in reply to Make rss feed

You are reading the RSS definition incorrectly. guid is a globally unique identifier (glossary). Images in an rss feed are stored in an <image> element, which is a peer to the <item> element. See, for example Yahoo news' RSS feed (xml document).

An example from the docs:

use XML::RSS; my $rss = new XML::RSS (version => '2.0'); $rss->channel(title => '', link => '', description => 'the one-stop-shop for all your software n +eeds', ); $rss->image(title => '', url => '', link => '', width => 88, height => 31, description => 'This is the Freshmeat image stupid' ); $rss->add_item(title => "GTKeyboard 0.85", # creates a guid field with permaLink=true permaLink => " +html", # alternately creates a guid field with permaLink=false # guid => "gtkeyboard-0.85 enclosure => { url=>$url, type=>"application/x-bittorrent" } +, description => 'blah blah' );

The intelligent reader will judge for himself. Without examining the facts fully and fairly, there is no way of knowing whether vox populi is really vox dei, or merely vox asinorum. — Cyrus H. Gordon