#! /usr/local/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; #use PPSSubs; # Process doesn't wait if this line is here use Tk; use Tk::ROText; use Win32::Clipboard; use Win32::Process; use PPSSubs; # Process waits if this line is here $::CLIP = Win32::Clipboard(); $::mainwin = MainWindow->new (-background => '#b5bfcc'); $::mainwin->title('MWeb Preprocessing System'); $::mainwin->geometry("-200-200"); #### $::winheading = $::mainwin->Label ( -background => '#b5bfcc', -foreground => '#0000a0', -font => 'Verdana 14 bold', -text => "MWeb\x{2122} Preprocessing System", ); $::beginbutton = $::mainwin->Button ( -text => 'Begin', -default => 'active', -state => 'active', -font => '{MS Sans Serif} 10 bold', -width => '9', -command => \&MainSub, ); $::settingsbutton = $::mainwin->Button ( -text => 'Settings', -default => 'active', -state => 'active', -font => '{MS Sans Serif} 10 bold', -width => '9', ); $::cancelbutton = $::mainwin->Button ( -text => 'Close', -font => '{MS Sans Serif} 10 bold', -width => '9', -command => sub { exit; } ); $::helplabel = $::mainwin->Label ( -background => '#b5bfcc', -foreground => '#0000a0', -font => 'Arial 9 bold', -text => "For Help go to http://systemsplanning.com/mweb/ppsadmin.asp", ); $::progresstext = $::mainwin->Scrolled ( 'ROText', -background => '#ffffff', -foreground => '#000000', -font => 'Arial 10', -height => 10, -scrollbars => 'oe', ); $::SPlabel = $::mainwin->Label ( -background => '#b5bfcc', -foreground => '#0000a0', -font => 'Verdana 10', -text => 'Systems Planning', ); $::clientlabel = $::mainwin->Label ( -text => 'Client code', -background => '#ffffff', -font => 'Verdana 10', ); $::clientbox = $::mainwin->Entry ( -background => '#ffffff', -font => 'Verdana 10', -takefocus => 1, ); $::startatlabel = $::mainwin->Label ( -text => 'Program to start at', -background => '#ffffff', -font => 'Verdana 10', ); $::startatbox = $::mainwin->Entry ( -background => '#ffffff', -font => 'Verdana 10', -takefocus => 1, ); $::runonlylabel = $::mainwin->Label ( -text => 'Run only this program', -background => '#ffffff', -font => 'Verdana 10', ); $::runonlybox = $::mainwin->Entry ( -background => '#ffffff', -font => 'Verdana 10', -takefocus => 1, ); $::copylabel = $::mainwin->Label ( -background => '#b5bfcc', -foreground => '#0000a0', -font => 'Verdana 10', -text => 'Copyright © 2000-2007', ); # GEOMETRY MANAGEMENT $::winheading->grid ( -in => $::mainwin, -column => '0', -row => '0', -columnspan => '4', -ipadx => '0', -ipady => '0', -padx => '0', -pady => '0', -rowspan => '1', -sticky => '' ); $::beginbutton->grid ( -in => $::mainwin, -column => '0', -row => '1', -columnspan => '1', -ipadx => '0', -ipady => '0', -padx => '0', -pady => '0', -rowspan => '1', -sticky => 'e' ); $::settingsbutton->grid ( -in => $::mainwin, -column => '2', -row => '1', -columnspan => '1', -ipadx => '4', -ipady => '0', -padx => '0', -pady => '0', -rowspan => '1', -sticky => '' ); $::cancelbutton->grid ( -in => $::mainwin, -column => '3', -row => '1', -columnspan => '1', -ipadx => '0', -ipady => '0', -padx => '0', -pady => '0', -rowspan => '1', -sticky => 'w' ); $::helplabel->grid ( -in => $::mainwin, -column => '0', -row => '2', -columnspan => '4', -ipadx => '0', -ipady => '0', -padx => '0', -pady => '0', -rowspan => '1', -sticky => '' ); $::progresstext->grid ( -in => $::mainwin, -column => '0', -row => '4', -columnspan => '4', -ipadx => '0', -ipady => '0', -padx => '0', -pady => '0', -rowspan => '1', -sticky => '' ); $::SPlabel->grid ( -in => $::mainwin, -column => '0', -row => '7', -columnspan => '2', -ipadx => '0', -ipady => '0', -padx => '2', -pady => '2', -rowspan => '1', -sticky => 'w' ); $::clientlabel->grid ( -in => $::mainwin, -column => '1', -row => '5', -columnspan => '1', -ipadx => '0', -ipady => '0', -padx => '2', -pady => '2', -rowspan => '1', -sticky => '' ); $::clientbox->grid ( -in => $::mainwin, -column => '2', -row => '5', -columnspan => '1', -ipadx => '0', -ipady => '0', -padx => '2', -pady => '2', -rowspan => '1', -sticky => '' ); $::startatlabel->grid ( -in => $::mainwin, -column => '1', -row => '6', -columnspan => '1', -ipadx => '0', -ipady => '0', -padx => '2', -pady => '2', -rowspan => '1', -sticky => '' ); $::startatbox->grid ( -in => $::mainwin, -column => '2', -row => '6', -columnspan => '1', -ipadx => '0', -ipady => '0', -padx => '2', -pady => '2', -rowspan => '1', -sticky => '' ); $::runonlylabel->grid ( -in => $::mainwin, -column => '1', -row => '7', -columnspan => '1', -ipadx => '0', -ipady => '0', -padx => '2', -pady => '2', -rowspan => '1', -sticky => '' ); $::runonlybox->grid ( -in => $::mainwin, -column => '2', -row => '7', -columnspan => '1', -ipadx => '0', -ipady => '0', -padx => '2', -pady => '2', -rowspan => '1', -sticky => '' ); $::copylabel->grid ( -in => $::mainwin, -column => '2', -row => '7', -columnspan => '2', -ipadx => '0', -ipady => '0', -padx => '2', -pady => '2', -rowspan => '1', -sticky => 'e' ); $::mainwin->gridRowconfigure(0, -weight => 0, -minsize => 40, -pad => 0); $::mainwin->gridRowconfigure(1, -weight => 0, -minsize => 60, -pad => 0); $::mainwin->gridRowconfigure(2, -weight => 0, -minsize => 20, -pad => 0); $::mainwin->gridRowconfigure(3, -weight => 0, -minsize => 20, -pad => 0); $::mainwin->gridRowconfigure(4, -weight => 0, -minsize => 60, -pad => 0); $::mainwin->gridRowconfigure(5, -weight => 0, -minsize => 30, -pad => 0); $::mainwin->gridRowconfigure(6, -weight => 0, -minsize => 30, -pad => 0); $::mainwin->gridColumnconfigure(0, -weight => 0, -minsize => 170, -pad => 0); $::mainwin->gridColumnconfigure(1, -weight => 0, -minsize => 170, -pad => 0); $::mainwin->gridColumnconfigure(2, -weight => 0, -minsize => 170, -pad => 0); $::mainwin->gridColumnconfigure(3, -weight => 0, -minsize => 170, -pad => 0); $::mainwin->bind('' => [$::beginbutton => 'Invoke']); #### Tk::MainLoop; #### #MainSub sub MainSub { $::CLIP->Empty(); print "before creating process\n"; my $ProcessObj; Win32::Process::Create($ProcessObj, "c:\\windows\\system32\\notepad.exe", "notepad", 0, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, ".") || die Win32ProcessError(); print "before wait\n"; $ProcessObj->Wait(INFINITE); print "after wait\n"; } #MainSub sub Win32ProcessError { print Win32::FormatMessage(Win32::GetLastError()); } 1;