#!/usr/bin/perl =head1 NAME unichist =head1 SYNOPSIS unichist [--blocks] [--names] [--hex[only]] [--top=N] [--enc=ENC] [file ...] --blocks : print summary of character counts per Unicode "block" --names : print full Unicode character name for each code point --hex : include the Unicode hexadecimal code point value --hexonly : show the hex code point instead of the character itself --top=N : print only the N most frequent characters --enc=ENC : convert input from ENC to utf8 (def: input is utf8) =head1 DESCRIPTION For text data provided on STDIN or in one or more files named on the command line, this program will print the list of characters occurring in the data, together with the frequency of occurrence for each character. By default, input is assumed to be in utf8, and all characters present in the input are counted and listed on STDOUT, one character per line, in their "standard" order (i.e. the numeric ordering determined by their Unicode code point values), with the number of occurrences following each character. If the input uses some known encoding other than utf8, simply name the encoding with the "--enc=..." option (e.g. "--enc=cp1252" or "--enc=UTF-16LE"). If the value of this option is not recognized as a known encoding, the program exits with an error message listing the known encodings. (Note that ASCII is a proper subset of utf8; the --enc option is only needed when data is neither ASCII nor utf8.) Output is always in utf8 (but with the "--hexonly" option, it will always be just plain ASCII). The --hex option will put the hexadecimal code point value at the beginning of each output line, followed by the utf8 character and then its frequency. Use --hexonly to output just the hexadecimal value and frequency without the actual utf8 character itself (useful when your display window is unable to handle utf8 data correctly). The "--top=N" option will cause only the N most frequent characters to be listed, in descending order of frequency. If N is 0, no characters will be listed (useful in combination with the "--blocks" option, described below). If N is -1, all characters will be listed in descending order of frequency (instead of the default code-point order). The "--blocks" option will produce a supplemental set of output lines, breaking the character counts into groups according the the "block" pages defined by the Unicode Standard "Blocks.txt" file that comes with your version of Perl. Usually, a given data file would contain characters spanning just a few distinct charts, and this form of listing is useful when checking for "outlier characters". To see only this summary of character counts by chart, use this option in combination with "--top=0", to turn off the listing of individual characters with their frequencies. The "--names" option will include the full Unicode name (if any) for each code point listed in the one-character-per-line output. Note that some blocks of characters (e.g. the Unified CJK set) do not have individual names for each code point. =head1 LIMITATIONS/BUGS Be aware that some byte sequences that are parsable as utf8 do not correspond to defined characters -- there are gaps in the code point sequence. When Unicode explicitly omits some ranges of code points as "unassigned" in "Blocks.txt", characters that fall within these unassigned ranges will always be listed by their hex value only in the default output, and grouped together into a single "unassigned" class when the "--blocks" option is used. But there are some "unassigned" code points that we are not able to identify as such. When in doubt, use the "--hexonly" option, and check the output against the code charts as published at www.unicode.org/charts/. It's also possible that unicode input might contain characters in a region called the "Private Use Area" (UE000-UF8FF), which means that the correct label or interpretation of the character depends on the whim of whoever created the data. Another possible anomaly for utf8 input is the presence of "characters" in the so-called "Surrogate Area" (UD800-UDFFF), which indicates an encoding error by whoever created the data. In both cases, the default output will show only the hex values of the observed code points in these ranges, and the "--blocks" output will indicate these regions as "Private Use" or "Surrogate". =head1 OTHER NOTES The default output listing uses the symbolic names NUL, TAB, LFD, RTN, SPC, NBSP and DEL for the null-byte, the five common whitespace characters and \x7F, respectively; other ASCII and Latin-1 control characters are presented in "\xHH" notation. =head1 AUTHOR David Graff ( graff (at) ldc (dot) upenn (dot) edu ) =cut use strict; use Encode; use Getopt::Long; my $Usage = "Usage: $0 [--blocks] [--names] [--hex[only]] [--top=N] [--enc=ENC] [file ...]