in reply to Re: Split tags and words nicely
in thread Split tags and words nicely

Along the same lines, here's something that is completely regex and no join or split is needed. Probably could be obfuscated even more :)
$a = q{<tag ref=1>Start<tag ref=2>and more</tag>and end</tag>}; my @b; $a =~ s/(<\/?tag[^>]*>)(\w*)/push @b, ($1,$2)/eg; map {print $_,"\n"} @b;

Prints the following:
<tag ref=1> Start <tag ref=2> and </tag> and </tag>

s;;5776?12321=10609$d=9409:12100$xx;;s;(\d*);push @_,$1;eg;map{print chr(sqrt($_))."\n"} @_;

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Re^3: Split tags and words nicely
by johngg (Canon) on Dec 29, 2006 at 10:37 UTC
    You have a slight glitch in that you are losing any text after the space, e.g. "and more" comes out as "and". Fix:

    $a =~ s/(<\/?tag[^>]*>)([\w ]*)/push @b, ($1,$2)/eg;

    Also it is probably a good idea to avoid $a and $b for variable names because of their special status with regard to sort.



      Doh! Nice catch. Good call with $a, $b.

      s;;5776?12321=10609$d=9409:12100$xx;;s;(\d*);push @_,$1;eg;map{print chr(sqrt($_))."\n"} @_;