){ my $time = $_ / 300; my $padded = ("0" x (2-length( $time ))).$time; $canvast->createLine($_,0,$_,12,-width=> 4,-tags=>['tick'] ); $canvast->createText($_, 20, -text=> "$padded:00",-tags=>['ti +ck'] ); }elsif( $_ % 150 == 0){ my $time = ($_ - 150) / 300; my $padded = ("0" x (2-length( $time ))).$time; $canvast->createLine($_,0,$_,10,-width => 2,-tags=>['tick']); $canvast->createText($_, 20, -text=> "$padded:30",-tags=>['ti +ck'] ); }elsif( $_ % 75 == 0){ $canvast->createLine($_,0,$_,6,-width => 1, -tags=>['tick']); } } #set up main frame canvas for(0..7200){ $canvasp->createText($_ * 20, 5 + $_ * 20, -text=> "Test $_", -tags=>['data'] ); } #--------------------------------------------------------------- MainLoop; ################################################################ ###################################################################### +# sub xscrollit{ my $fraction = $_[1]; $canvast->xviewMoveto($fraction); $canvasp->xviewMoveto($fraction); } ###################################################################### sub yscrollit{ my $fraction = $_[1]; $canvass->yviewMoveto($fraction); $canvasp->yviewMoveto($fraction); } ####################################################################

I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth. Cogito ergo sum a bum

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Re^2: Perl/Tk scrolling question...
by jdtoronto (Prior) on Apr 13, 2007 at 16:43 UTC

    Thank you once again! It does EXACTLY what I need. I had it about half worked out before I saw your response, but now it is fully worked out.

    Why can't I give you more than one vote?


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