in reply to Re: Error when trying to loop through DB and run a script
in thread Error when trying to loop through DB and run a script

you know I probably not, But I thought each time through the pdf objects where distroyed?? I figured out where its failing, just not sure what I am doing wrong, you are probably on to something with the $pdf object, but not sure how to do it here is code where the problem lies:
my $ChartImageName = "$tmpPath/VeTCOChart.png"; setImage($ChartImageName, 110/mm, 165/mm, 95.25/mm, 79.375/mm); sub setImage{ my $photo_file=$pdf->image_png($_[0] ,-lossless => 1); my $photo = $page->gfx; ## add photo to pdf include cordinates and size - image($photo, x, + y, width, hieght); $photo->image($photo_file, $_[1], $_[2], $_[3], $_[4]); }
setimage call is where its failing! I open a pdf template so this is how I declare my pdf object.
my $pdf = PDF::API2->open($Template) or print "PDF Object is failing o +r NULL"; my $page = $pdf->openpage(1);
thanks for the help