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Measuring MySQL resources consumption on Linux

by gmax (Abbot)
on Jul 06, 2006 at 10:54 UTC ( [id://559540]=CUFP: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

This script finds how much a MySQL process is using on a Linux box. It can be used, with slight modification, to measure any other threading process. Just find a way of passing a PID to the script.

For a detailed explanation of what this script does, you can read this article (off site).

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use English qw( -no_match_vars ); use Getopt::Long; use Data::Dumper; our $VERSION = q{1.0}; $ENV{ 'PATH' } = '~/bin:' . $ENV{ 'PATH' }; my $DEBUG = $ENV{ 'DEBUG' } || 0; # # The program options, for command line processing # my %parse_options = ( output_format => { value => 'plain', parse => 'f|format=s', so => 1, help => [ 'The output format. {plain|perl} (Default: pl +ain)' ], }, mysql_user => { value => undef, parse => 'u|user=s', so => 2, help => [ 'The user name used with mysql client. (Defau +lt: none)' ], }, mysql_password => { value => undef, parse => 'p|password=s', so => 3, help => [ 'The password used with mysql client. (Defaul +t: none)' ], }, mysql_client => { value => 'mysql', parse => 'm|mysql=s', so => 4, help => [ 'The mysql client. You may add options after +the file name (default: "mysql")' ], }, print_pstree => { value => 0, parse => 'pstree', so => 5, help => [ 'Print a Process tree after the normal output +. (Default: No)' ], }, help => { value => 0, parse => 'help', so => 6, help => [ 'Display this help' ], }, ); my %options = map { $_ , $parse_options{$_}{'value'}} keys %parse_opt +ions; GetOptions ( map { $parse_options{ $_ }{ 'parse' }, \$options{ $_ } } grep { $parse_options{ $_ }{ 'parse' }} keys %parse_options ) or get_help( q{!} ); get_help() if $options{'help'}; # # Check if we are running under Linux. # This method of collecting performance data does not # work under other operating systems # unless ($OSNAME =~ /linux/i) { die "This program can only work with a GNU/Linux OS\n"; } # # The client used to connect to the database server. # You can add appropriate username and password with # the options -u and -p, unless you have a .my.cnf # file in your home directory # my $MYSQL_CLIENT = sprintf "%s %s %s", $options{ 'mysql_client' }, $options{ 'mysql_user' } ? " -u $options{ 'mysql_user' } " : q +{}, $options{ 'mysql_password' } ? " -p$options{ 'mysql_password' +} " : q{}; # # Get the hostname, so your information will be tagged # to the appropriate host, if you collect this data from # several servers. # my $hostname = get_from_shell(q{ hostname }); # # Check if mysqld is running # get_from_shell(q{ pgrep mysqld }, 1) or die "mysqld is not running\n"; # # Get the PID file name # my $pid_info = get_from_shell( qq($MYSQL_CLIENT -N -e 'show variables like "pid_file"') ); $pid_info or die "unable to get mysqld pid file\n"; my ($pid_file) = $pid_info =~ m/ ^ # start of string \s* # blanks (if any) \w+ # skip the first word \s* # ignore any spaces (\S+) # get a chunk of non-blanks (the file name) /x; # # Get mysqld PID # my ($mysqld_pid) = file_slurp( $pid_file ); unless ($mysqld_pid and ( $mysqld_pid =~ m/ ^ # start of string \d+ # all numeric $ # end of string /x ) ) { die "could not get a valid PID\n"; } my $statinfo = get_pid_stats($mysqld_pid); # # Get the user (ID and name) under which mysqld is running # my $UID = $statinfo->{ 'Uid' }; my $USER = getpwuid( $UID ); # # Recursively search for mysqld_safe PID. # This loop stops when either a process named mysqlmanager, or mysqld_ +safe, # or safe_mysqld is found (MySQL 3.23 uses a different name) # or a parent with PID 1 is found (this should account for a starting # script with a non-standard name) # You may get you an incorrect result if you started mysqld manually # from the command line. # while ( !