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Re: Implementing a forking SOAP::Lite server

by Tardis (Pilgrim)
on Nov 08, 2006 at 04:51 UTC ( [id://582781]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Implementing a forking SOAP::Lite server

What sort of a heel would I be if I didn't provide the sample code? :-)

As mentioned, this is basically a quick hack of the POE Web Server With Forking example.

This sample program sets up a (rather useless) SOAP service with a method called 'sleep' which .... well you can guess.

Useless, but a good test of the success of the ability for this to service multiple requests at once, unlike SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Daemon.

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use SOAP::Transport::HTTP; use lib 'lib'; sub DEBUG () { 0 } # Enable a lot of runtime information +. sub MAX_PROCESSES () { 10 } # Total number of server processes. sub SERVER_PORT () { 8092 } # Server port to listen on. sub TESTING_CHURN () { 0 } # Randomly shutdown children to test +respawn. use POE; # Base features. use POE::Filter::HTTPD; # For serving HTTP content. use POE::Wheel::ReadWrite; # For socket I/O. use POE::Wheel::SocketFactory; # For serving socket connections. # These are HTTP::Request headers that have methods. my @method_headers = qw( authorization authorization_basic content content_encoding content_language content_length content_typ +e date expires from if_modified_since if_unmodified_since last_modifie +d method protocol proxy_authorization proxy_authorization_basic refere +r server title url user_agent www_authenticate ); # These are HTTP::Request headers that do not have methods. my @header_headers = qw( username opaque stale algorithm realm uri qop auth nonce cnonce nc response ); # Spawn up to MAX_PROCESSES server processes, and then run them. Exit # when they are done. server_spawn(MAX_PROCESSES); $poe_kernel->run(); exit 0; ### Spawn the main server. This will run as the parent process. sub server_spawn { my ($max_processes) = @_; POE::Session->create ( inline_states => { _start => \&server_start, _stop => \&server_stop, do_fork => \&server_do_fork, got_error => \&server_got_error, got_sig_int => \&server_got_sig_int, got_sig_chld => \&server_got_sig_chld, got_connection => \&server_got_connection, _child => sub { 0 }, }, heap => { max_processes => $max_processes, }, ); } ### The main server session has started. Set up the server socket and ### bookkeeping information, then fork the initial child processes. sub server_start { my ( $kernel, $heap ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP ]; $heap->{server} = POE::Wheel::SocketFactory->new ( BindPort => SERVER_PORT, SuccessEvent => "got_connection", FailureEvent => "got_error", Reuse => "yes", ); $kernel->sig( CHLD => "got_sig_chld" ); $kernel->sig( INT => "got_sig_int" ); $heap->{children} = {}; $heap->{is_a_child} = 0; warn "Server $$ has begun listening on port ", SERVER_PORT, "\n"; $kernel->yield("do_fork"); } ### The server session has shut down. If this process has any ### children, signal them to shutdown too. sub server_stop { my $heap = $_[HEAP]; DEBUG and warn "Server $$ stopped.\n"; if ( my @children = keys %{ $heap->{children} } ) { DEBUG and warn "Server $$ is signaling children to stop.\n"; kill INT => @children; } } ### The server session has encountered an error. Shut it down. sub server_got_error { my ( $heap, $syscall, $errno, $error ) = @_[ HEAP, ARG0 .. ARG2 ]; warn( "Server $$ got $syscall error $errno: $error\n", "Server $$ is shutting down.\n", ); delete $heap->{server}; } ### The server has a need to fork off more children. Only honor that ### request form the parent, otherwise we would surely "forkbomb". ### Fork off as many child processes as we need. sub server_do_fork { my ( $kernel, $heap ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP ]; return if $heap->{is_a_child}; my $current_children = keys %{ $heap->{children} }; for ( $current_children + 2 .. $heap->{max_processes} ) { DEBUG and warn "Server $$ is attempting to fork.\n"; my $pid = fork(); unless ( defined($pid) ) { DEBUG and warn( "Server $$ fork failed: $!\n", "Server $$ will retry fork shortly.\n", ); $kernel->delay( do_fork => 1 ); return; } # Parent. Add the child process to its list. if ($pid) { $heap->{children}->{$pid} = 1; next; } # Child. Clear the child process list. DEBUG and warn "Server $$ forked successfully.\n"; $heap->{is_a_child} = 1; $heap->{children} = {}; return; } } ### The server session received SIGINT. Don't handle the signal, ### which in turn will trigger the process to exit gracefully. sub server_got_sig_int { DEBUG and warn "Server $$ received SIGINT.