\n"; my %opt; GetOptions( \%opt, 'blocks', 'names', 'hex', 'hexonly', 'enc=s', 'top=i' ) or die $Usage; die $Usage if ( @ARGV == 0 and -t ); my $inmode = ':utf8'; if ( $opt{enc} ) { my @enclist = Encode->encodings(":all"); listEncodings( $Usage, @enclist ) unless ( grep /$opt{enc}/, @enclist ); $inmode = ":encoding($opt{enc})"; } binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; my ( %names, %char_hist, %class_hist, %class_def, %unassigned ); for my $name ( split /^/, do 'unicore/Name.pl' ) { chomp $name; my ( $h, $n ) = split /\t/, $name, 2; $names{chr(hex($h))} = $n; } # load the definitions of "chart" character classes # and unassigned ranges: my $last_end = -1; ( my $blocks_path = $INC{'unicore/Name.pl'} ) =~ s/Name.pl/Blocks.txt/; open( BLKS, "<", $blocks_path ); while () { next unless ( /^([0-9A-F]+)\.\.([0-9A-F]+); (.*)/ ); my ( $bgn, $end, $name ) = ( $1, $2, $3 ); $bgn = chr( hex( $bgn )); $class_def{$bgn}{limit} = chr( hex( $end )); $class_def{$bgn}{title} = $name; if ( $last_end+1 != ord( $bgn )) { for my $val ( $last_end+1 .. ord($bgn)-1 ) { $unassigned{chr($val)} = undef; } } if ( $name =~ /Surrogate|Privat Use/ ) { for my $chr ( $bgn .. $class_def{$bgn}{limit} ) { $unassigned{$chr} = $name; } } $last_end = hex( $end ); } my $max_bin = 0; if ( @ARGV == 0 ) { binmode STDIN, $inmode; $max_bin = count_chars( \%char_hist ); } else { my $lcl_max; for my $file ( @ARGV ) { $lcl_max = count_chars( \%char_hist, $file, $inmode ); $max_bin = $lcl_max if ( $max_bin < $lcl_max ); } } my $nwidth = 1 + int( log( $max_bin ) / log( 10 )); my $nonchrformat = "%04X %${nwidth}d %s\n"; my $lblformat = ( $opt{names} ) ? "\t%${nwidth}d %s" : "\t%${nwidth}d"; my $chrformat = ( $opt{hexonly} ) ? "%04X$lblformat\n" : ( $opt{hex} ) ? "%04X %4s$lblformat\n" : "%4s$lblformat\n"; # check for malformed characters and adjust histogram if needed for my $char ( keys %char_hist ) { my $charnum = ( $char eq "\x00" ) ? 0 : ord( $char ) || 0xFFFD; if ( $charnum == 0xFFFD ) { $char_hist{chr($charnum)} += $char_hist{$char}; delete $char_hist{$char}; } } my @outorder; if ( not exists( $opt{top} )) { @outorder = sort keys %char_hist; } elsif ( $opt{top} != 0 ) { $opt{top} = scalar keys %char_hist if ( $opt{top} < 0 ); @outorder = ( sort {$char_hist{$b} <=> $char_hist{$a}} keys %char_hist )[0 .. $opt{top}-1]; } my %symbols = ( " " => 'SPC', "\t" => 'TAB', "\n" => 'LFD', "\r" => 'RTN', "\x00" => 'NUL', "\x7F" => 'DEL', "\xA0" => 'NBSP', ); for my $char ( @outorder ) { my $chrnum = ord( $char ); if ( exists( $unassigned{$char} ) or $chrnum > $last_end ) { my $status = $unassigned{$char} || 'unassigned'; printf( $nonchrformat, $chrnum, $char_hist{$char}, $status ); next; } my @args = (); push @args, $chrnum if ( $chrformat =~ /X/ ); if ( ! $opt{hexonly} ) { push @args, (( exists( $symbols{$char} )) ? $symbols{$char} : ( $char lt ' ' || $char =~ /\x80-\x9F/ ) ? sprintf( "\\x%02x", $chrnum ) : $char ); } push @args, $char_hist{$char}; push @args, $names{$char} if ( $opt{names} ); printf( $chrformat, @args ); } if ( $opt{blocks} ) { count_classes( \%char_hist, \%class_def, \%unassigned, \%class_hist ); print "\n"; for my $class ( sort keys %class_def ) { printf( "%04x-%04x %d\t%s\n", ord($class), ord($class_def{$class}{limit}), $class_hist{$class}, $class_def{$class}{title} ) if ( $class_hist{$class} ); } printf( "xxxx-xxxx %d\t unassigned\n", $class_hist{unassigned} ) if ( $class_hist{unassigned} ); } sub count_chars { my ( $hist, $file, $mode ) = @_; my $fh; if ( defined $file ) { open( $fh, "<$mode", $file ) or die "$file: $!"; } else { $fh = \*STDIN; } while ( <$fh> ) { for my $ch ( split // ) { $$hist{$ch}++; } } my $max = 0; for my $c ( keys %$hist ) { $max = $$hist{$c} if ( $max < $$hist{$c} ); } return $max; } sub count_classes { my ( $ch_hist, $cl_def, $non_chr, $cl_hist ) = @_; my @start = sort keys %$cl_def; my $bgn = shift @start; for my $chr ( sort keys %$ch_hist ) { if ( exists( $$non_chr{$chr} )) { my $class = $$non_chr{$chr} || 'unassigned'; $$cl_hist{$class}++; next; } while ( @start and $chr gt $$cl_def{$bgn}{limit} ) { $bgn = shift @start; } if ( $chr gt $$cl_def{$bgn}{limit} ) { $$cl_hist{unassigned} += $$ch_hist{$chr}; } else { $$cl_hist{$bgn} += $$ch_hist{$chr}; } } } sub listEncodings { # user is asking for help: list all available encodings my ( $Usage, @enclist ) = @_; my $colwidth = length( (sort {length($b) <=> length($a)} @enclist)[0] ) + 2; my $ncol = int( 80/$colwidth ); my $nrow = int( scalar(@enclist)/$ncol ); $nrow++ if ( scalar(@enclist) % $ncol ); my $fmt = "%-${colwidth}s"; print $Usage, "\n Acceptable values for ENC are:\n"; foreach my $r ( 0 .. $nrow ) { foreach my $c ( 0 .. $ncol ) { my $i = $c * $nrow + $r; printf( $fmt, $enclist[$i] ); } print "\n"; } exit( 0 ); }