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Re: Running .t Tests in a web-based environment

by Rhandom (Curate)
on Dec 03, 2006 at 02:44 UTC ( [id://587469]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Running .t Tests in a web-based environment

Every time I go to a new company I write a harness. And then a CGI that can run the tests from the web. I didn't know about /usr/bin/prove - now I don't need to write that anymore. But then I also use something similar to the following code. You will need CGI::Ex installed - but I think the results will be something you like.

Oh - and a note - you will want to change BASE_DIR to the base directory where your tests are stored. It also then depends upon you putting your tests into subdirectories as in:
/my/base_dir/t/ /my/base_dir/t/BaseSystems/ /my/base_dir/t/BaseSystems/0_foo.t /my/base_dir/t/BaseSystems/1_bar.t /my/base_dir/t/MainSystem/0_test_something.t


#!/usr/bin/perl =head1 NAME cgi_prove - Web based interface to /usr/bin/prove =cut use base qw(CGI::Ex::App); use strict; use warnings; use vars qw($BASE_DIR $LIB_DIR $PROVE_PROG); use CGI::Ex::Dump qw(debug); BEGIN { require config; $BASE_DIR = $config::config{'rootdir_server'} .'/t'; $LIB_DIR = $config::config{'rootdir_server'} .'/lib'; $PROVE_PROG = '/usr/bin/prove'; } ###----------------------------------------------------------------### __PACKAGE__->navigate; sub main_file_print { return \ qq { <h1>Run t/tests <span style=font-size:smaller>(<a href=[% scri +pt_name %]?test=all>Run All</a>)</span></h1> [% rows = []; FOREACH dir IN files.keys.sort ; rows.push("<b><a href=\$script_name?test=\${dir.uri}>\${d +ir.html}</a></b><br>"); FOREACH file IN files.\$dir ; rows.push("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\$script_nam +e?test=\${dir.uri}/\${file.uri}>\${file.html}</a><br>"); END; END; cols = 4; n_per_col = rows.size / cols; IF n_per_col -; n_per_col = + +1; END; FOREACH j = [0 .. cols - 1] %] <div style="float:left; width:24%"> [% min = j * n_per_col; max = min + n_per_col - 1; IF max > rows.max; max = rows.max; END; FOREACH i IN [min .. max] rows.\$i; END %] </div> [% END %] }; } sub main_hash_swap { my $self = shift; my $dir = $BASE_DIR; require File::Find; my $files = {}; File::Find::find(sub { return if -d; return if $File::Find::name !~ m|^\Q$dir\E/(.+)/(.+\.t)$|; $files->{$1}->{$2} = 1; }, $dir); $files->{$_} = [sort keys %{$files->{$_}}] foreach keys %$files; return {files => $files}; } sub main_info_complete { my $self = shift; my $file = $self->form->{'test'} || return 0; return 0 if $file =~ /\.\./; return 0 if $file !~ /^([\w\.\/\-]+)$/; $file = $1; $file =~ s|^/+||; my $dir = $BASE_DIR; return 0 if ! -e "$dir/$file" && lc $file ne 'all'; $self->stash->{'test'} = $self->form->{'test'} = $file; $self->append_path('_run'); return 1; } sub _run_file_print { return \ qq { <h1>Test - [% test %]</h1><br> }; } sub _run_info_complete { 0 } sub _run_post_print { my $self = shift; my $file = $self->stash->{'test'} || die "Missing test"; my $exe = $PROVE_PROG; $file = '' if lc($file) eq 'all'; open(my $fh, "$exe -v -I$LIB_DIR -r $BASE_DIR/$file 2>&1 |") || do + { debug "Couldn't exec", $exe, $!; die "Couldn't exec: $!" }; my $r; if ($self->cgix->is_mod_perl_2) { $r = $self->cgix->apache_request; } else { $| = 1; } print "<span style=\"font-family:monospace;color:green\">\n"; while (defined(my $line = <$fh>)) { $line =~ s/\s+$//; if ($line =~ /^\s*not/) { $line = "<span style=color:red>$line</span>"; } elsif ($line !~ /^\s*ok/) { $line = "<span style=color:blue>$line</span>"; } print $line."<br>\n"; $r->rflush if $r; } print "</span>\n"; }

my @a=qw(random brilliant braindead); print $a[rand(@a)];

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