\n"; return 0; } ### The server session received a SIGCHLD, indicating that some child ### server has gone away. Remove the child's process ID from our ### list, and trigger more fork() calls to spawn new children. sub server_got_sig_chld { my ( $kernel, $heap, $child_pid ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP, ARG1 ]; if ( delete $heap->{children}->{$child_pid} ) { DEBUG and warn "Server $$ received SIGCHLD.\n"; $kernel->yield("do_fork"); } return 0; } ### The server session received a connection request. Spawn off a ### client handler session to parse the request and respond to it. sub server_got_connection { my ( $heap, $socket, $peer_addr, $peer_port ) = @_[ HEAP, ARG0, AR +G1, ARG2 ]; DEBUG and warn "Server $$ received a connection.\n"; POE::Session->create ( inline_states => { _start => \&client_start, _stop => \&client_stop, got_request => \&client_got_request, got_flush => \&client_flushed_request, got_error => \&client_got_error, _parent => sub { 0 }, }, heap => { socket => $socket, peer_addr => $peer_addr, peer_port => $peer_port, }, ); delete $heap->{server} if TESTING_CHURN and $heap->{is_a_child} and ( rand() < 0.1 ); } ### The client handler has started. Wrap its socket in a ReadWrite ### wheel to begin interacting with it. sub client_start { my $heap = $_[HEAP]; $heap->{client} = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new ( Handle => $heap->{socket}, Filter => POE::Filter::HTTPD->new(), InputEvent => "got_request", ErrorEvent => "got_error", FlushedEvent => "got_flush", ); DEBUG and warn "Client handler $$/", $_[SESSION]->ID, " started.\n +"; } ### The client handler has stopped. Log that fact. sub client_stop { DEBUG and warn "Client handler $$/", $_[SESSION]->ID, " stopped.\n +"; } ### The client handler has received a request. If it's an ### HTTP::Response object, it means some error has occurred while ### parsing the request. Send that back and return immediately. ### Otherwise parse and process the request, generating and sending an ### HTTP::Response object in response. sub client_got_request { my ( $heap, $request ) = @_[ HEAP, ARG0 ]; my $soap = SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Server -> new -> dispatch_to('SOAPPackage') ; DEBUG and warn "Client handler $$/", $_[SESSION]->ID, " is handling a requ +est.\n"; if ( $request->isa("HTTP::Response") ) { $heap->{client}->put($request); return; } $soap->request($request); $soap->handle; my $response = $soap->response; $heap->{client}->put($response); } ### The client handler received an error. Stop the ReadWrite wheel, ### which also closes the socket. sub client_got_error { my ( $heap, $operation, $errnum, $errstr ) = @_[ HEAP, ARG0, ARG1, + ARG2 ]; DEBUG and warn( "Client handler $$/", $_[SESSION]->ID, " got $operation error $errnum: $errstr\n", "Client handler $$/", $_[SESSION]->ID, " is shutting down.\n" ); delete $heap->{client}; } ### The client handler has flushed its response to the socket. We're ### done with the client connection, so stop the ReadWrite wheel. sub client_flushed_request { my $heap = $_[HEAP]; DEBUG and warn( "Client handler $$/", $_[SESSION]->ID, " flushed its response.\n", "Client handler $$/", $_[SESSION]->ID, " is shutting down.\n" ); delete $heap->{client}; } ### We're done. package SOAPPackage; sub sleep { my $class = shift; my $sleep = shift; if (! defined $sleep) { die "no sleep time defined!"; } if ($sleep !~ /^\d+$/) { die "invalid sleep time '$sleep'"; } warn "$$ is sleeping for $sleep"; sleep $sleep; return "I slept for $sleep seconds"; }
Here's a quick and dirty client program to connect to it:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use SOAP::Lite; use Data::Dumper; my $object; my $method = shift; $object = SOAP::Lite -> uri('SOAPPackage') -> proxy("http://localhost:8092/") -> $method(@ARGV); if ($object->fault) { warn "FAULT " . $object->faultstring; exit 1; } else { print Dumper($object->result); exit 0; }

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Re^2: Implementing a forking SOAP::Lite server
by Anonymous Monk on Jan 10, 2008 at 15:44 UTC
    Hey there. I realize this thread is quite old, however I was wondering how the posted code was working for you, or has anyone else done anything similar. I am looking to implement a SOAP::Lite service without mod_perl, and would like to know everyone's experiences.
      I just implemented this code with my own SOAP calls, and everything seems to work. However, it doesn't detach from terminal...the child processes spawn, but the parent process stays interactive. Any idea how to make this into a daemon?

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