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Re: _new considered harmful

by ikegami (Patriarch)
on Oct 01, 2006 at 17:50 UTC ( [id://575799]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to _new considered harmful

If the base target were [something like "pm_display"] instead of "_new", then users of fullpage chat would get the same behaviour as now

No, it wouldn't. If pm_planet was used for target, the first followed link will open a new window as if _new had been used, but the second followed would overwrite the window opened by the first link (if it's still open) instead of opening a new window.

For example, if you click on each of the following without closing newly opened windows, you'll end up with 3 windows instead of the desired 4.
<a href="?node_id=67275" target="_new"> (jZed's home node)
<a href="?node_id=381608" target="_new"> (my home node)
<a href="?node_id=67275" target="pm_display">
<a href="?node_id=381608" target="pm_display">

I *hate* windows overwritting each other. I've lost much this way.

Update: By the way, _new is non-standard. _blank is the standard target to specify that "the user agent should load the designated document in a new, unnamed window."

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Re^2: _new considered harmful
by jZed (Prior) on Oct 01, 2006 at 18:01 UTC
    Yes, you're right, hardcoding "pm_display" would behave like _blank, not like _new. However if I (debian FF) middle-click on any of the four links you provided, they each open in separate new tabs, or if I control-click on any of the four of them, they each open in a separate new windows so that with the _new I can open anywhere except in the current window or in a frame while with pm_display I can open anywhere except the current window (and even there if the current window is in a frame name pm_display).

      I know there are ways around it. My point was that it's a dangerous default to overwrite a window one doesn't realize has been overwritten. ( If the current window gets overwritten, I'd just press back and middle-click the link. Overwritting another window, one that might (and likely, in my case) have been open for days, is bad. ) I vote against #1.

      By the way, you *can* open a targetted link in the current window. Just drag the link to the address bar.

        I guess I agree about the danger and so retract my solution #1. I'm still interested in #2 however, since your (nice) drag and drop trick (which Hue-Bond also suggested to me) solves opening in the same window but doesn't solve the part I need of opening in a frame in the same window.

        Oh my gosh! You gave me an idea that solves the problem (on my browser at least) : drag a link from the chat, private messages, or other users frames and drop it into the search box and hit enter ... voila the links from the other frames open in wherever the search is targeted for.

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