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Re: New JQuery Module - advice needed

by philcrow (Priest)
on Mar 19, 2007 at 13:41 UTC ( [id://605476]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to New JQuery Module - advice needed

You probably want to use Module::Build. With it you can easily collect path names during initial unpacking, then install to them during install. See Gantry or Bigtop for examples. Here is a minimal example of a Build.PL:
use strict; use Module::Build; use File::Find; my $subclass = Module::Build->subclass( class => 'My::Builder', code => &_custom_code(), ); # collect web files my( %web_dirs, @web_dirs ); find( \&wanted, 'webstuff' ); sub wanted { my $dir = $File::Find::dir; $dir =~ s![^/]*/!!; next if $dir =~ /\.svn/; ++$web_dirs{ $dir }; } my @web_dirs = keys %web_dirs; my $build = $subclass->new( web_files => \@web_dirs, build_web_dir => 'webstuff', # Put your web content in subdirectories of webstuff. #...Normal Module::Build constructor params here. ); print "\n\nApp comes with a set of web stuff...\n" . "A typical location for this\n" . "stuff is your web server document root.\n\n"; my $web_path = $build->prompt( 'Path for web stuff', '/var/www', ); $build->notes( install_web_dir => $web_path ); # check to see if dir exists, use and other prompt # to offer to make it if it doesn't $build->create_build_script; sub _custom_code { return( q{ sub ACTION_code { my $self = shift; $self->SUPER::ACTION_code(); $self->add_build_element( 'web' ); $self->process_web_files( 'web' ); } sub ACTION_install { my $self = shift; my $p = $self->{properties}; $self->SUPER::ACTION_install(); my $dir = $self->notes( 'install_web_dire' ); my $blib_dir = File::Spec->catdir( $self->blib, 'web', $p->{build_web_directory} ); my $num; eval { require File::Copy::Recursive; import File::Copy::Recursive 'dircopy'; $num = dircopy($blib_dir, $dir); }; if ( $@ ) { print "\nError coping templates:\n"; print $@ . "\n"; } else { print "\n$num things copied to $dir\n"; } } sub process_web_files { my $self = shift; my $files = $self->find_web_files; return unless @$files; my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($self->blib, 'web'); File::Path::mkpath( $dir ); foreach my $file (@$files) { my $result = $self->copy_if_modified( $file, $dir ) or next; } } sub find_web_files { my $self = shift; my $p = $self->{properties}; my $b_tmpl_dir = $p->{build_web_directory}; $b_tmpl_dir =~ s/\/$//g; if (my $files = $p->{web_files}) { if ( UNIVERSAL::isa($files, 'HASH') ) { my @files = [keys %$files]; return( \@files ); } my @files; foreach my $glob ( @$files ) { $glob = "$b_tmpl_dir/$glob"; push( @files, glob( $glob ) ); } return( \@files ); return( [ map $self->localize_file_path($_), @files ] ); return( \@localized ); } } sub web_files { my $self = shift; for ($self->{properties}{web_files}) { $_ = shift if @_; return unless $_; # Always coerce into a hash return $_ if UNIVERSAL::isa($_, 'HASH'); return $_ = {$_ => 1} unless ref(); return { map {$_,1} @$_ }; } } } ); # end return } # end _custom_code
Disclaimer: I excerpted the above from Gantry's Build.PL to give you a feel for how things look. But, I didn't test the above so it probably doesn't complile. See Gantry for the example. Bigtop actually generates Build.PL's based on Gantry::Build which facilitates doing this, if you only need to install subdirectories to one top level path. You probably want to invest in an actual module for the Module::Build subclass.


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