( ($statinfo->{ 'PPid' } == 1) # parent is /sbin/init or ( $statinfo->{ 'Name' } =~ / ^ # start of string (?: # name is one of the following safe_mysqld # ... the standard name | mysqld_safe # ... or the old name | mysqlmanager # ... or the new manager ) # end of group $ # end of string /x) )) { $statinfo = get_pid_stats($statinfo->{ 'PPid' }); } my $mysqldsafe_pid = $statinfo->{ 'Pid' }; my %INFO = ( hostname => $hostname, mysqld_pid => $mysqld_pid, pid_file => $pid_file, user => { name => $USER, UID => $UID }, mysqld_safe => $mysqldsafe_pid, ); # # Get information about CPU and memory usage # for the mysqld process # my $process_list = get_from_shell ( "ps -o pcpu,pmem,vsz,rss,dsiz $mys +qld_pid" ); # # Get the CPU load for all the processes under mysqld_safe # and calculate the average # my $pstree = `pstree -p $mysqldsafe_pid`; my $total_cpu_load = 0; my $active_pid_num = 0; my @pids = $pstree =~ m/\( (\d+) \)/xg; my $pid_num = @pids; my $plist = get_from_shell( "ps -o pcpu @pids", 1); # # Get the load for each PID # while ( $plist =~ /^\s* (\d+\.\d+)/gmx) { $total_cpu_load += $1; $active_pid_num++; } # # calculate the average, avoiding any division by zero traps # my $avg_cpu_load = $total_cpu_load ? $total_cpu_load / $active_pid_num + : 0 ; # # Extract process details # if ( $process_list =~ m/ \s* (\d+\.\d+) # percentage cpu \s+ (\d+\.\d+) # percentage memory \s+ (\d+) # virtual memory size \s+ (\d+) # resident set size \s+ (\d+) # data size /x) { $INFO{ 'mysql_load' } = { avg_perc_cpu => $avg_cpu_load, perc_memory => $2, vmem_size => $3, res_set_size => $4, data_size => $5, pids => $pid_num, active_pids => $active_pid_num, }; } # # Get the global server load info # my ($server_load) = file_slurp( '/proc/loadavg' ); if ( $server_load =~ m/ \s* (\d+\.\d+) # cpu load average last 5 minutes \s+ (\d+\.\d+) # cpu load average last 10 minutes \s+ (\d+\.\d+) # cpu load average last 15 minutes /x ) { $INFO{ 'server_load' } = { cpu5 => $1, cpu10 => $2, cpu15 => $3, }; } # # Get the number of open files for the mysqld process. # Notice that you won't be able to access this list as # a normal user if mysqld_safe was launched by root. # my @file_descriptors = glob "/proc/$mysqld_pid/fd/*"; $INFO{ 'open_files' } = scalar @file_descriptors; if ($options{ 'output_format' } eq 'perl') { perl_output( \%INFO ); } elsif ($options{ 'output_format' } eq 'plain') { plain_output(\%INFO); } else { die "unrecognized output format ($options{ 'output_format' })\n"; } if ($options{ 'print_pstree' }) { print "\n", $pstree; } # # subs follow # # # the plain text report # sub plain_output { my ($info) = @_; my $template = <<'END_PLAIN'; hostname : %10s mysql_pid : %10d pid_file : %s mysqld_safe : %10d open_files : %10d user ---- name : %10s UID : %10d mysql_load ---------- avg_perc_cpu : %10.2f perc_memory : %10.2f vmem_size : %10d res_set_size : %10d data_size : %10d pids : %10d active_pids : %10d server_load ----------- cpu5 : %10.2f cpu10 : %10.2f cpu15 : %10.2f END_PLAIN print credits(), "\n"; printf $template, @$info{qw( hostname mysqld_pid pid_file mysqld_safe open_files + ) }, $info->{ 'user' }{ 'name' }, $info->{ 'user' }{ 'UID' }, $info->{ 'mysql_load' }{ 'avg_perc_cpu' }, $info->{ 'mysql_load' }{ 'perc_memory' }, $info->{ 'mysql_load' }{ 'vmem_size' }, $info->{ 'mysql_load' }{ 'res_set_size' }, $info->{ 'mysql_load' }{ 'data_size' }, $info->{ 'mysql_load' }{ 'pids' }, $info->{ 'mysql_load' }{ 'active_pids' }, $info->{ 