in reply to Warnings and Strict in Production/Performance

Funny how we all seem to be agreeing on this one! Both pragmae are included in my production distributions - stricture won't return anything - but warnings are logged to a file on disk and then if the user wants to initiate a support issue it is done from within the software and the log is sent to our issue server ( we use Eventum ) and the support tech has the log to work with.

I don't know about you but most of the warnings I see are 'undefined value' warnings which are taken care of by initialising variables to something when they are created. Config::Simple is particularly bad in my case at throwing warnings. Because my software is always 'calling home' to a SOAP server for data, we have a message that asks the software to send in a log file next time it connects - each user is identified by a unique ID so I can even request a specific user installation. So even in production, warnings are my friend!

But back to your own situation, if the production code is generating warnings, then you really do want to know why - as Ovid said, pretending you are an ostrich is dangerous - because your butt is very exposed when your head is in the sand.
