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Re: Sorting an array of arrays by field

by Hue-Bond (Priest)
on Oct 15, 2006 at 02:25 UTC ( [id://578337]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Sorting an array of arrays by field

I love this site and have learned more about PERL here, than any other website

Not much, I guess ;^). Please, it's "Perl" (mind the capitalization).

@look = <INF>;

It's better to use <DATA> for your code. That way, the data goes with the program and you don't have to provide it separately.

@out = sort { (split '|', $a, 12)[4] <=> (split '|', $b, 12)[4] } @look;

You need to quote the pipe: '\|'.

@fields = @$line;

$line is not an arrayref. The split you did only extracted the 4th field of the string for sorting, nothing more. @out is a regular array of strings, like @look.

Applying this comments, and adding strict and warnings, your code becomes:

my @look = <DATA>; my @out = sort { (split '\|', $a, 12)[4] <=> (split '\|', $b, 12)[4] } + @look; foreach my $line (@out) { print $line; } __DATA__ accred|143|0|0|412|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0| accu-b|36|0|0|103|0|38|0|0|0|0|2|0| accua|35|0|0|27|0|37|0|0|0|0|1|0| [...]

If you want to access the fields individually, you have to perform another split inside the foreach loop.

Further on, doing a Guttman-Rosler transform, it could be:

## tested my @out = map { substr $_, 6 } ## hardcoded "6" here... sort map { my $val = (split /\|/)[4]; sprintf "%06d$_",$val } ## ... a +nd here <DATA>;
my @d = <DATA>; my @e; my @key = map { (split /\|/)[4] } @d; use Benchmark qw/cmpthese/; cmpthese (4e4, { grt => sub { @e = map { substr $_, 6 } sort map { my $val = (sp +lit /\|/)[4]; sprintf "%06d$_",$val} @d; }, raw => sub { @e = sort { (split '\|', $a, 12)[4] <=> (split '\| +', $b, 12)[4] } @d; }, ambrus => sub { @e = @d[ sort { $key[$a] <=> $key[$b] } 0 .. @d - +1 ]; }, });
Rate raw grt ambrus raw 2742/s -- -58% -92% grt 6547/s 139% -- -80% ambrus 33058/s 1106% 405% --

Update: Added benchmark. || Included ambrus' solution.

David Serrano

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^2: Sorting an array of arrays by field
by salva (Canon) on Oct 16, 2006 at 12:29 UTC
    Your benchmark is unfair as the key extraction for ambrus solution is not being measured.

    Anyway, using Sort::Key is, as usual, the fastest solution!

    use Sort::Key 'ikeysort'; my @d = <DATA>; my @e; use Benchmark qw/cmpthese/; cmpthese (4e4, { grt => sub { @e = map { substr $_, 6 } sort map { my $val = (split /\|/ +)[4]; sprintf "%06d$_",$val} @d; }, raw => sub { @e = sort { (split '\|', $a, 12)[4] < +=> (split '\|', $b, 12)[4] } @d; }, ambrus => sub { my @key = map { (split /\|/)[4] } @d +; @e = @d[ sort { $key[$a] <=> $key[$b +] } 0 .. @d - 1 ]; }, sk => sub { @e = ikeysort { (split '\|', $_, 12)[ +4] } @d } });
    on my computer says...
    Rate raw grt ambrus sk raw 1887/s -- -63% -69% -74% grt 5141/s 172% -- -15% -29% ambrus 6061/s 221% 18% -- -16% sk 7246/s 284% 41% 20% --
Re^2: Sorting an array of arrays by field
by Anonymous Monk on Oct 15, 2006 at 02:54 UTC
    Thanks for the help, David.

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