User since: Dec 04, 2006 at 12:33 UTC (17 years ago)
Last here: May 10, 2017 at 21:28 UTC (7 years ago)
Experience: 348
Level:Scribe (6)
Writeups: 5
Location:Rhein Main, Germany
User's localtime: Apr 25, 2024 at 13:35 CEST
Scratchpad: None.
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I'm working in the IT-industrie since 1988. Starting with IBM '36 and AS/400 I switched in the mid90s to PC. Working mostly with MS-SQL and Oracle server. I also did application development with visual basic and c#. Perl found me as a s‎crip‎ting language for administrative purposes. Since 1998 i'm doing a lot of interface-programming for financial market data with perl.
Outside the it-business I like reading books and playing games (both: tabletop and computer). My passion for drinking wine drove me to bother others as a tour guide to the Nahe-valley.