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Re: Sinusoidal japh

by liverpole (Monsignor)
on Aug 27, 2006 at 19:07 UTC ( [id://569892]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Sinusoidal japh

++imp on a nice theme for a first Japh!

A little formatting of the script, and your presentation could even hint at the output:

print+ join $ x,@$_, $/for map{@ $_->[0 ]}map {[[map {push@ $a,1; int 8 *sin $_ *.1== $b-8? (j,a,p ,h)[@ $a%4] :$"}+ @$_], $b++] }([1.. 80])x16;

By the way, it occurred to me that changing "==" to "<=" will integrate the sine wave:

hjaphjaphj + japhjaphjaphjap + hjaphjaphjaphjaphj + aphjaphjaphjaphjaphja + japhjaphjaphjaphjaphjap + phjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphj + aphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphja + a hjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphj + ap aphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphja + aph japhjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjap + aphja hjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphj + aphjap aphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphja + aphjaphj hjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjap + aphjaphjap aphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjap + aphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjaphjap


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Re^2: Sinusoidal japh
by imp (Priest) on Aug 28, 2006 at 02:41 UTC
    Good idea on the formatting. It adds a lot to the presentation.

    Here's the beta version of the the fish variant:

    print join('', @$_) ,"\n" for map {@$_ -> [0] }map {[[map{@$a =( @$a,$c=abs int sin( $_* 0.1)* 6>=abs($b -6));$c?[J,A,P,H]-> [$#$a%4] :' '}@$_],$b++,]} ([1..44])x12;

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