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Re: Searching text files

by ikegami (Patriarch)
on Sep 14, 2006 at 19:39 UTC ( [id://572991]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Searching text files

There is a lot you can do to make your code better, as shown below. Note that this will not make your code faster.

  • Localize your variables (using my).
  • Localize file handles too, after making them lexicals. (Now that they're scoped, close is no longer needed.)
  • Use strict to make sure your variables are localized.
  • Use warnings to detect errors.
  • Don't open four files when you only need to open one or two.
  • Indent properly.
  • Use the safer 3-arg open.
  • Don't hardcode the area codes.
  • Don't use regexp to search for strings. Use index for a great speed boost.
use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec qw( ); use IO::Dir qw( ); my $dir = 'E:\\Documents and Settings\\ebrine'; my $cell = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'Cell.txt'); my %area_codes = map { /(\d+)/; $1 => File::Spec->catfile($dir, $_) } grep /^\d+\.txt\z/i, IO::Dir->new($dir)->read(); my $num; ... Tk code ... sub search { my $found = 0; my @number = split(/-/, $num); my $search_text = join '', @number; my $file = $area_codes{$num[0]}; if (defined $file) { open(my $fh, '<', $file) or die("Unable to open file for areacode $num[0]: $!\n"); $found = search_file($fh, $search_text); } if (not $found) { open(my $fh, '<', $cell) or die("Unable to open file for cellphones: $!\n"); $found = search_file($fh, $search_text); } ... Show results ... } sub search_file { my ($fh, $search_text) = @_; while (<$fh>) { return 1 if index($_, $search_text) >= 0; ... Update ticker ... } return; }

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