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Re^2: Net::Telnet on routers and switches

by quester (Vicar)
on Mar 06, 2007 at 20:10 UTC ( [id://603506]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Net::Telnet on routers and switches
in thread Net::Telnet on routers and switches

This is an example of how and clogin can be used together:

#! /usr/bin/perl -w use warnings; use diagnostics; use strict; use Expect qw(expect); use Carp; scalar @ARGV or croak "usage: $0 host1..."; my $session = Expect->spawn( 'clogin', $ARGV[0] ); if ( exists $ENV{'exp_internal'} ) { $session->exp_internal(1) } $session->log_stdout(1); sub expect_send { my $pattern = shift; my $command = shift; my $ret = $session->expect( 30, [ '-re', $pattern => sub { $_[0]->send("$command\n") } ], @_, [ timeout => sub { croak 'Timeout' } ], [ eof => sub { croak 'EOF (clogin exited unexpectedly)' } +], ); croak 'Nothing matched, not even timeout, died' if not defined $ret; return $ret; } expect_send qr/#/, 'show clock'; expect_send qr/#/, 'show logging'; $session->expect( 30, [ '-re', qr/Log Buffer \(\d+ bytes\)/i => sub { $session->match() =~ /\((\d+) bytes\)/i; print "\n\n* Found logging buffer size is $1 bytes *\n\n"; if ( $1 < 8192 ) { expect_send qr/#/, 'configure terminal'; expect_send qr/\(config\)#/i, 'logging buffered 8192'; expect_send qr/\(config\)#/i, 'end'; expect_send qr/#/, 'write memory'; } } ], ); expect_send qr/#/, 'exit'; $session->soft_close;

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