'server_load' }{ 'cpu5' }, $info->{ 'server_load' }{ 'cpu10' }, $info->{ 'server_load' }{ 'cpu15' }; } # # the report in Perl format. # Useful for loading it from another program, or to # pipe it (see help for examples) # sub perl_output { my ($info) = @_; print Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $info ], ['INFO'] ); } # # reads the file /proc/PID/status # and returns a hash with its values # sub get_pid_stats { my ($pid) = @_; my %stat_info; my @pid_status = file_slurp ( "/proc/$pid/status" ); for my $line (@pid_status) { my ($key, $value) = $line =~ m/ ^ # start of string (\w+) # first word : # a colon \s+ # skip any blanks (\S+) # the first chunk of non-blank characters /x ; next unless $key; $stat_info{$key} = $value; } return \%stat_info; } # # reads a file and returns an array # (one element for each line) # sub file_slurp { my ($filename) = @_; print "reading $filename\n" if $DEBUG; $filename or die "can't open a empty filename\n"; open my $FD, q{<}, $filename or die "can't open $filename ($ERRNO)\n"; my @contents = <$FD>; chomp @contents; close $FD; return @contents; } # # executes a shell command # and returns its output # sub get_from_shell { my ($cmd, $ignore_error) = @_; my $result; print "executing $cmd\n" if $DEBUG >= 1; $result = qx{$cmd} ; if ( $CHILD_ERROR and ! $ignore_error ) { warn "'$cmd' returned error $CHILD_ERROR.\n"; } chomp $result; print "$result\n" if $DEBUG >= 2; return $result; } # # Help for this program # sub get_help { my ($msg) = @_; my $HELP_MSG = q{}; for my $op ( sort { $parse_options{$a}{ 'so' } <=> $parse_options{$ +b}{ 'so' } } grep { $parse_options{$_}{ 'parse' }} keys %parse_opt +ions ) { my $param = $parse_options{$op}{ 'parse' }; my $param_str = q{ }; my ($short, $long ) = $param =~ / (?: (\w) \| )? (\S+) /x; if ($short) { $param_str .= q{-} . $short . q{ }; } $long =~ s/ = s \@? / = name/x; $long =~ s/ = i / = number/x; $param_str .= q{--} . $long; $param_str .= (q{ } x (40 - length($param_str)) ); my $text_items = $parse_options{$op}{ 'help' }; for my $titem (@{$text_items}) { $HELP_MSG .= $param_str . $titem . "\n"; $param_str = q{ } x 40; } if (@{$text_items} > 1) { $HELP_MSG .= "\n"; } # $HELP_MSG .= "\n"; } if ($msg) { warn "[***] $msg\n\n"; } print credits(),"\n", "syntax: $PROGRAM_NAME [options] \n", $HELP_MSG; print "\n You may get output in other formats, by piping the 'p +erl' output\n", " for example: \n ", $PROGRAM_NAME, q{ -f perl | perl -MYAML -0ne 'eval $_; print Dump $INFO'}, "\n", " or: \n ", $PROGRAM_NAME, q{ -f perl | perl -MXML::Simple -0ne 'eval $_; print XMLout +$INFO, AttrIndent=>1'}, "\n\n"; if ($msg) { exit 1; } else { exit 0; } } # # Who made it # sub credits { my $CREDITS = qq( The MySQL Resource Locator, version $VERSION\n) . qq( (C) 2006 Giuseppe Maxia, Stardata s.r.l.\n); return $CREDITS; }

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Re: Measuring MySQL resources consumption on Linux
by kyle (Abbot) on Dec 13, 2007 at 22:27 UTC
    # # calculate the average, avoiding any division by zero traps # my $avg_cpu_load = $total_cpu_load ? $total_cpu_load / $active_pid_num + : 0 ;

    I'd think if you want to avoid division by zero, you'd need to check the denominator for zero-ness rather than the numerator. That is:

    my $avg_cpu_load = $active_pid_num ? $total_cpu_load / $active_pid_num + : 0;

    Or am I misunderstanding something here?

      if there is a tee in my.cnf, demo mysql tee = mysql.log mysql -u read -pread -N -e 'show variables like "pid_file"' get: Logging to file 'mysql.log' pid_file /path/to/var/ mysqlresources buddy read the first line set pid_file="to" reply to:

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